Podcast 820: Opening to Grief: Finding Your Way From Loss to Peace with Claire Willis

Learning how to cope with “grief” takes us all on an interesting journey, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  I am certain that we all deal with grief in different ways, but there are stages that we go through, but not in any certain order as Claire Willis the author of “Opening to Grief” informs us in this podcast.

We are all living in times of uncertainty during this pandemic, and these times are filled with grief in so many ways– because grief is usually attached to the loss of something familiar to us in our life, like the loss of a loved one, a favorite pet, our job, and anything that we have attached to that is now gone or has ended.

In my interview with Claire Wills the author of “Opening to Grief-Finding Your Way from Loss to Peace” we explore ways that people can better cope with their losses, such as meditation, walks in nature, gratitude journaling, doing artwork, joining a community of support– whatever helps you to release your grief and better cope. Over time grief passes and we move on, but the older we become the more we realize that the simple things in life are to be cherished and are what makeup fond memories of our times where peace was present.

“We all need other people, never more than when we’re overwhelmed by grief.  We need one another to stay sane, to feel that we belong, to take a break, to fix a leaking toilet, to watch a movie together, to talk about the unspeakable events that just happened, to sing, to cry, and to laugh out loud.  We need to check in with a friend, a walk, tea, kindness, the presence of another human being who listens and reminds us that everything changes, and that someday we’ll feel more at ease.” states Claire

If you are feeling like you need support during this time of uncertainty and probable loss, then you will want to read “Opening to Grief-Finding Your Way from Loss to Peace” to learn more about our authors please click here to be directed to the book website. 

I hope you enjoy this important message from the author and grief counselor Claire Willis.


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