Inside Personal Growth with Greg Voisen · Podcast 824: No Endings, Only Beginnings with Dr. Bernie Siegel I recently had the honor of interviewing Dr.

I have a wonderful friend who is a gifted musician, composer and artist by the name of Gary Malkin.  Gary is in a partnership with Bruce Cryer the prior CEO of HeartMath.  They are involved in developing a beautiful project called “What Makes Your Heart Sing”.

In my interview with Bruce we engage in dialogue not only about “What Makes Your Heart Sing” but we discuss the book he co-authored with Doc Childre entitled “From Chaos to Coherence”.   You will certainly see the link between the two as our discussion weaves around utilizing the power of story and music to heal our souls.

Bruce and Gary are committed to helping people explore and live from a place that is based in authenticity.  They have a great credo they developed around the training and music called “The Essential Catalysts for Inspired Living.”

I hope your enjoy this interview with author Bruce Cryer. If you want to learn more about the “What Makes Your Heart Sing” you can watch the video below or click here to be directed to the “What Makes Your Heart Sing” website.

In my interview with Dr. Synthia Andrews we discuss her new book entitled ” The Path of Emotions

In her new book Dr. Andrews explores her life’s work about how emotions command our life-force and direct or choices.  Emotions provide rhythm, context and meaning to life. Without them we would find little of value in our successes and minimal learning from our failures.  Emotions convey the essence of being alive, yet most of us spend a considerable amount of time and energy avoiding and controlling our emotions rather that using them.

Dr Andrews states that emotions are a source of information.  Comfortable or uncomfortable, they tell us about ourselves: where we need to grow, what traumas haven’t healed, what we have to offer the world and more.

I hope you enjoy this interesting and informative interview with author Dr. Synthia Andrews as we explore the meaning of our emotions and the power we give them.

If you would like more information about Dr. Andrews you can visit her website by clicking here.