Inside Personal Growth with Greg Voisen · Podcast 1132: Healing and Cancer with Dr. Wayne Jonas For today’s episode, Dr. Wayne Jonas shared profound insights

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Inside Personal Growth with Greg Voisen · Podcast 790: You Can't Do It Alone with Maria Quiban Whitesell Coping with the loss of a loved

Arlene BlixI recently attended a Healthy People Conference at Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, CA and was introduced to Arlene Blix by a very good friend of mine Dr. Steven Bizal.  I soon realized that Arlene had published a book about her journey through grief, loss and survival as a result of her husbands struggle and ultimate death from liver cancer.

The book is aptly titled “Blindsided” which is what many people who go through an experience like Arlene’s feel like, at least that was the case for Arlene.  Her husband was the image of perfect health, and suddenly started having leg pain then intestinal issues before being diagnosed with liver cancer.

This book is as much about Arlene’s journey with her husband Glen, but it also brings to light the feelings emotions and the roller coster ride that the loved ones take when cancer strikes so close to home.

I know that many of you know my personal family experience, my eldest son at the age of 21 was diagnosed with Leukemia.  I took Arlene’s journey, and am well aware of the grief, and emotional pain that one experiences when a loved one is battling cancer.

Frequently,  I think that the people who are diagnosed are more prepared than the families and spouses.  At least this was the case with Glen.  As a matter of fact he stated to Arlene that he was prepared to die, and that he had a good life.  He was spiritual and had a wonderful relationship with God–death was an opportunity to reunite with God.  A relationship likes Glen  is so important in facing our impermanence, it makes the journey through death so much easier.

What I loved about Glen’s message in the book “Blindsided” is that he challenged all that knew him to serve humanity, and to maintain connections and model love.  What a wonderful way to leave your legacy.  Eight three people came to Glen’s and Arlene’s home for what was referred to as a “living funeral”.  An opportunity to say good by, acknowledge and honor someone you love before their death.  What a beautiful way to help someone move into the hereafter.

On March 19, 2002 at 9:50PM Glen took his last breath and moved into the heavens. Arlene’s book is a tribute to a man who really knew the meaning of life.  I encourage you to love, live and connect with others this is such an important part of being able to move through the grieving process.


If you want more information about Arlene and her work as a grief counselor, please click here to be directed to her website. I hope you enjoy this interview with Arlene Blix the author of “Blindsided“.

Inside Personal Growth with Greg Voisen · Podcast 304: Embrace, Release, Heal: An Empowering Guide to Treating Cancer w/ Leigh Fortson I recently had the

William BengstonI know that there are many people who are strong believers in hands on healing, so for those of you who just might be a lot or a little skeptical then this interview with Bill Bengston is a must listen.

Bill Bengston has been doing laboratory experiments on mice for years, and has on countless occasions reproduced healing of cancer in mice utilizing the hand on healing process.   Most importantly the hands on healing technique is not an innate gift you are born with, it can be learned and reproduced over and over again by almost anyone.

Sounds almost impossible, but it is true and Bill Bengston in his new book entitled “The Energy Cure” outlines the process as well as discusses the laboratory experiments where mice have been healed from malignant tumors and and once healed then re-injected with cancer the mice did not have a reoccurrence of the disease.

Bill has discovered through his own research that products dispensed by pharmaceutical companies as tried, tested, and true often owe their advertised benefits to the interpretation of experimental finding rather than to irrefutable facts. He states “that perhaps this is the reason for so many drugs recalls due to toxic or unpleasant side effects.  This suggest to Bill that populations into which a drug is introduced are often part of an extended human experiment.

Hand-on healing has the advantage of being completely safe.  Its principles underlie Eastern healing practices such as acupuncture and yoga, which are backed by four thousand year of tradition.  They are also supported by quantum physics, which describes the material world in terms of energy fields.

If you want to learn more about the hands-on healing techniques I recommend that you visit Bill’s website by clicking here.  The website is complete with resources, and research papers to back up Bill’s hands on healing techniques.  Enjoy this great interview with a author, and researcher who has traveled the path of healing maybe just more convention than you might think.