So what are the real issues that help to foster the environmental concerns that all of us are faced with?   Author Lee Van Ham in his new book entitled “From Egos to Eden” has identified what I personally believe are the biggest issues.

As a nation and society, we live as if we have a Multi Earth filled with resources for constant consumption.  We don’t understand that we need to start living as a society and nation as if we were inhabiting One-Earth and reduce our consumption of resources so that future generations can inhabit our earth and still have the necessary resources, as well as clean air, water, and soil that will be able to be farmed and produce nutritious crops.

As Lee writes ” The changes Earth is making in this 21st century exceed anything we’ve known in 12,000 years. The ecological crises she’s undergoing mean that by 2100 CE she will not longer be home for millions of species, and our species is the primary reason for their extinction.  If you are at all interested in learning about the shift in our mindset about how we live in harmony with mother earth, then I encourage you to listen to my interview with author Lee Van Ham about his book “From Egos to Eden“.

I also encourage you to check out another of Lee’s books entitled “Blinded by Progress“.  You can reach Lee by visiting his website by clicking here, or on Facebook by clicking here. I hope you enjoy this lively interview with a wonderful author and leader in the ecological movement.


I have tremendous personal passion for our environment and the current challenges we are facing as the human species to maintain our existence on this beautiful planet called “Mother Earth”.

In my recent interview with author Lee Van Ham about this groundbreaking book titled ” Blinded by Progress” we speak about the many challenges we are faced with, but probably most importantly our need to break out of the shackles of our own thinking and illusions which  hold us back from making the changes that must to occur for the human species to survive.

As many of you might be aware, American’s utilize the equivalent resources of about three earths. Not only is this this statistic alarming, but at our current rate of consumption it is certainly not sustainable.

As Lee states “We need to move from a Multi-Earth view to a “One Earth” view. One where all human beings can have a chance to live a life with the natural resources, food and shelter to maintain a reasonable standard of living.

Embracing the One-Earth view will require a spiritual shift within all human beings, one where we start to see our world at “we” and not just “me”. We can no longer separate ourselves, and label others a poor, an undeserving. We need to throw out our judgements, and embrace a world united as one focused on the needs of all humanity.

In my interview with Lee we discuss what is  needed to awaken our species both from a position as consumers to one as stewards of this planet’s resources.  I know you will resonate with Lee’s message and his passion for the topic.

I encourage you to learn more about visiting Lee’s website by clicking here. I hope you enjoy this podcast as much as I enjoyed doing it with author Lee Van Ham.