I recently had the pleasure of interviewing David Hoffeld the author of a newly released book entitled “The Science of Selling“.  If you are someone who is in sales or marketing, then I would highly recommend you reading David’s new book.

David spent ten years studying what effects the buying patterns of consumers.  During this time David learned about the behavioral science behind “why” someone purchases goods or services from you versus from someone else.  He refers to this as the Six Whys, which starts with “Why Change?”, second is “Why Now?, third “Why Your Industry Solution?”, fourth “Why You and Your Company?”, fifth “Why Your Product or Service? sixth “Why Spend the Money“.

These are obviously great questions and throughout the book David answer the questions that will make you a better salesperson.  You will literally learn how to sell the way the brain constructs a buying decision, how to ethically sell to your potential customers emotions , how to ask questions the way our brains intuitively disclose information, how to boost your ability to influence other.

If you want more information about David Hoffeld you can check him out at his website by clicking here, or you can watch a great video at YouTube by clicking here.

I hope you enjoy this great interview with a thought leader in the area of sales and selling.


Fear is something that is immobilizing, it keeps us from spreading our wings and doing things that we might not otherwise do.  If you are an entrepreneur then you have to be a bit of a risk taker, and willing to be afraid.  You are venturing into unchartered waters and have to learn along the way.

I had the pleasure of doing this interview with Peter I Scott IV the author of a book entitled ” The Fearless Mindset-The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Getting Fit in Less Time, Double Your Income & Become Unstoppable“.   Sound great doesn’t it?  I am pleased to report that Peter is a thriving entrepreneur and he has had to face many major fears in his life.   He spoke with me about the irrational fears and the rational fears, and how many of our fears are irrational once you take a deeper look at how the fear manifest in our lives.  Take for instance the fear of speaking in front of a crowd of people.  It is reported that this is the #1 fear for many people.  Most people would rather do anything other than speak in from of a group of people.  Usually that fear comes from our insecurity and that we might look bad in the eyes of others, we won’t be enough.

So how would you replace that fear and displace it from your mind—know you are enough, that you are confident and secure in who and what you are.  Exude confidence and understand that most of the audience does not know as much about what you are going to speak about as you do.  Reaffirm this through positive self-talk.

Peter said that one of the most profound pieces of wisdom he ever learned was from psychologist Fritz Pearl.  Fritz Pearl said “Fear is excitement with breath”  The lesson here is to breath, your breath is so important to calming you down and grounding your body.  Peter recommends yoga, meditation or any practice that will help to center you and focus on your breath to overcome your fears.

If you want to learn more about Peter I Scott IV and is upcoming 3-day course please click here to be directed to the website.

If you want to sign up for Peter’s newsletter just click here.  I hope you enjoy this great interview with Peter I Scott IV the author of “The Fearless Mindset“.


This book is for anyone, it is a book for those who are willing to take charge of their destinies, beat the odds and create opportunity to pursue dreams on their own terms.

I recently sat down to conduct this podcast interview with Jonas Koffler one of three authors that makes up the team who wrote “Hustle-The Power to Charge Your Life with Money, Meaning, and Momentum.”  Hustle addresses the political, social and economic issues that plague the American citizen attempting to have more meaning and money in their lives.

Jonas states “The “American Dream” is not longer about advancement or the acquisition of material possessions–secure job, car, home, family or even social mobility–alone. It is about greater freedom and autonomy to choose one’s own path forward.  The American Dream is more of a DIY creative project than is has ever been, and hustle is the way to achieving it, surfacing one’s talents, capturing luck and opportunity, and leveraging skills and technology into a diversified portfolio of upward optionality.”

The authors definition of “hustle’ has been redefined to mean “Decisive movement toward a goal, however indirect, by which the motion itself manufactures luck, surfaces hidden opportunities, and charges our live with more money, meaning and momentum. “

If you want to change the trajectory of you life I highly recommend reading “Hustle” and listening to this interview.  You can also join the “Hustle’ generation by joining the authors on their quest.

Just click this link to take you to their book landing page.  I hope you enjoy my interview with Jonas Koffler one of the authors of “Hustle“.


In my interview with author Catherine Nomura we discuss the importance of defining your skills and strengths and how important that is to your personal happiness and career development.  In a new book and accompanying workbook entitled “Unique Ability 2.0” Catherine with her two co-authors Julia & Shannon Waller guide the reader through a series of exercises designed to unveil your true talents and abilities.  This book and workbook are brilliant in that they get you to get outside yourself and discover your true talents, passion and purpose.

This team of authors has developed tools like the “activity inventory” designed to allow you to peer into things that you do daily that give you joy and fulfillment.  It also informs you about the things you are doing that you don’t like doing. You will find insights about yourself that are difficult to examine unless you slow down and observe.  This activity inventory exercise is designed to get you to observe your actions, and identify the ones that you love.

You then move into the “activity snapshot” where you reorganize your activities into categories so you can have a clear snapshot of how you’re spending your time.  This exercise give you the opportunity to see how you use your time daily, and determine how you will change the course regarding the application of your time.   Where are you energized, what fulfills you and how would you spend more time doing the activities that bring joy in your life?

If these are some of your questions, and you are on a quest to change how your life is both personally and professionally then I highly recommend reading “Unique Ability 2.0“.  You can learn more and take a free assessment by clicking this link.

I encourage you to listen to my interview with Catherine Nomura, you will be pleased that you did and probably learn more about your unique abilities.


Bill Jensen is a returning guest to Inside Personal Growth.  This time he joins me to discuss a book he published sometime ago called The Simplicity Survival Handbook.  Simplicity is something that we all need a bit more of in our lives. We have become more inundated with complexity in our world as a result of the speed of transmission of information, and the devices that keep us tethered every minute.   We are spending more time on email, distracted by social media not to mention that the devices are “always on” which leads to us being so distracted that we are not paying attention to our most important relationship–our family.

Simplicity is the power to do less (of what does not matter), simplicity is the power to do more (of what does matter), states Jensen. Bill guides the reader on how to reduce email clutter, write shorter emails, go to fewer meetings, how to quickly communicate with anyone more effectively, how to leave shorter voicemails and much more.

If you are like most technology workers your day is filled with emails, voicemails, texts, meetings and attempting to put out fires and solve problems.  Now this is what you are probably paid to do, but what if you could shift some of those activities to more productive and creative endeavors?  Imagine the value you would bring to your organization, and how much better you would feel everyday.

I encourage you to listen to and implement some of the thirty-two techniques that Bill Jensen writes about in his book “The Simplicity Survival Handbook“.  You can learn more about Bill Jensen by clicking here to be directed to his website.  You can also watch a presentation on the Future of Work Bill did in 2015 by clicking here.


If you are interested in your personal growth, you have to be interested in what makes you tick regarding setting goals.  Have you ever wondered why you achieve some goals, and others just seem like they are miles away and you may never get there?

There are obviously lots of physiological reasons for this , and in a recent interview with Edwin Locke Phd about his book “New Developments in Goal Setting and Task Performance” he unlocks many of the reasons from our personal motivations, to our values and the role of the subconscious mind. Edwin Locke PhD is the de facto resource when it comes to research on goal setting.  My interview with him was one of the most enlightening interviews of the over 575 interviews I have completed.

During our interview we covered topics regarding the commitment to our goals, the role that feedback plays in achievement of our goals and the simple truths about self-regulation in goal setting.  If you are at all interested in improving your game when it comes to setting and achieving goals then you will want to listen to my interview with Edwin Locke Phd.

You can learn more about Dr. Locke and his writings by clicking here to be directed to his website.  Please note the book is really a textbook and might be a bit heavy for casual reading, but if you are really into figuring out the pitfalls and “why” of goal setting them purchase the book.


I recently interviewed a friend from Canada that owns a wonderful learning company called “Readitfor.me“.  Steve Cunningham is the founder and mastermind behind an amazing book summaries company that creates the content in both a visual format as well as auditory and downloadable text.  The Readitfor.me platform works for both individuals that have big appites for learning, and is idealiy designed for companies that are looking for ways to provide their workforce with softskills training at a very reasonable price.   It is a wonderful way for lunch and learn sessions that will be championed by someone within the organization.  It is efficient, effective and allows for rapid learning and retention of the material all while learning in a group environment.

Readitfor.me has a library of in excess of 275 current business books that have been summarized, and Steve is rapidly working to increase the library by reviewing a book per day.  Believe me you will not run out of interesting learning material and content that is timeless and very useful in the growth and development of any size organization.

In my interview with Steve we discuss how he launched Readitfor.me and his passion behind the company.  I think you will find our interview to be very informative, allowing you to get insight on how the Readitfor.me platform works. You are also provided with an opportunity to sign up for a free 7-day trial of the platform.

If you want to get more information about Readitfor.me and sign up for the free trial please click on any of the links.  If you want to sign up through your Linkedin account you can do that as well.

I hope you enjoy this interview with founder of Readitfor.me Steve Cunningham, hope you enjoy your 7-day free trial.


There is not a person working in business or starting a business that is not looking to find ways and techniques to become more productive.  Most of us have heard David Allen and his process called Getting Things Done, and believe me this system if implemented and followed works wonderfully.

I recently was introduced to Ben Elijah the author of “The Productivity Habits“.  Ben has been studying how we as human beings interact with information.  In other words how we manage information as it comes across our transit.

In his new book  “The Productivity Habits” you will learn ways to capture, process and use the right tools to organize and archive the information so is can be retrieved when you want it, where you want it and how you want it.   As Ben writes ” Productivity is not about how much stuff you’re able to produce, how smart you’re able to work or your ability to juggle lots of spinning plates.  Nor is it your ability to succeed at a job that you hate.  Rather, it’s a matter of mastery and perspective.  Mastery over yourself and your resources, and the perspective to decide what’s truly important to what deserves your attention.”   

If you are feeling overwhelmed with your work and processing project after project, then you will want to read Ben’s new book “The Productivity Habits“.  It is a simple read, as a matter of fact you can probably read it in one setting.  The book is part of Lid Publishing series called Concise Advice for business people that are time bound.

Please check out Ben’s website and blog by clicking here, or visit his Twitter posts by clicking here.  I hope you enjoy our interview together, and here is to you being more productive yet with more happiness in your life!!!!!