I know that many of my listeners have probably experienced an astrological reading.  Hopefully you found value in the information that was conveyed to you by the astrologists.  I know that personally I have had many reading completed, and every time I did one I walked away with a new realization about my personality and things that I could do to improve my personal and professional life.

I recently had the pleasure of interview Chetan Parkyn and Carola Eastwood the authors of a new book entitled “The Book of Destinies-Discover the Life You were Born to Live“.  Both Chetan and Carola are true masters and doing reading utilizing a process called the “Human Design“.  If you are not familiar with this process it blends in four ancient wisdoms, and is the newest awareness tool being used to help people live their “true” life they were meant to live.

Prior to my interview with Chetan and Carola I went to their website and input the data for a free report.  I must say that the Human Design report is one of the most accurate and enlightening reading I have ever completed.  Just click on the link above to get your free report.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with the the originators of the Human Design process, and that you will avail yourself of the free report so you can experience the benefits.  If you have further questions about the book, the Human Design or want to reach out to Chetan or Carola please click here to be linked to their website.  You can also reach them through their Facebook page by clicking here.


Being true to yourself can be challenging.  It takes belief in oneself, and a commitment to working on continually improving our perspective and eliminated the negative self talk.

In his new book “The Overwhelmed Brain” author Paul Colaianni guides the reader through a series of stories and exercises that are designed to to stop our self-sabotaging behaviors and replace them with self compassion.  Paul states that “honoring others over yourself is like dishonoring yourself”.   Compassion starts on the inside, and when you have enough of it for yourself, only then can you spread it out into the world for others.

The Overwhelmed Brain” is about ways to look at yourself with the benefit of improving your relationships with others.   Paul encourages us to not always think that the other person needs changing, usually it is our attitude and belief that need to be changed.  Once we alter our beliefs, we can change our feeling and emotions about the other person.  This is a formula for successful relationships.  Always look at what you can change to improve your relationship with another person that is difficult to get along with.

I hope your enjoy my interview with author Paul Colaianni as we explore being true to yourself, building positive relationships while overcoming stress and anxiety.  If you want to learn more about Paul you can visit his website by clicking here or his Facebook page by clicking here.


I recently completed an interview with Dr. Edwin Locke the author of a new book entitled “The Selfish Path to Romance“.  In our interview together we explore the objectivist viewpoint of romance.

If you are not familiar with objectivism, it was developed by the famous author Ayn Rand the author of “Atlas Shrugged” and “The Fountainhead“.  The premise behind objectivism is that reality exist independent of consciousness, that individuals have direct contact with reality through sense perception, that one can attain objective knowledge from perception through the process of concept formation and inductive logic, that the proper moral purpose of one’s life is the pursuit of one’s own happiness.

Dr. Locke quotes sex therapist David Schnarch “Expecting your partner to sacrifice for you in the name of love kills marriage, sex, intimacy and love.”  The Selfish Path to Romance” guides the reader through understanding romance in the pursuit of your happiness as is the tenet of objectivism.

Emotions are not the enemy of rationality states Locke.  Honesty is the refusal to fake reality, it is essential to a romantic relationship. Integrity means being loyal to your rational convictions in action. A breach of integrity means acting against your own convictions. Independence is your commitment to think for yourself and to earn your own keep.  Use you own rational judgment when it comes to romance.

These are just a few of the sensible solutions to having a romantic relationship from the viewpoint of an objectivist. I encourage you to listen to this fascinating and enlightening interview with Dr. Edwin Locke.

You can learn more about the book by clicking here to be directed to a Youtube Video by Ellen Kenner the co-author of “The Selfish Path to Romance.”


I have to admit the deepest interviews I have ever had have been with author Mark Nepo.  In my recent interview with him about his new book ” The One Life We’re Given” we explored together how to reach and listen to our soul’s calling.

As Mark states “Throwing ourselves wholeheartedly into what we’re given brings us alive”–whether we must deal with suffering, pain, fear and loss or surprise, beauty, love and wonder.  Each of these moments is an opportunity to listen more deeply to our feelings to deepen our connections with others, and to sense the sacred nature of ordinary things”.  On this journey we will affirm how precious this one life is and enter the chance we have to be fully alive and to be of us to each other and the world.  We will uncover, how by loving what’s before us and concentrating on what’s particular and personal, we can begin to make sense of our experience. We will learn how, over time, the twin callings of enlivening our soul and enlivening the world become one, and how our sincerity and labor help us survive and thrive.

If you are questioning certain life events from relationships to work, then you will want to read “The Life We’re Given“.  This book is a practical way to reevaluate your life, and find ways to change it for the better.  It will make you think deeply, reflect and listen to your soul.  If you are longing  to make your life better, the answers are right in front of you—the secret is to listen and connect to your soul then take action on your new found insights.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with author Mark Nepo.  If you want to learn more about Mark please click here to be directed to his website, you can also connect with Mark by clicking here to be directed to his Facebook page.  Enjoy another great podcast with author Mark Nepo.


I had an opportunity to connect again with Lance Secretan, someone I consider a good friend and confidant.  His new book entitled ” A Love Story” is a personal memoir about his wonderful love relationship with his wife Tricia who passed away in 2014 from cancer.  Lance laces the book with wonderful poetry and stories about this amazing love affair, which he wishes everyone could have with that special someone in their life.  Tricia had a full and wonderful life with Lance, and she certainly made him whole and complete in so many ways.

I hope you enjoy this intensely personal story and interview with my good friend and author Lance Secretan and he recites beautiful poetry and tells us about a journey with his wife that will ever be imbedded in his memories.  If you want more information about the book ” A Love Story” please click here to be directed to Lance’s blog.  Or you can click here to learn more about Lance and his organization “The Secretan Center.”



Dan ZadraIn my ongoing series of interviews with Dan Zadra we speak about his book entitled “2 How Will You Create Something Beautiful Together.

As I have previously mentioned Dan’s books are easy to read, and extremely inspirational.   This book is about finding love, then creating something together that is beautiful.   Dan states ” Go where you’ve never been. Dream together, plan together, laugh together and grow together.”   Wonderful words, but how in our busy world do we find the time to dream, plan and grow together.

In my interview with Dan we explore the simple things that couples can do together to build a lasting and loving bound.   Dan states that their are only four questions of value in life…. What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? —The answer to each is the same.  Love.

Dan mentions that creating a couples mission statement is very powerful.  I know that I have never done it, but I  can imagine how this process would really unite people.  He also talks about doing a couples journal, now that is a new one on me.  I have never heard of a couples journal.  Sharing thoughts, ideas and stories together sounds like it would be a kick and a way to grow closer with your significant other.

No matter what your dream, if you share it with someone you really love–and someone who cares about you then your dream mean so much more.  Likewise, if your spouse or significant other shares their inner most secrets it makes life all worth living.

We are hear to bond, love, live and unite our common interests in helping to make this world a better place to live.   Dan’s book “2 How Will You Create Something Beautiful Together.” is a great book to inspire, move and get you thinking about what is truly possible when you have your life to share with someone.


Enjoy this great read and interview with author Dan Zadra.