It is the time of year to get our acts together.  Many of us will be making New Year’s resolutions and setting goals for 2018, all with the good intention of following through in 2018.   We all have different software aids that can help us break old habits–like cloud-based software that will track our exercise and calories. Wearable devices such Fitbit, Garmin, and others.  There is a pleather of software, planners, and books to read to improve the quality of our life.

I personally have found that one of the best ways you can exercise your mental muscle is to reach out to new people and build relationships.  In my interview with Bart Lorang the founder of Full Contact a cloud-based customer relationship management software we discuss the benefits of having a fully integrated system that pulls data from social media together in one spot for our use in learning more about our relationships.

I have personally used the Full Contact Software and find the software to have great features that are highly valuable in helping build strong lasting relationships.  One of the features is the card reader.  You literally can take pictures through an application Full Contact has developed for both Android and IOS of the business cards you receive during your networking, then they will be converted to contacts with a high degree of accuracy into the Full Contact CRM.  In my estimation, this feature is worth the very reasonable annual subscription fee for Full Contact.

I hope you enjoy this podcast with Bart Lorang the founder of Full Contact CRM system.  Enjoy listening.


This is my second interview with author and entrepreneur Michael Alden.   What I love about Michael is his passion for his work and life, he truly is a trailblazer.

His new book entitled ” Blueprint to Business-An Entrepreneur’s Guide To Taking Action, Committing To the Grind, And Doing The Things That Most People Won’t” is a must-read for any entrepreneur.  Michael has had his share of ups and downs like many entrepreneurs, but he has learned from his lessons and applies the learning to make the next venture he gets engaged with just that much more successful.

Michael’s book is the ultimate guide with practical advice from a master entrepreneur who can really teach new entrepreneurs invaluable lessons.  I can really appreciate his chapter on “Doing What You Say”.  “In business and in life, always do what you say you’re going to do. Keep your word. When you tell yourself that you are going to do something, and you don’t do it, you’re doing yourself a disservice, and you’re setting yourself back. Not following through on something you said you were going to do is an absolute travesty.”

This sound advice runs throughout “Blueprint to Business” In my interview with Michael we speak about his personal life and business ventures, as well as he imparts practical and sound advice about becoming an entrepreneur.  I know you will love this lively and engaging interview with the author, entrepreneur Michael Alden.

If you want to learn more about the book click here.   You can also click here to be directed to Michael’s Facebook page. Enjoy the podcast.

I think this is the fourth time I have interviewed Michael Gerber, and each time I set down to speak with Michael I am amazed as how vibrant and alive he conveys his compelling message about entrepreneurship.   In his newly released book entitled “Beyond The E-Myth”  Michael takes the reader beyond all previous iterations of his E-Myth message to a place that will transform the reader.

Michael states that we need to think of our small business as prodcuts that need to be packaged and sold.  We can no longer be the one man or woman operation expecting to break through the ceilings of complexity.  If we are to grow we need to think of growing our organizations into business with a 1,000 employees, it is not necessary that we accomplish this goal but we need to shift our thinking that we are going to be larger organizations.

Michael know that the best entrepreneurs have a dream, a mission and a vision.  Knowing what they are and remaining focused on your dream, mission and vision are key components in transforming your business and your own personal life.  Michael also believes in having a Great Story and being able to articulate your message is one of the key to success–a Great Story is always about going beyond the ordinary and achieving greatness.

If you have an interest in transforming your business into one that will as some point not need you and will run without you, then you need to listen to my interview with Michael Gerber about his new book “Beyond The E-Myth”  If you want to learn more please click here to be directed to Michael’s website where you can learn more about his workshops and events.

I hope you enjoy this interview with Michael Gerber.


I recently had the pleasure of interviewing David Hoffeld the author of a newly released book entitled “The Science of Selling“.  If you are someone who is in sales or marketing, then I would highly recommend you reading David’s new book.

David spent ten years studying what effects the buying patterns of consumers.  During this time David learned about the behavioral science behind “why” someone purchases goods or services from you versus from someone else.  He refers to this as the Six Whys, which starts with “Why Change?”, second is “Why Now?, third “Why Your Industry Solution?”, fourth “Why You and Your Company?”, fifth “Why Your Product or Service? sixth “Why Spend the Money“.

These are obviously great questions and throughout the book David answer the questions that will make you a better salesperson.  You will literally learn how to sell the way the brain constructs a buying decision, how to ethically sell to your potential customers emotions , how to ask questions the way our brains intuitively disclose information, how to boost your ability to influence other.

If you want more information about David Hoffeld you can check him out at his website by clicking here, or you can watch a great video at YouTube by clicking here.

I hope you enjoy this great interview with a thought leader in the area of sales and selling.


Terri Sjodin is not only a great author, but is scrappy. I recently interviewed her for her new book entitled “Scrappy-A Little Book About Choosing to Play Big“. I am sure that most of you know what scrappy means, but just in case: scrappy is someone who is full of fighting spirit-synonymous with having moxie, being feisty, enthusiastic. So how many of you choose to play big when is comes to trying to meet someone new you really want to meet? Someone that might make a difference if you met them both personally and professionally? Terri’s book is loaded with amazingly courageous people with great stories about how they went the extra mile to meet that someone special, or did something out of the ordinary to capture the attention of their customers or investors.

Terri has three pillars of scrappiness: 1) Attitude 2) Strategy 3) Execution. I know it sounds simple, and it really is–it just takes lots of courage to act on the things in life that can make a significant difference. What is holding you back? Fear and Uncertainty? If so I encourage you to listen to my interview with Terri Sjodin and get yourself a copy of “Scrappy” you will be glad that you did, you just might break a cycle of belief that is holding you back. If you want to learn more about Terri and the book Scrappy just click here. Thanks for listening.

Most of us are aware that branding ourselves  or our companies can be a challenging task.  It is as if there is a magic formula that when you have the correct ingredients your company can blast off into the stratosphere where customers are clamoring to subscribe to your service or purchase your products.

David Tyreman has authored a book entitled “World Famous-How to Create a Kick-Ass Brand.  David has worked with some of the biggest companies like Banana Republic, Nordstrom, Macy’s, Nike and many others.  In my interview with David we explore the components that are required to create a kick-ass brand.  David explains there are five of them and they are:  1) Dare 2) Learn Why People Buy 3) A Defined Differentiation 4) Adding Value 5) Ready, Set Engage.  These steps make up the roadmap for someone wanting to develop their brand.

We also discuss the power of a super niche, defining what you do best and not spreading yourself too thin that your customers are confused by your offering or service.   You also need to be concerned and do you research on the demographics and psychographics of your target customer.  Remember not everyone is your customer, so develop a plan and research your customer profile so you know what makes them tick.

David is a master at helping people brand themselves or their company.  His book “World Famous-How to Create a Kick-Ass Brand” is loaded with stories, examples and advice that can assist both the newbie or the experienced marketer.

I would recommend that you check out David Tyremen at his website by clicking here.  World Famous also has a great branding course that you might want to consider taking.  If you are interested finding out more about the course please email David at


Do you own a business?  Are you thinking about venturing out and becoming an entrupauner?  Then you need to listen to this podcast with author John Warrillow and our discuss about his new book entitled “Built to Sell-Creating a Business that Can Thrive Without You.”  I know many of your reading this might be thinking, wouldn’t that be great.  According to John having a business that will thrive without you, is entirely possible.

John’s book revolves around a parable about an advertising agency where the owner is doing many of the wrong things to attain the ultimate of having a business that will thrive without him.  He meet a business guru who provides him with some sound advice, and his business starts to turn around.  Are you wondering what some of that advice was?

Well, here you go:

Tip#1, Don’t generalize;specialize. If you focus on doing one thing well and hire specialists in that area, the quality of your work will improve and you will stand out among the competitors.

Tip#2, Relying too heavily on one client is risky and will turn off potential buyers of your business.  Make sure that no one client makes up more than 15% of your revenue.  

Tip #3, Owning a process make it easier to pitch and puts you in control.  Be clear about what you are selling, and potential customers will be more likely to buy your product.

Tip#4, Don’t become synonymous with your company.  If buyers aren’t confident that your business can run without you in charge, they won’t make their best offer.

Tip#5, Avoid the cash suck. Once you’ve standardized your service, charge up front or use progress billing to create a positive cash flow cycle.

If you are looking to create greater value for your customers, and develop a business that is salable at the highest price then I highly recommend that you listen to my interview with author and businessman John Warrillow “Built to Sell“.  His advice and wisdom when it comes to developing a business that is salable and can thrive without you being present are extremely important to you not becoming a slave to your business.  I see to many people that this happens to, and it does not have to be the case if you develop your personal blueprint and follow John’s advice.

If you want more information about the book and John’s company click here for Value Builders System, or please click here to be directed to the book website.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with someone who can lift most business people out of the doldrums of being chained to their businesses.


There is probably not a person tuning into the podcast that has not been exposed to “Ugg Boots” or might even own a pair or two.

Brian Smith the author of a new book entitled ” The Birth of a Brand” lives in a neighboring city and is the original founder of “Ugg Boots”, and has quite a story about how this organization became what it is today.

In my interview with Brian about “The Birth of a Brand”  we explore the early days of Ugg development, the ups and downs and struggles.  I don’t think I have met a person with as much tenacity, perseverance and persistence all of which were required in double doses to launch “Ugg Boots”.

The Birth of a Brand  is for any entrepreneur that wants to better understand the trials and tribulation of owning your own business and launching a new product into the market.  To state that “Ugg Boots” had a rocky start is an understatement, but despite the adversity Brian was faced with he succeeded and made “Ugg” a household name in the United States.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview about the early days of “Ugg” and learn from the master of innovation, Brian Smith.  If you want more information about Brian Smith please go to his website by clicking here.