Inside Personal Growth with Greg Voisen · Podcast 791: Wait, I'm the Boss?!? with Peter Economy If you have been chosen to be a manager,

Our internal filters are natural–and they are automatic, and that’s the problem.  In her new book entitled “Filter Shift-How Effective People See the World” author Sara Taylor explains how the filters that each of us use daily are not something that we think about but are having a significant impact on how we see the world–and others in our world.

Sara states that one of the reasons so many of us are ineffective in our interactions across difference is that we have yet to be taught how to operate differently.  We also perpetuate the ineffectiveness with each other.

Filter Shifting is the ability to see ourselves, see others and see approach.  Sara defines the acronym SEE as, See-the objective description and articulation based on observation. E stands for explain-subjective analysis and articulation based on our culture, individual experiences, and personal opinions, and E-evaluate, assignment of value judgment based on what we see and how we explain that.

Throughout Sara’s book, she unlocks the keys to what she refers to at “effectiveness interaction across difference”  Understanding this methodology will transform anyone from having lesser effectiveness to greater effectiveness in their abilities to identify their biases allowing for more effective communications.

If you want to learn more about Sara Taylor you can click here to be directed to her company website, or you can go to the book website where you can access free tools to assess your own filters.

I hope you enjoy this great interview with author Sara Taylor about her new book entitled “Filter Shift-How Effective People See the World“.


Terri Sjodin is not only a great author, but is scrappy. I recently interviewed her for her new book entitled “Scrappy-A Little Book About Choosing to Play Big“. I am sure that most of you know what scrappy means, but just in case: scrappy is someone who is full of fighting spirit-synonymous with having moxie, being feisty, enthusiastic. So how many of you choose to play big when is comes to trying to meet someone new you really want to meet? Someone that might make a difference if you met them both personally and professionally? Terri’s book is loaded with amazingly courageous people with great stories about how they went the extra mile to meet that someone special, or did something out of the ordinary to capture the attention of their customers or investors.

Terri has three pillars of scrappiness: 1) Attitude 2) Strategy 3) Execution. I know it sounds simple, and it really is–it just takes lots of courage to act on the things in life that can make a significant difference. What is holding you back? Fear and Uncertainty? If so I encourage you to listen to my interview with Terri Sjodin and get yourself a copy of “Scrappy” you will be glad that you did, you just might break a cycle of belief that is holding you back. If you want to learn more about Terri and the book Scrappy just click here. Thanks for listening.

Calling all leaders–your current leadership impact is a result of many factors.  Author Simon Tyler in his new book entitled ” Impact Code 50 Way to Enhance Your Presence and Impact at Work“, states that there are five (5) fundamental aspects of leadership.

1) Your Visual Impact, no this is not about the great clothes you wear it is about your visual messaging, and how people around you perceive your message.  2) Presence, this is that special something that you possess that draws people to you.  They want to hear what you have to say, and they are willing to follow you.  3) Connection, this is the factor relating to how well you connect with others, how they respond and if they are motivated by you written and spoken word.  4) Verbal Impact, how you make people feel when you give them a task to do.  Do they feel valued and empowered.  5) Your Leadership Footprint, do you leave others with a call-to-action or a high degree of interest and motivation.

Author Simon Tyler provides the reader with 50 short and well articulated lessons on how to make a greater impact in the workplace.  I highly recommend anyone in management read Simon’s book “Impact Code” to better understand what will make you a better leader in your organization.

If you want more information about Simon please visit his website by clicking here.

I hope you enjoy this interview with author Simon Tyler.

Alan C. Fox is the author of a new book entitled ” People Tools: 54 Strategies for Building Relationships, Creating Joy, and Embracing Prosperity.”

What I found so interesting about my interview with Alan was is intuitive grasp of just how to treat people no matter what circumstance he found himself in. Now that was not always the case for Alan for his personality used to be somewhat introverted, but he learned how to utilize the skills he writes about in his book and apply them quite masterfully.

“Successful relationships are the bedrock of successful careers, families and friendships, which in turn are the hallmarks of a successful and enjoyable life,” state Alan. “The more tools you have, and the better you understand the tools you use, the more quickly and effectively you will achieve success.”

I encourage you to listen to the words of wisdom from this author as we discuss his life, the people tools and the many lesson along his life path that molded and developed Alan Fox into the amazing man and author he exemplifies.

If you want to learn more about Alan C. Fox please click here to be directed to his book website, or click here to view his Facebook page.