I met author Chris Snider at a Exit Planning Institute meeting here in San Diego.  As I listened to him speak, everything he was saying resonated with me personally and professionally.  How many of you reading this blog entry have businesses and are making an effort to build the value in the business, but it seems to be a struggle?  Believe me this is not uncommon, it happens more that most business owners think.  Dealing with the challenge of building value in your business, not just working for an above average salary with nothing left in the end to sell.

In Chris’s new book “Walking to Destiny-11 Actions An Owner Must Take to Rapidly Grow Value & Unlock Wealth” he points out the reasons why business owners don’t not build value, and the solutions to building great value in your business.  Chris is the designer of a process called the “Value Acceleration Methodology” which is the formula that he developed and can help any business owner build value, and sell their business when they decide to transition for a value that they expect and are happy with.

If you are a baby boomer and own you own business chances are you are going to have to make the decision to create your succession plan very soon.  In the next 20 years over 20 trillion dollars in business value will be sold, transferred to the next generation or merged with other acquiring company.  This is a huge problem, and opportunity for you the business owner to take action and create value now so you get the most for your business when you choose to sell.

I would encourage you to listen to this podcast with Chris, for he is one of the leading experts in the field of exit planning.  His organization Exit Planning Institute help advisors get certified as CEPA’s (Certified Exit Planning Advisors).  Enjoy this great interview with Chris Snider the author of “Walking to Destiny” it’s worth your time to read his book and if you have a business and are attempting to create greater value this book is a must!!!!

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing a young new author and coach by the name of Zander Fryer.  Zander and several other authors co-authored a book with Jack Canfield entitled ” Mastering the Art of Success“.

In my interview with Zander, I get the opportunity to explore the journey and path that Zander took to become a top-notch coach as well as learn about his personal passion for helping his clients find and live their purpose.  Early in Zanders career, he made some mistakes and those mistakes lead him down a path to become one of the top systems architects at a major software company.  Then one day one of his mentors ask Zander a question that changed his life forever.  “What would you do if you could not fail?”  Zander had a passion for leading which came from his experience in being in the ROTC, and with that passion, he developed his own coaching organization.

Zander has studied under the best–Jack Canfield and advocates to his clients to find their joy in life and by knowing that you will live a life filled with more abundance, happiness, and fulfillment.  Zander has a great exercise to help someone find their life purpose.  He asks you to sit quietly and ask yourself “What is your life purpose?” then write what comes up.  Then he asks you to ask “What is your true-life purpose?” and repeat this about three times.   The purpose of doing this exercise three times that you will most likely get to the true inner purpose and it will help you refine your purpose.

If you want to learn more about Zander please go towww.zanderfryer.com/go.  You can also check him out on Facebook by clicking here.  I hope you enjoy this engaging and lively dialogue with coach and author Zander Fryer.


It is the time of year to get our acts together.  Many of us will be making New Year’s resolutions and setting goals for 2018, all with the good intention of following through in 2018.   We all have different software aids that can help us break old habits–like cloud-based software that will track our exercise and calories. Wearable devices such Fitbit, Garmin, and others.  There is a pleather of software, planners, and books to read to improve the quality of our life.

I personally have found that one of the best ways you can exercise your mental muscle is to reach out to new people and build relationships.  In my interview with Bart Lorang the founder of Full Contact a cloud-based customer relationship management software we discuss the benefits of having a fully integrated system that pulls data from social media together in one spot for our use in learning more about our relationships.

I have personally used the Full Contact Software and find the software to have great features that are highly valuable in helping build strong lasting relationships.  One of the features is the card reader.  You literally can take pictures through an application Full Contact has developed for both Android and IOS of the business cards you receive during your networking, then they will be converted to contacts with a high degree of accuracy into the Full Contact CRM.  In my estimation, this feature is worth the very reasonable annual subscription fee for Full Contact.

I hope you enjoy this podcast with Bart Lorang the founder of Full Contact CRM system.  Enjoy listening.


I know that many of us know the importance of defining and living our purpose, but how many of us really do the work required to define and live our purposes?  I believe that it can be challenging to prevent the inertia from setting in because we are creatures of habit.  We get comfortable with our current situation and year in and year out we just keep doing the same things and wonder why things have not changed.

I know from personal experience that embracing our fears and getting out of our comfort zone requires grit, determination and a willingness to change.  We need to embrace change and do it with zest.

If you are willing to take some risk and step out of your comfort zone as you set your goals for 2018, then this podcast recording with Craig Filek the founder of Purpose Mapping is especially for you.

In my interview with Craig Filek, we discuss his unique process for helping his clients define their life purpose and values.   Craig teaches a course and coaches his clients to not only defining their purpose but living it.  If you want to clarify your strength, embrace your fears, ignite your potential and align your actions with your purpose then you want to listen to this great podcast on Purpose Mapping.

If you would like to test drive Craig’s Purpose Mapping course then I encourage you to click this link to be directed to his website. There you will be taken through a 20-minute video which will inspire and encourage you to define your life purpose.  Craig is engaging and has a compelling message.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful podcast on Purpose Mapping with founder Craig Filek.


I know that personally throughout my career I have made changes and taken course corrections. If you are like many people you may want to make a career course correction but you are uncertain about what your new career path might look like.  There are obviously lots of decision one must make, but in my interview with author Tim Cole, he outlines a great set of guiding principles that I believe would be great to follow.

In Tim’s new book “The Compass Solution” you are 4 P’s which stand for 1) Personal Accountability 2) People 3) Process 4) Perspective.  These main principles are important guideposts for navigating the path to a better career. As Tim states “It is your performance, your goals, and your vision for your life that will dictate your future.  For the remainder of your career, it will be the one thing you can count on and that you can set your course around.  Nothing else and no one else.”

I ask this questions to the listeners of this podcast.  If not now then when?  When will you make that all important decision to make the career change you have been thinking about but afraid to take?   Don’t let your fears hold you back.   Use this podcast and Tim’s book as the tools that can provide you with the courage and strength to make the change.  Allow the important information in the book to be your guide to a better career and life.

If you want to learn more about Tim Cole and his new book “The Compass Solution” please visit his website by clicking here or you can reach out to him via Linkedin by clicking this link.  I hope you enjoy this interview with a Tim Cole the author of “The Compass Solution.

I have interviewed Don Green several times before for previous books that the Napoleon Hill Foundation has released.  In my many years of interviewing I have never found a more genuine and wonderful soul than Don Green the executive director of the foundation.

In this interview, we discuss a newly released book entitled ” How to Own Your Own Mind” by Napoleon Hill.  The content of this book was locked in a vault since 1941 and has never been released before to the general public.

There three major points that this book covers, something called creative vision, organized thought and controlled attention.  This makes up the entire content of “How to Own Your Own Mind” but each section goes into great depth on how to cultivate these characteristics.

In Hill’s interview with Andrew Carnegie, Carnegie states “that creative vision is not just another name of imagination.  It is the ability to recognize opportunities and take action to benefit from them”  Creative vision goes beyond imagination, it is imagination in action.

The second section of this book is about organized thought. Thoughts are things and it is significant that it is one of the few things an individual may control completely.  The key is to learn how to organize and direct your thought toward definite ends.  I speak with Don in our interview about the power of thought and how Hill and Carnegie had mastered the power of organized thought.

The third section is about something Hill refers to as “controlled attention”.  Controlled attention is “mental dynamite” and it is capable of blasting the cause of self-imposed limitations, and giving one the means by which he or she may take charge of his or her own life. Andrew Carnegie included this principle of controlled attention as one of the principles of individual achievement, but even the great steel master failed to associate this principle with the means by which civilization may be advanced.

If you want to read a great book on how to control your mind, then “How to Own Your Own Mind” is the one you want to read.  I encourage you to listen to this interview with Don Green the executive director of Napoleon Hill Foundation and go to the Napoleon Hill Foundation by clicking here for more information.

Enjoy this uplifting interview with Don Green.


Thomas Moore is an author that writes books with meaning and significance, and his new book entitled ” Ageless Soul-The Lifelong Journey Toward Meaning and Joy” is no exception. His ability to weave into words how we are feeling as souls journeying through this lifetime and more importantly our aging process is nothing short of a masterpiece.

Moore provides readers with a new way to think about aging. In contrast to the perception that aging means diminishment, Moore regards aging as the process by which we become more fully ourselves: a series of initiations, rather than losses. “Aging with soul is the process of becoming a full, rich, and interesting person. “Ageless Soul” is a deeply compassionate book on how to find new meaning, vigor, connection and growth in the process of aging.

No matter where you are on the age continuum I believe you will find deep reflective meaning in Thomas Moore’s new book. It will get you thinking about how to live the later years of your life with more significance and meaning. It is filled with stories not only from the author’s own experiences, but of others that are traveling the aging journey as well.

I trust you will enjoy this wonderful interview with Thomas Moore the author of “Ageless Soul“. If you want to find out more about Thomas and his new book please click here to be directed to his website. Enjoy listening!

I just interviewed author Lynn Robinson the author of a new book entitled ” Put Your Intuition to Work“.  I personally have been on a mission to find out as much as possible about how our intuition works, and in the process have found some great author and thought leaders with tremendous knowledge about the topic.

Lynn Robinson is one of those authors and her new book “Put Your Intuition To Work” is a book that provides the reader with greater insights into tapping into their intuition, and very importantly how to apply your insights at work.   As Lynn states in the book ” Your intuition is your inner compass. It delivers the message that you need to head in a new direction and shows you the best to get there. However, sometimes it’s hard to get started.  Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, when through many transitions in life.  He said, “When one door closes, another opens: but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we don’t see the one that has opened for us.”

Are you having a challenge seeing the open door, or getting in touch with your intuition.  Are you asking your intuition questions and waiting for guidance?

If not you will want to read ” Put Your Intuition to Work“.   This book provides inspiring stories, techniques, and practices that will help you open up your intuition so you can more easily listen, feel or see what your intuition is guiding you to do.   If you get that gut feeling about something take the time to do something about it, don’t ignore this sign.

If you want to learn more about tapping your intuition you can click here to be directed to Lynn’s website.  You can also connect with her on Facebook by clicking here.

I hope you enjoy this great interview with an author that has valuable insights to impart about tapping your intuition.

I recently conducted an interview with author Chris Barez Brown about his book entitled ” Wake-Up“–Podcast # 645.  I had such a great experience and interview with Chris that I invited him back to speak about his new book entitled “Shine, How To Survive And Thrive At Work“.

We all spend a lot of time at our work, so having fun and enjoying our work is so important to remain engaged.  In my interview with Chris, we discuss the many great ideas about how to keep our work fun and stay engaged.

Just one of the ideas includes a concept he calls “Who’s Elvis Around Here?” This is really a great idea, and is the person who stands out in your business, the one that breaks the rules, and makes things happen within the organization.  Is that you our are you just standing by waiting, or afraid to speak up?  Don’t stand on the sidelines waiting, get engaged and speak up with your good ideas to propel the business forward.

Chris states that our minds are highly efficient killing machines.  They are trained from an early age to destroy anything that doesn’t fit our model of the world. This means that analytical, logical minds dominate our working lives–what are you doing to get off or autopilot and tap into your abundant thinking brain which breaks the cycle of helping us to consider futures that are not based on past experience?

Shine, How to Survive and Thrive at Work is a book loaded with great ideas to help you thrive in the workplace.  It is an easy read and should be the companion to anyone wanting to make a difference at work.

If you want more information about author Chris Barez-Brown please click here to be taken to his website.  Our your can click here to be directed to Chris’s Facebook page.  I hope you enjoy this great interview with someone who has transformed how organizations look at their employees.