Podcast 739: The Sketchnote Ideabook with Mike Rohde

If you are a Sketchnote fan like myself, then you are not going to want to miss an opportunity to get in on the Kickstarter campaign by Mike Rohde. Mike is the gentleman who illustrated my book, “Hacking the Gap – A Journey from Intuition to Innovation and Beyond“.

I recently conducted this interview because almost anything that Mike does is worth checking out, and especially if you are a fan of Sketchnoting like myself.  If you are not a Sketchnoter but are just looking for a really high quality ideabook to springboard your ideas into products, services or whatever you are dreaming to do,  then you will want to participate in the Kickstarter campaign for the Sketchnote Ideabook.

I hope you enjoy this great interview with the idea guy Mike Rohde about this exciting new Ideabook that he has developed in conjunction with Airship Notesbooks.  Just click here to be taken to the Kickstarter video and page explaining the Ideabook and Mike’s vision behind this great Ideabook that anyone can use to capture their crazy ideas.


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