I met author Chris Snider at a Exit Planning Institute meeting here in San Diego.  As I listened to him speak, everything he was saying resonated with me personally and professionally.  How many of you reading this blog entry have businesses and are making an effort to build the value in the business, but it seems to be a struggle?  Believe me this is not uncommon, it happens more that most business owners think.  Dealing with the challenge of building value in your business, not just working for an above average salary with nothing left in the end to sell.

In Chris’s new book “Walking to Destiny-11 Actions An Owner Must Take to Rapidly Grow Value & Unlock Wealth” he points out the reasons why business owners don’t not build value, and the solutions to building great value in your business.  Chris is the designer of a process called the “Value Acceleration Methodology” which is the formula that he developed and can help any business owner build value, and sell their business when they decide to transition for a value that they expect and are happy with.

If you are a baby boomer and own you own business chances are you are going to have to make the decision to create your succession plan very soon.  In the next 20 years over 20 trillion dollars in business value will be sold, transferred to the next generation or merged with other acquiring company.  This is a huge problem, and opportunity for you the business owner to take action and create value now so you get the most for your business when you choose to sell.

I would encourage you to listen to this podcast with Chris, for he is one of the leading experts in the field of exit planning.  His organization Exit Planning Institute help advisors get certified as CEPA’s (Certified Exit Planning Advisors).  Enjoy this great interview with Chris Snider the author of “Walking to Destiny” it’s worth your time to read his book and if you have a business and are attempting to create greater value this book is a must!!!!

I have interviewed Don Green several times before for previous books that the Napoleon Hill Foundation has released.  In my many years of interviewing I have never found a more genuine and wonderful soul than Don Green the executive director of the foundation.

In this interview, we discuss a newly released book entitled ” How to Own Your Own Mind” by Napoleon Hill.  The content of this book was locked in a vault since 1941 and has never been released before to the general public.

There three major points that this book covers, something called creative vision, organized thought and controlled attention.  This makes up the entire content of “How to Own Your Own Mind” but each section goes into great depth on how to cultivate these characteristics.

In Hill’s interview with Andrew Carnegie, Carnegie states “that creative vision is not just another name of imagination.  It is the ability to recognize opportunities and take action to benefit from them”  Creative vision goes beyond imagination, it is imagination in action.

The second section of this book is about organized thought. Thoughts are things and it is significant that it is one of the few things an individual may control completely.  The key is to learn how to organize and direct your thought toward definite ends.  I speak with Don in our interview about the power of thought and how Hill and Carnegie had mastered the power of organized thought.

The third section is about something Hill refers to as “controlled attention”.  Controlled attention is “mental dynamite” and it is capable of blasting the cause of self-imposed limitations, and giving one the means by which he or she may take charge of his or her own life. Andrew Carnegie included this principle of controlled attention as one of the principles of individual achievement, but even the great steel master failed to associate this principle with the means by which civilization may be advanced.

If you want to read a great book on how to control your mind, then “How to Own Your Own Mind” is the one you want to read.  I encourage you to listen to this interview with Don Green the executive director of Napoleon Hill Foundation and go to the Napoleon Hill Foundation by clicking here for more information.

Enjoy this uplifting interview with Don Green.