I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Byron Belitsos the author of a new book entitled “Your Evolving Soul“.  Byron is one of the foremost thought leaders on the Urantia Book which prior to this interview I knew very little about.  According to Byron, we have been graced once again with a new revelation: the little known Urantia Book that has quietly sold over one million copies in 15 languages.

In Byron’s new book he synthesizes the Urantia Book into easily understandable language for the reader.  Byron argues that the Urantia Book provides a revolutionary new depiction of the human soul, the afterlife, and the nature of Deity that is commensurate with the needs of our time.   In process philosophy, the divine may initiate the action, but thereafter God and humankind are engaged in a mutually reinforced progressive pursuit of the values of truth, beauty, and the goodness. We have noted that the humans are acting at their cognitive limit when they recognize these primary values. Trust, beauty, and goodness, according to the Urantia Book, are the comprehensible elements of the Deity, and to act upon them is to do the will of God.

If you are interested in learning more about the Urantia Book you should certainly listen to this podcast with Byron Belitos.  If you want to learn more about the “The Evolving Soul” click the link to be taken to the book website.  You can also learn more at the Urantia Foundation by clicking here.

I hope you enjoy this great interview with author and thought leader Byron Belitsos.


It is kind of weird writing my own blog about myself and my new book, but hey what the heck someone has to do it and who better than the author.

I recently released my new book entitled “Hacking the Gap-A Journey from Intuition to Innovation and Beyond.”  I have been asked what the book is all about?

The answer to this questions is that the book is about my personal journey as a serial entrepreneur, my ups, and downs and the struggles to birth new products and or services and then take it to market successfully.  Believe me, I have had plenty of failures, but the learning lessons from the failures and setbacks provided me with the persistence to continue on in spite of the disappointments.

My podcasts program, Inside Personal Growth, set the foundation for the learnings that I share with the readers.  I’ve interviewed over 630+ authors on personal growth, business, wellness, and spirituality.  It is virtually impossible not to have a personal transformation from learning and soaking in all that information. I have weaved the learnings from many of my over 10 years of interviews into Hacking the Gap.  Everything I learned has made me a better person, more authentic, more sensitive, more understanding and forgiving of myself and others. As we work on ourselves we naturally become better people, and to me, this is the important element of the personal growth work.  If you are not improving and becoming a better person, you won’t be a better father, husband, employer or whatever you are to the world.

So remember when you read this book, listen to your soul’s calling and get in touch with your intuition.  What you are being informed to do is vital to your growth.  Listen carefully, learn how to discern between your intuition and your ego.  Once you do this and are not afraid of taking action, you will find that your world will change forever–and for the better.

I hope you enjoy the interview that my friend Reese Harris did with me.

Please go to Hacking the Gap.com to learn more about the book, and download a couple of chapters for free.  Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter and free webinars.  I am here for you please reach out want to hear from you.

There are certain things in this world that we have to do that make us feel uncomfortable, such as firing someone, delivering bad new of any kind, going to networking events or asserting yourself with friends and colleagues.   Author and psychologist Andy Molinsky has studied our behavior under these uncomfortable situations and has some very sound advice to help us not only get through it but to not feel so bad in the process.

Author and psychologist Andy Molinsky has studied our behavior under these uncomfortable situations and has some very sound advice to help us not only get through it but to not feel so bad in the process.

In his new book entitled ” Reach A New Strategy to Help You Step Outside Your Comfort Zone,” he informs the reader that there are five (5) key avoidance tendencies: authenticity, competence, resentment, likability, and morality.  

We need to feel, for instance, the what we are doing is authentic to who we are and that it is the right thing to do. Confronting these challenges will help identify the “gap” in our behavioral style that we can then bridge by using the three C’s: clarity, conviction, and customization. 

Reach is full of rich stories and anecdotes across a range of professions from managers and executive to entrepreneurs, rabbis, priests, baristas, and stay-at-home moms, and even goat farmers.  If you want to find the out how to implement the three C’s of clarity, conviction, and customization to help you bridge these uncomfortable situations, then listen to this podcast with psychologists and author Andy Molinsky about his new book “Reach A New Strategy to Help You Step Outside Your Comfort Zone.”

If you want to learn more about the book and Andy, please click here to be taken to his amazing website.  There you will find free downloads, video of his talks and free questions for stepping out of your comfort zone.




I was honored to interview Ken Wilber for his new book “The Religion of Tomorrow-A Vision for the Future of the Great Traditions.”   This is a wonderfully written book and informs the reader of the insights about what will be required to transform religions if are to stay relevant into the future.  As Ken states “Religions can only stay relevant if they embrace the discoveries of science and the insights of psychology to offer an “integral” approach: bringing together the wisdom of many paradigms and respecting the individuality of seekers.

Ken and I speak about the esoteric and exoteric religions and the great differences that these two movements have created in the evolution of religion.  As we discuss Ken states that the exoteric religions have always cooperated and shared insights and wisdom while the exoteric religions have done more to divide people and create chasms in people’s beliefs.  Experts state the 70% of the world’s population is at a fundamentalists stage of development, where their given religion is taken to be the literal word of God and mythic stories become fact. Ken explains how we can help this percentage of the population to “grow up” and embrace more inclusive views that will help curb violence and global conflict.

Ken’s long-awaited “The Religion of Tomorrow” is a definitive text on spirituality and religion in the modern world.  The Great Traditions from Christianity, to Islam and beyond have failed to evolve, unlike nearly every other dimension of modern life.  If you want to learn more about what Ken believes the “Religion of Tomorrow” will look like I encourage you to listen to our interview.

If you want to learn more about Ken Wilber you can click here to go to his Integral Life website.



richo I recently had the opportunity to interview author David Richo. This is his sophomore appearance here at, Inside Personal Growth. This time around David and I discussed his new (and may I say excellent!) book entitled, ” The Five Longings-What We’ve Always Wanted and Already Have.”

Have you ever had a vague sense that something’s missing from your life? It’s a feeling that I believe many of us can relate to. Embrace it. David explains the longing for something better is intuition, awareness of our discomforts and desires to grow are a sign of being fully alive. David states that it is when you carefully identify the things you long for–like love, meaning, freedom, happiness and growth–you not only discover deep truths about yourself, but also find the things you long for were never really “missing at all.”

In our interview this week, we explore the “five longings,” that are a prominent part of our human experience. As David says, “Life keeps showing us that what we want or cling to doesn’t last. This fact does not mean that what is impermanent is not necessary or of less value than what is permanent–a common bias. The fact that something will not last can mean that it is very precious indeed, precisely because it will be with us so briefly.”

Enjoy this insightful podcast with author David Richo about his new book, “The Five Longings“. For more information about David click here to be directed to his website.


Our internal filters are natural–and they are automatic, and that’s the problem.  In her new book entitled “Filter Shift-How Effective People See the World” author Sara Taylor explains how the filters that each of us use daily are not something that we think about but are having a significant impact on how we see the world–and others in our world.

Sara states that one of the reasons so many of us are ineffective in our interactions across difference is that we have yet to be taught how to operate differently.  We also perpetuate the ineffectiveness with each other.

Filter Shifting is the ability to see ourselves, see others and see approach.  Sara defines the acronym SEE as, See-the objective description and articulation based on observation. E stands for explain-subjective analysis and articulation based on our culture, individual experiences, and personal opinions, and E-evaluate, assignment of value judgment based on what we see and how we explain that.

Throughout Sara’s book, she unlocks the keys to what she refers to at “effectiveness interaction across difference”  Understanding this methodology will transform anyone from having lesser effectiveness to greater effectiveness in their abilities to identify their biases allowing for more effective communications.

If you want to learn more about Sara Taylor you can click here to be directed to her company website, or you can go to the book website where you can access free tools to assess your own filters.

I hope you enjoy this great interview with author Sara Taylor about her new book entitled “Filter Shift-How Effective People See the World“.


If you want to listen to an author that has been engaged in corporate America to the extreme, then Sarah Robb O’Hagan would be your woman.  She has climbed the corporate ladder at Virgin Atlantic, Nike, Gatorade and Equinox all while being a wife, mother and endurance athlete.  She was fired twice, but that did not stop her.

In her book Extreme You, she takes the reader on her personal journey as well as incorporating stories from some of the most successful people she could find to interview for the book.  She let’s the reader know that to reach your greatness success and tap your human potential is requires that we continually improve ourselves no matter what our circumstances. She says that we should not succumb to the accepted norms because this type of behavior will stifle our talents and squelch our opportunities.

Extreme You, shows the route to success is far different from what we’re usually told. Achieving success is not about conforming, hiding your weaknesses, or reaching a pre-planned destination.  Instead, it is about continuously developing yourself to the max.

I hope you will take the journey with Sarah and I as we explore stories from her life, and the life’s of others who have inspired Sarah on her journey.  You will be inspired as well as learn some of the secrets to living the life of your dreams.

If you want to learn more about Sarah and the book “Extreme You” click here to be directed to her website. Also take the Extreme You Quiz to learn your Extreme You traits.

You can visit Sarah on Facebook.


In my recent interview with author Susan David, we had the opportunity to speak about her new book entitled ” Emotional Agility-Get Unstuck, Embrace Change, and Thrive in Work and Life.”   The premise behind Susan work is that if people can learn the techniques of emotional agility, they can master the challenges in life that frequently derail them and create depression and despair.

It is all about navigating our inner world which consists of the negative self-talk, our thoughts, feelings and the habitual patterns that we create in our life that do not serve us from releasing our emotional baggage.  Emotional Agility is an innovative approach to navigating life’s twist and turns with insight and accordingly to our values, rather than our knee-jerk “hooks” in which our thoughts, emotions, and stories drive our behavior.

If you want to learn more about Susan’s work you can visit the book website by clicking here. You can also take her free Emotional Agility Quiz and get your free 10 page personalized report. You can connect with Susan on Facebook by clicking this link.  I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with author Susan David who provides insightful advice on how to release the emotional triggers that are holding us back.


One of my favorite and most admired authors is Steven Kotler.  Has authored  “Tomorrowland“, “Bold“, “The Rise of Superman” and “Abundance” just to name a few.  He is a prolific writer and author.

I recently had the pleasure to discuss with him his new book entitled “Stealing Fire-How Silicon Valley, the Navy Seals, and Mavericks Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work.” 

In our interview together we explore the revolution that is occurring in society today, and shortcuts that are being used to boost insight and inspiration which results in creating alters states of consciousness, thus improving personal performance. Steven and his co-author Jamie Wheal have spent four years investigating the leading edges of this revolution, from interviews with the Navy Seals, Green Berets and attending Burning Man they have compiled the stories and information in their new book “Stealing Fire”.

Steven states that this revolution is spreading into the mainstream, fueling a trillion dollar underground economy and forcing us to rethink how we can lead richer, more productive, more satisfying lives.  In our interview, we discuss recent advances in psychology, neurobiology, pharmacology, and technology are driving this phenomenon which allows us to move past myths, assumptions, and controversies and embrace peak performances as men and women.

As you will find out when you read “Stealing Fire” the quest to attain these alter states of consciousness have been going on since 415BC. To this day the rituals, techniques, and drugs used to attain these altered states of consciousness are changing and the effects are much more powerful.  I know you are going to love this interview with author Steven Kotler about his new book “Stealing Fire

To learn more about Steven please go click here to be directed to his website,  or you can learn about the book by clicking here.  Enjoy this amazing interview with a fascinating author and explorer of a new frontier.