Our body is constantly speaking to us, the big question is are we listening?
In my recent interview with Jeannine Weist we discuss her new book entitled “The Alchemy of Self Healing- A Revolutionary 30-Day Plan to Change How You Relate to Your Body and Health.” Jeannine is a certified craniosacral therapist who coaches movie stars, stressed-out executives and client who are living anxiety-ridden lives.
In our interview together we discuss how she helps people transform their old stories that dwell in the body and drain their well being. Jeannie knows how to help us tap into our bodies wisdom and access our creative forces and energy. She works at a cellular level to access the information that is blocking us from having the energetic and fulfilling lives we deserve.
If you are interested in learning more about how to access this energy I recommend reading her new book ” The Alchemy of Self Healing” as well as listening to our interview together. You can also learn more by clicking here to be directed to her website.
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