Do you feel like you are on autopilot? Just going through the motions-like life is just a blur of commuting to work, calendar event and obligations.  If so then listen up.  I recently interviewed Chris Bartz-Brown the author of a new book entitled ” Wake Up-A Handbook to Living in the Here and Now“.

This is not only a fantastic book, but the book design is exceptional, it really is a handbook–please feel free to take notes on the pages provided.  Chris has provided 54 playful strategies to help the readers snap out of autopilot.  We discussed several playful strategies in our interview together, example “Kill your Television”.  As Chris states, a little television is not a bad thing, but a lot of television wastes our time and our life. What would be the payoff for watching less television?  What else could you do to entertain yourself, read a book, take a walk, exercise, meditate?   All the options seem better than watching television.

How about the idea of noticing what you notice. Most of us are in such a hurry that we infrequently notice the little things in life.  How about carrying a pen or pencil with some paper and just start writing down what you notice? These things could be people, conversations, buildings, articles or a fleeting glance from someone in a passing bus. It doesn’t matter what you find interesting; it only matters that you notice it.  So what is the payoff of this new activity, becoming more sensitized to the world in which we live and as a result enjoying a heightened sense of connectedness and vitality.

Chris’s new book “Wake-Up” is a great easy read with lots of strategies for changing your habits and behavior for the better. If you want to learn more about the book and Chris please click here to be directed to Chris’s website.  

I hope you enjoy this lively interview with author Chris Bartz-Brown.

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Alan Weiss the co-author with Marshall Goldsmith of a new book entitled “Lifestorming-Creating Meaning and Achievement in Your Career and Life“.  This is a practical handbook for becoming the person you want to be.  You will discover what it takes to redesign your life, friends, behaviors, and goals in order to move closer to your goals.

Alan and I discuss the evolutionary journey, and a very important question: To what extent is your journey one of internal control, and to what extent one of external control?  I believe this concept alone is one of the most important elements that one must master if they are going to master their life.  As Alan states are you taking a “random walk” through life, or do you have high control and are one of those people that creates your world, or are you mutually creating your world.  No matter your purview of your world, it would be best to have high control if you want to make something of yourself.

If you want to change behavior, Alan states that most studies have found that it’s very difficult to merely change poor behavior.  It’s much more effective to substitute a more positive behavior. Change for its own sake makes little sense.  The key is to determine the salutary result that makes the change worthwhile.

I hope you enjoy the lively and engaging dialogue with Alan Weiss the co-author of “Lifestorming-Creating Meaning and Achievement in Your Career and Life“.  If you want to learn more about the book you can click here to be directed to the book website page.  If you want to learn more about Alan Weiss please click here or Marshall Goldsmith click here.

Thanks so much for listening, enjoy the podcast!


I was recently was told about a Chrome extension called Momentum Dash from my good friend Lee Regan.  I don’t usually review software, but this particular software caught my attention–so much so that I reached out to the founder  Levi Bucsis and requested that we do a podcast.

If you’re like me you have lots to do and very little time to complete your work in.  Your days are filled with various projects and you are juggling between tasks.  Does this sound like any of you?

At this point, I hope I have your attention because Momentum Dash works incredibly well at increasing your focus and the outcome is improved productivity.  Levi Bucsis and his amazing software development team have created an awesome Chrome extension piece of software that it makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs–you have to get this extension software now!!!    

So what are the features, beautiful pictures of nature to look at and ponder which will take you to a meditative state of being–not doing.  This particular feature forces me to slow down and ponder, reflect and thus makes my next though that much more poignant.  It has an API to the to-do list I subscribe to which is Todoist.  I can turn it on and off at will, and add to the list when I have another to-do–the key is being able to hide it and only look at the prompts when I am ready.

Momentum Dash Podcast clock Momentum Dash Podcast percent Momentum Gift Page

The software prompts you for your daily focus for the day, and there is a countdown timer and clock if you choose to use it. It also has awesome quotes that change daily, and these quotes seem to really make a connection for me.  All the features can be turned on or off dependent on your particular workflow.

This is must try software, you can download the free version of the extension by clicking here, or you can subscribe for $29.95 and get all the features and options.

I hope you enjoy my wonderful interview with a very creative software engineer and student of psychology, Levi Bucsis.



What a brilliant book.  Evan Carmichael has created not only a great book for any entrepreneur, but the book layout and ease of use and read is fantastic!!!!

In Evan’s new book “Your One Word” you are guided to helping  find that “one word” that infuses you with passion, fire and desire to go big.  Evan one word is “Believe”.  Your one word will become your personal motto, and will help you capture your purpose and passion.

Evan asks a series of questions that help you find your “One Word”.  He also gives great examples and stories.  Now once you have found your “one word”, he does not leave you there.  He provides practical advice on using your “one word” to grow and develop your business.

In his section of the book on the “Planning Checklist’, Evan helps you get started by taking action on your campaign.  There are nine steps: 1) The Right Mindset 2) The Powerful Credo 3) Your Founding Story 4) Your Tribe of Followers 5) Rituals and Gestures 6) The Purposeful Name 7) knowing your Enemy 8) Memorable Logos, Fonts and Symbols 9) An Impactful Sound.

Remember that when you start your campaign for your business you are not just running a quick marketing project, you are in this for the long haul.  You are here making a statement, and you are going to change the world.

I hope you enjoy my insightful and inspirational interview with Evan Carmichael the author of “Your One Word“.  If you want to learn more about Evan you can find him at his website by clicking here, or through Facebook by clicking here—also Twitter #believe.


In all my years of conducting interviews with authors, I have probably never come across one like Dr. Larry Brilliant.  He is literally brilliant, authentic and someone who played a major role in eradicating a disease that was killing thousands of people.

In his new book “Sometime Brilliant-The Impossible Adventure of a Spiritual Seeker and Visionary Physician Who Helped Conquer the Worst Disease in History” he tell his story with flair and humor.

In my interview with Larry we get to explore his history as a visionary physician and spiritual seeker.  Larry ended up in India under the guidance of guru named Neem Karoli Baba.  Neem Karoli Baba informed Larry that he would be involved in the work to help eradicate smallpox.  At the time over 43,000 people were affected by this horrible disease, and through Larry’s diligence, persistence and fortitude to bring the doctors and World Health Organization together they accomplished the goal and vision that his guru has envisioned.

Through “Sometimes Brilliant” you are on a journey with Larry and the cast of characters, which include Steve Jobs, Ram Dass, Dalai Lama and many others.  You learn about a man and a life well lived, and a contribution to the world that saved and has saved thousands of lives from the smallpox disease.

I hope you enjoy this great interview with a wonderful humanitarian and physician.  If you want to learn more about Dr. Larry Brilliant please click here to be directed to his website, or click here to be taken to his Facebook page.


I first met Richard Barrett about 15 years ago at a workshop that he was conducting in San Francisco.  I was intrigued to attend the workshop, for the topic was about “Liberating the Corporate Soul“.  Richard and I have maintained our friendship since our first meeting, and I have followed his evolution and the numerous books he has written over the years since our meeting.

In our interview for this podcast we are focusing on his newly released book entitled ” A New Psychology of Human Wellbeing–An Exploration of the Influences of Ego-Soul Dynamics on Mental and Physical Health.”  Richard did a tremendous amount of research to write this book, but the content is well presented and is very useful in understanding the dynamics of our soul and ego.

Richard references the four dimensions of our souls energetic awareness.  They are body, mind, science and psychology. “Your soul is a field of conscious awareness that identifies with your energy field.  Is is who you are.  You don’t have a soul, you are a soul.  Your soul and the soul of every other human being is an individuated aspect of the universal energy field from which everything in our physical world arises, states Richard”.   Richard was inspired to write this book as a result of reading “Toward a Psychology of Being” by Abraham Maslow.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with author Richard Barrett who is filled with depth, insight and a wonderful grasp about how our ego and soul compete for our desire to become the aware, conscious and alive individuals we are entitled to become.

If you want to learn more about Richard Barrett you can click here to be directed to his website, or click here to be directed to his Facebook page.


I don’t think that there is an entrepreneur on the face of the planet that doesn’t understand the challenges of starting-up a new company. Most startups are faced with a myriad of issues, not to mention one of the biggest issues of finding capital to drive the new venture forward.

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Hap Klopp the founder of North Face, about his new book entitled “Almost-12 Electric Months Chasing A Silicon Valley Dream“. Our interview is a must listen too for those who are in business, and especially if you might be seeking funding for your new venture. His book tells the story about the issues that a company by the name of “Ardica” in the Silicon Valley had in finding funds, and the dynamics of the personalities working in the business. Hap, was the marketing director and was on the board of directors of Ardica. It is a wonderfully told story about a group of very bright engineers attempting to revolutionize the energy business, and in the process finding obstacles at almost every intersection partially due to the disfunction of the organization and the other as a result of a cash burn rate that was exceeding income.

I hope you will take the time to listen to this great interview with Hap Klopp about his new book “Almost-12 Electric Months Chasing A Silicon Valley Dream.” If you want more information about Hap please click here to be linked to a great article from the Stanford Business School.  You can also learn more about Ardica by clicking here to visit their website.


How many of you have ever experimented with mind mapping?  If you haven’t explored mind mapping, then you are in for a real treat in listening to this interview with Chris Griffiths the author of “GRASP the Solution“.

Chris is a thought leader and the person who alongside  Tony Buzan has accelerated the use of mind mapping into the business world, and continues to be a pioneer.  OpenGenius his organization based in England are the software developers of two amazing pieces of software called iMindMap 9 and Drop Task along with numerous training courses.

In my interview with Chris about his book “GRASP the Solution” we discuss what gets in the way of people tapping their creative genius.  Chris states that creativity can be learned, and it is not something that is foster in the business world, even though businesses always say they are looking for more creative and innovative people.  As a matter of fact it’s the people that are putting out the fires and jumping from one task to another that get the most attention, while the people that are thinkers, and are tapping their creative genius are frequently overlooked.

The acronym GRASP stand for the four types of thinking that are the foundation to how one approaches a particular task.  “Generative Thinking-is how we generate thoughts and ideas, Reactive Thinking-is how we react to existing influences and ideas, Analytical Thinking-is how we analyze ideas to reach a solution, Selective Thinking-is how we validate and implement a potential solution, Proactive Thinking-is the strategy of thinking that utilizes all of the previous types of thinking.

Mind Mapping is the technique invented by Tony Buzan for optimizing how we use our brains.  It is a visual format that is not linear that supports the creative problem solving skills, making is more intuitive and easy to capture our thoughts while mapping them visually.  This process can be completed on a big sheet of paper, or can be captured through software such as iMindMap 9 and or Drop Task.  Below is an image showing you an example of the iMind Map 9 and Drop Task screenshots.



I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with author and thought leader Chris Griffiths.  If you want to find more about OpenGenius and the software and trainings that are offered please click here to be directed to the website.  If you want to join the Facebook group for OpenGenius please click here.


There is no doubt that the emotional clutter that we hang on to takes it’s toll on us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  I recently interviewed Donald Altman the author of a new book entitled ” Clearing Emotional Clutter-Mindfulness Practices for Letting Go of What’s Blocking Your Fulfillment and Transformation, and we discussed how emotional clutter affects or habits and behaviors negatively.

Donald presents mindfulness practices that are designed to allow us to clear the clutter by managing our brains which he asserts everyone of us can do.  He calls it a mindful lifestyle reboot which is centered around six clutter clearing skills which are assessed through the acronym PAIR UP: Present Moment Participation, Attuned Acceptance, Intentionality, Reflection, Understanding of Suffering and Purposeful Partnership.

Donald show the readers throughout the book how to use these skills to become more centered and to live in the moment.  If you would like to dissolve your personal emotional clutter and live a life that is more fulfilled and purposeful then you just might want to pay attention to what Donald is prescribing in “Clearing Emotional Clutter“.

To connect with the author or find out more about the book please click here to be directed to the author’s website.  I hope you enjoy this interview with author Donald Altman about Emotional Clutter.