Dan ZadraIn my ongoing series of interviews with Dan Zadra we speak about his book entitled “2 How Will You Create Something Beautiful Together.

As I have previously mentioned Dan’s books are easy to read, and extremely inspirational.   This book is about finding love, then creating something together that is beautiful.   Dan states ” Go where you’ve never been. Dream together, plan together, laugh together and grow together.”   Wonderful words, but how in our busy world do we find the time to dream, plan and grow together.

In my interview with Dan we explore the simple things that couples can do together to build a lasting and loving bound.   Dan states that their are only four questions of value in life…. What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? —The answer to each is the same.  Love.

Dan mentions that creating a couples mission statement is very powerful.  I know that I have never done it, but I  can imagine how this process would really unite people.  He also talks about doing a couples journal, now that is a new one on me.  I have never heard of a couples journal.  Sharing thoughts, ideas and stories together sounds like it would be a kick and a way to grow closer with your significant other.

No matter what your dream, if you share it with someone you really love–and someone who cares about you then your dream mean so much more.  Likewise, if your spouse or significant other shares their inner most secrets it makes life all worth living.

We are hear to bond, love, live and unite our common interests in helping to make this world a better place to live.   Dan’s book “2 How Will You Create Something Beautiful Together.” is a great book to inspire, move and get you thinking about what is truly possible when you have your life to share with someone.


Enjoy this great read and interview with author Dan Zadra.

Inside Personal Growth with Greg Voisen · Podcast 325: Live Off Your Passion with Scott Dinsmore I was recently introduced to author Scott Dinsmore’s work

BJ GallagherAre you ready for a dose of positive energy?  If so, you have come to the right podcast with author BJ Gallagher.  In my recent interview with BJ we discuss her new book entitled “If Go Is Your Co-Pilot, Switch Seats–Miracles Happen When you Let Go“.

I love BJ’s books they are always filled with great stories, and lessons about living and life.  In this book BJ writes about being “faithful” and each one of the letters in the word “faithful” is an acronym for what she is writing about.

I really can appreciate the quote in her book from Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. ” Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase”  We discuss the differences between belief and trust and she has a wonderful story that truly gets at the heart of the differences between belief and trust.

A man  rides his bike on a high wire across Niagara Falls.  He does it the first time by himself then he asks for volunteers to ride on the handle bars of the bike.  A little girl speaks up and says that she will do it, much to the chagrin of the on lookers.  She hops on the bike and the man takes the little girl across Niagara Falls and back again.  When they return an older woman asks the little girl “Weren’t you afraid?”  The little girls answer ” No, I wasn’t afraid.”  ” You see, I don’t just believe in him–I trust him. He’s my daddy.”


This little story is a great example of the true difference between belief and trust.  BJ’s book is loaded with great stories, poems and is truly an inspirational book.  If you would like more information about BJ Gallagher and her books please visit her website by clicking here.

Enjoy my interview with BJ Gallagher author of ” If God is Your Co-Pilot, Switch Seats”.

Tracey JonesWhat a great little book about lessons of leadership taught from the perspective of the authors dog “Mr Blue”.  Tracey Jones the author of this wonderful book is the daughter of Charlie Tremendous Jones and current CEO of “Tremendous Life Books“.  Tracey took over the business after his fathers death, and has been doing a wonderful job running the publishing business. Her new book ” True Blue Leadership” is as much about her love for her dog “Mr. Blue” as it is about the lessons she is conveying that she has learned from her beloved dog “Mr. Blue”.

You see ” Mr. Blue” is an Australia Shepard and if you know anything about this bread they love to work.  Mr. Blue states to be a True Blue Leader you must embrace each task with freshness and enthusiasm. You must work with all your soul and be loyal to the task as you are to your pack.  What a wonderful lesson, hopefully we can all live our lives with this work ethic and enjoy the tasks before us–it certainly makes life more fun.

Mr. Blue also states that we should greet everyone with ‘enthusiasm” just like her grandfather “Charlie Tremendous Jones” did.  If  you remember Charlie he was filled with enthusiasm and he always would say “life is tremendous”.  I don’ t think you will every find a time when Mr. Blue is not greeting you with enthusiasm.  If we would all endeavor to greet and meet people with enthusiasm imagine the wonderful feelings we would transfer to other as well as receive.  As you probably know the word “enthos” means seeing the God within.

Tracey likes to point out the most important decisions in life from her fathers best selling motivational classic ” Life is Tremendous”.  Who are you going to life your life with? What are you going to life your life in? What are you going to life your life for? She believes if we would spend sometime contemplating these very important questions that our lives would be more fulfilled and we would approach any challenges we face with faith and belief that we can overcome the challenges.
If you want a fun quick read on lesson in leadership told from the perspective of “Mr. Blue” then I highly recommend this inspirational read by author Tracey Jones.  If you would like more information about Tracey Jones and the “Tremendous Life Books” publishing organization please click here to be directed to their website.

Enjoy this wonderful interview with a lovely lady and heart centered leader herself Tracey Jones.

BJ GallagherThe title of the book says it all: ” It’s Never Too Late to be What You Might Have Been”  Author BJ Gallagher has written a simple, straightforward, and effective guide to getting the life you’ve always wanted.  The author asks: “What are your passions and talents?” Do you have gifts to share with the world?’ Have you deferred your dreams because it seemed impractical?” Do you long to pick up that dream again?” If your answers to any of these questions is yes, then this is the book for you!

In my interview with BJ Gallagher we discuss the tips for making your dreams come true.  BJ has some wonderful ideas that she shares to get you inspired such as creating a mental picture of what you want you life to look like. Reading books, watching DVD’s and listening to CD’s that keep your enthusiasm, energy and commitment high. Keeping your eyes and ears open for opportunity. Practicing active gratitude, and asking for what you want.  All of this may sound simple, but they are frequently the things we need to do but forget to do because we let the everyday life routines get in the way.  Imagine what you life could be like in the next five years if you were to practice some of what BJ is advocating in her book ” It’s Never Too Late to be What You Might Have Been“.

With as many people out of work as their are today, BJ advice about starting a new career is wonderful.  She advocates if you only had one year to live, what is the career you would want to be in?  She say listen to your heart as well as your head.  Conduct informational interviews with people who are doing the kind of work you think you’d like to do.  Find a way to try out the prospective new career before you actually commit to it.  Do some research and find out what academic credentials are required.   The best jobs are the those that are a little to big for you.  They force you to stretch and grow.
This is a wonderful little book filled with great advice and loaded with true stories of people that have taken the journey to live the life they wanted to live, with passion and a zest for life.  I hope you enjoy this great interview with author BJ Gallagher, she is inspirational and uplifting in her message.   If you would like more information about BJ Gallagher and her other titles please click here to be directed to her website.

Just go do it as the Nike ad says!!!!

Dean DrawbaughI recently had the privileged of interviewing author Dean Drawbaugh.  Dean has a great new easy to read book entitled “The Art of Making Things Happen In Your Life“.   The essence of this book is to provide the reader with self-assessment and reflections on ways to manifest their desired outcomes and goals.   At the end of each chapter Dean provides thought provoking questions and short assessment as a tool to assist the reader in determining where they are now,  and what they can do to change the current situation for a more positive outcome .

I love the story that Dean tells in the book and in our interview about the two wolves that live inside of us.   One evening a warrior in a remote village began to prepare his son to face life as an adult with the inevitable afflictions and adversities he would face.  The warrior told his son that all challenges ultimately are fought first between the two wolves inside him.  One is the wolf of fear which takes control of emotions and masquerades as lies, regret, feelings of inferiority, self-pity, envy and anger.  The other wolf is faith, consisting of trust, hope, joy, peace, humility, power and love.  The son thought about the scenario for a few minutes–of the two wolves battling against each other in his mind.  He asked, “Which one wins, Dad?” The wise father simply said, “The one you feed.”
How true this story is, and what a great way to illustrate a point.  We are what we think about, and if we can change our thinking we can change what we become.  Dean’s book “The Art of Making Things Happen In Your Life” is truly about observing what is happening now, and with some shifts in our thinking and our actions creating a better life.

I highly recommend this great little book, packed with practical advice on how to make things happen in your life.  If you would like to learn more about Dean Drawbaugh you can click here to be directed to his website.

I hope you enjoy this interview with author Dean Drawbaugh.