Podcast 680: Wishes Won’t Bring Riches with Don Green

I think that all of you know my affinity toward the Napoleon Hill Foundation and the teachings, books and podcasts that are developed by the foundation.

My good friend Don Green has been a guest on Inside Personal Growth many times, and whenever I interview Don, I get to learn something new about Napoleon Hill and his prolific works, and in this interview with Don Green nothing changes about what one can learn.

In my interview with Don Green about a recently published book entitled ” Wishes Won’t Bring Riches” we discuss the content of the interviews that Napoleon Hill had with Andrew Carnegie about “Applied Faith” and “Enthusiasm”.  What I always find interesting about these interviews as published in “Wishes Won’t Bring Riches” is the depth of wisdom that Andrew Carnegie had, and how spiritual he was in his teachings.

Faith only attracts that which is constructive and creative.  Fear attracts only that which is destructive.” This is a wonderful quote by Carnegie and the essence of applied faith.

The dividing line between success and failure is found at the stage where aimless drifting ceases. “We are all creatures of emotions, passions, circumstances and accident.  What the mind will be, what the heart will be, and what the body will be, are problems which are shaped by the drift in life, even when special attention is given to any of them”.  

Carnegie speaks a length about our ego and ego control but one comment he makes should resonate with everyone listening ” A man’s or woman’s ego is his or her’s greatest asset or his or her’s greatest liability, and the only thing he or she may build to suit his or her desires”.  

I hope you will join me in this wonderfully enlightening interview with the executive director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, Don Green as we explore the teaching of Andrew Carnegie about applied faith and enthusiasm in “Wishes Won’t Bring Riches”    

If you would like to learn more about this book or the Napoleon Hill Foundation please click here to be directed to their website.  Thanks for listening!


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