Michael HyattIn my recent interview with Michael Hyatt the  CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishing, and the author of a wonderful new book entitled “Platform-Get Noticed in a Noisy World” we discuss what is required for someone to get noticed in this very noisy and crowded world we live in today.

Michael is one of the top business bloggers and holds the #1 spot as a Leadership blogger. No doubt he is extremely well qualified to speak about getting noticed and building a platform.

He states that “competition has never been greater and people are more distracted than ever.  That being said, never before have there been so many ways you can connect with people if you do it right.  Michael states that there are two critical parts of the success equation: a compelling product (the what) and a significant platform (the who). 1) Create products that people would love to use 2) Create products that solve problems in unexpected ways 3) Create product that exceed your customers’ expectations.

We also speak about what Michael refers to as the WOW Experience, of which he states has some combination of the following ten (10) elements:

Surprise , Anticipation, Resonance, Transcendence, Clarity, Presence, Universality,  Evangelism, Longevity, Privilege.    He says that being successful means becoming the expert in recognizing WOW when it shows up.  More importantly, it means being able to recognize it when it is absent–and insisting that you ask yourself to deliver it.

Michaels’ new book is loaded with tips and ideas to help anyone who is attempting to develop a platform.  What I really enjoy about Platform, Get Noticed in a Noisy World is that the chapters are short 3-4 pages, easy to digest and filled with very useful tips and information that you can put to use immediately.  If you are someone wanting to get noticed in this noisy world, then reading Michael’s new book is a must.

If you would like to download a free chapter and watch an informational video about the book, then click here to learn more.  You can also click here to be directed to the Facebook page.


Enjoy this wonderful interview with author Michael Hyatt.


Michael BosworthI had the pleasure of interviewing Mike Bosworth, a personal friend and someone who is always on the cutting edge innovating around sales and selling.  His new book “What Great Salespeople Do” really hits at the heart of selling as far as I am concerned.  It is about the emotional connection and the power of story.

I know that many of you who are in sales might think that you are really good at connecting with your customer or prospect, but what Mike and Ben reveal in their new book really can transform the way you sell and connect with your clients.

As long as I can remember we have been using stories to convey wisdom from generation to generation.  And in some respect, that is what great salespeople do.  They know how and when to use compelling stories to connect with their clients and prospects.

In “What Great Salespeople Do” you will learn how to : 1) relax a buyer’s skepticism while activating the part of his or her brain where trust is formed and connectons are forged. 2) use the power of story to influence buyers to change 3) make your ideas, beliefs and experiences “storiable” using a proven story structure 4) build a personal inventory of stories to use throughout your sales cycle 5) tell your stories with authenticity and real passion.

This new book is truly groundbreaking and will help the experienced storyteller as well as the novice, begin to convey their stories with convection and authenticity which is the foundation of making a deep emotional and personal connection with their clients and prospects.  You will also learn the importance of empathic listening which embodies, awareness, encouragement and reflection which is a big key in getting the agreement of the buyer.

When I say this is a hugh leap for the sales industry, that is an understatement.  Gone are the days of programmed selling and thank God for the wonderful heartfelt approach that Mike and Ben are teaching in “What Great Salespeople Do“.
I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with Mike Bosworth—if you want to learn more about his company Story Leaders please click here to learn more.

Jennifer LeeIf you are anything like me, you are going to love ” The Right-Brain Business Plan” with Jennifer Lee.  Jennifer Lee’s new book is exactly what I needed and is the first book of it’s type that I have ever seen that is designed to help people like me ( and maybe you) who are predominately right brained put together a creative business plan.

I can’t tell you how many years I have struggled with the linear approach to business planning, forecasts and all of the traditional approaches to building a business plan.  Well, you don’t have to follow that linear approach anymore.  Jennifer has made is easy to utilize your creative juices and still get everything you need in your business plan.

I used to think that creativity and business were words apart, especially after a decade of diligently climbing the corporate ladder while I stuffed my under appreciated creative spirit into the corner.  When I finally listened to my heart and took the bold leap of quitting my day job to follow muy dreams full-time, I discovered a much better way to live and work states Jennifer.

The left-brain thinking has dominated the business world for centuries;fortunately, though, dramatic shifts in our social and economic environment are leveling the playing field.  As we move from a knowledge economy based on information and analysis to a creative economy built on innovation and ideas, right-brain thinking will prevail.

As you might already guess the right-brain business is visual, creative and fun.  It looks more like a mind map for your business success.  Typically a business plan has yawn-inducing subheads such as ” Executive” Summary”, and “Company Overview”.  Jennifer has taken the liberty to come up with catchy creative titles for these sections like “Hearty Highlights” and ” Business Vision and Values”, and “Managing the Moola” I love her creative approach.

Jennifer shows the right brain individual how to have fun building their business plan, while thinking out of the box and giving them permission to ignite their creative side while developing their business plan  .  I know you are going to love my wonderful interview with Jennifer Lee about her new book entitled ” The Right-Brain Business Plan“.

If you would like to learn more about Jennifer you can click here to be directed to her website.  She also has a home study e-course that you can learn more about by clicking here.
Go for it, step out of your comfort zone and lean how Jennifer Lee can teach you to be extremely creative in the business planning process.

Right Brain

If you are anything like me, you are going to love ” The Right-Brain Business Plan” with Jennifer Lee.  Jennifer Lee’s new book is exactly what I needed and is the first book of it’s type that I have ever seen that is designed to help people like me ( and maybe you) who are predominately right brained put together a creative business plan.

I can’t tell you how many years I have struggled with the linear approach to business planning, forecasts and all of the traditional approaches to building a business plan.  Well, you don’t have to follow that linear approach anymore.  Jennifer has made is easy to utilize your creative juices and still get everything you need in your business plan.

I used to think that creativity and business were words apart, especially after a decade of diligently climbing the corporate ladder while I stuffed my under appreciated creative spirit into the corner.  When I finally listened to my heart and took the bold leap of quitting my day job to follow muy dreams full-time, I discovered a much better way to live and work states Jennifer.

The left-brain thinking has dominated the business world for centuries;fortunately, though, dramatic shifts in our social and economic environment are leveling the playing field.  As we move from a knowledge economy based on information and analysis to a creative economy built on innovation and ideas, right-brain thinking will prevail.

As you might already guess the right-brain business is visual, creative and fun.  It looks more like a mind map for your business success.  Typically a business plan has yawn-inducing subheads such as ” Executive” Summary”, and “Company Overview”.  Jennifer has taken the liberty to come up with catchy creative titles for these sections like “Hearty Highlights” and ” Business Vision and Values”, and “Managing the Moola” I love her creative approach.

Jennifer shows the right brain individual how to have fun building their business plan, while thinking out of the box and giving them permission to ignite their creative side while developing their business plan  .  I know you are going to love my wonderful interview with Jennifer Lee about her new book entitled ” The Right-Brain Business Plan“.

If you would like to learn more about Jennifer you can click here to be directed to her website.  She also has a home study e-course that you can learn more about by clicking here.

Go for it, step out of your comfort zone and lean how Jennifer Lee can teach you to be extremely creative in the business planning process.

Guy KawasakiI recently interviewed Guy Kawasaki about his new book entitled ” Enchantment-The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions“.  I thoroughly enjoyed my interview with Guy, and I think you will enjoy listening to this interview as well.

Enchantment as Guy states is ” not about manipulating people.  It is about transforming situations and relationships into experiences where people want to come back again and again, while telling others about the amazing experience.  Guy argues that in business and personal interactions, your goal is not merely to get what you want but to bring about a voluntary, enduring and delightful change in other people.  By enlisting the own goals and desires, by being likable and trustworthy, and by framing a cause that other can embrace, you can change hearts, minds, and actions.

In the book all of the tactics you need to prepare and launch an enchantment campaign are available; to get the most from both push and pull technologies; and to enchant your customers, your employees and even your boss. It shows how enchantment can turn difficult decisions your way, at times when intangibles mean more than hard facts.  It will help you overcome other people’s entrenchment habits and defy the not-always-wise “wisdom of the crowd.”

There are two key elements to becoming enchanting, likability and trustworthiness.  Guy states that step one is achieving likability, because jerks seldom enchant people.  In the book several aspects to likability are covered, from smile to handshake to using the right words.  It is important to understand these elements for they are paramount to creating a personality that is likable.

Secondly, it trustworthiness.  People who don’t trust others have often had bad experiences that cause them to embrace a distrusting, kill-or-be-killed philosophy.   The first step is to trust others.  In the book Guy speaks about “Mensch” it is a German word for “human being”, but its Yiddish connotation far exceeds this definition.  If you are a mensch, you are honest, fair, kind, and transparent, no matter whom you’re dealing with and who will ever know what you did.

This book is for people who see life for what it can be rather than what it can’t.  They are bringing to market a cause–that is a product, service, organization, or idea–that can make the world a better place.  If you want to become “enchanting” and change the hearts, minds and actions of the people you interact with or who are your customers then I highly recommend that you read “Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions“.  If you would like to learn more about Guy Kawasaki you can click here to be taking to his website.  There are great references and videos as well at the website for your viewing.
Enjoy this wonderful interview with a very “enchanting man” Guy Kawasaki.

Beth ZiesenisEveryone loves free!!!  In my interview with author Beth Ziesenis we explore the the free applications and software for your computer and mobile devices.   Now some of you just might we wondering what in the world does this have to do with personal growth?  Considering many of my listeners are information workers and most of us spend our lives in front of the computer we are always looking to find ways of making our lives easier and improve our  levels of productivity.

In Beth’s new book ” Upgrade to Free” she has compiled the information that is highly useful by providing a description of the application as well as a QR Bar Code so that you can easily scan the page and automatically be directed to the applications website .   “Upgrade to Free” organizes your  search by categories, for instance  “Tools for Efficiency at Home and on the Road” features “Nutshell Mail” a very useful program that condenses all of the chatter and send you one snapshot e-mail of your online activity.  Since completing this interview with Beth, I have signed up for the application and love it.  It condenses all of my Twitter and Facebook post and I get it twice per day, vs getting updates throughout the day from Facebook and Twitter.

Beth has also included a section on Personal Organizational Tools.  So for my personal growth and mastery aficionados  you will enjoy exploring the many applications listed in this section of the book.  Some of the cool applications include Evernote, MyStickies, Google Reader, Know Your Stuff, Mint.com and many others.  Needless to say Beth’s new book “Upgrade to Free” is a wonderful resource complete with a guide and reference to some of the most useful applications you will ever use.
I hope you enjoy this podcast with Beth Ziesenis a true guru when it comes to helping you find the application you need for any reason.  If you would like to learn more about Beth’s services please visit her website by clicking here.