Being true to yourself can be challenging.  It takes belief in oneself, and a commitment to working on continually improving our perspective and eliminated the negative self talk.

In his new book “The Overwhelmed Brain” author Paul Colaianni guides the reader through a series of stories and exercises that are designed to to stop our self-sabotaging behaviors and replace them with self compassion.  Paul states that “honoring others over yourself is like dishonoring yourself”.   Compassion starts on the inside, and when you have enough of it for yourself, only then can you spread it out into the world for others.

The Overwhelmed Brain” is about ways to look at yourself with the benefit of improving your relationships with others.   Paul encourages us to not always think that the other person needs changing, usually it is our attitude and belief that need to be changed.  Once we alter our beliefs, we can change our feeling and emotions about the other person.  This is a formula for successful relationships.  Always look at what you can change to improve your relationship with another person that is difficult to get along with.

I hope your enjoy my interview with author Paul Colaianni as we explore being true to yourself, building positive relationships while overcoming stress and anxiety.  If you want to learn more about Paul you can visit his website by clicking here or his Facebook page by clicking here.


I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Tom Sterner the author of a new book entitled ” Fully Engaged-Using the Practicing Mind in Daily Life“.  As Tom states in the introduction to the book “Everything in life worth achieving requires practice.  In fact, life itself is nothing more than one long practice session, and endless effort of refining our motions”

Tom realizes and teaches to his coaching clients that to be fully engaged in any activity means to be present in the moment and in what you are doing right now.  This task is easier spoken about than achieved.  As stated this takes practice and becoming aware of one’s thoughts and actions.  Now while thousands of books have been written about this subject, Tom cuts to the chase and to the core of what he believes is required of us to attain an elevated level of awareness and consciousness.

In Fully Engaged, Tom explores specific techniques, such as through awareness training and setting goals with accurate data, and demonstrates how using these techniques will not only help you reach your objectives, but will keep you engaged in each moment of your life.

If you want to learn more about Tom Sterner you can click here to be directed to his website, or you can click here to visit his Facebook page.

I hope you enjoy my interview with Tom Sterner.


This is my second interview with author Pam Slim. She has written in a wonderful book which guides the reader to rediscover themselves, life and career. The reality is that they are all very interconnected and so important to leading a meaningful and fulfilling life.

In Pam’s new book entitled ” Body of Work, Finding the Thread that Ties Your Story Together” she explores our creativity, or contribution, affect and impact we have in the world and our personal legacy. Her message to readers is so important, for this books help one to define their “authentic self”, and to live a life they were given.

She states that focusing on a body of work will give us more freedom and clarity to choose different work options throughout the course of our lives, that we will be able to connect our diverse accomplishments to sell or story while continually reinventing and relaunching our personal brand.

Pam inspires through a well written book and provides guidance by asking thought provoking questions and inserting mini exercises in almost every chapter.

Most importantly the true life stories she weaves throughout the book inspire and remind us of our humanness, and how we can reshape our own destiny in life.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with author Pam Slim. If you want more information about Pam please click here to be directed to her website, or click here to be directed to her Facebook site.