Collaboration is something that is the buzzword in today’s business world.  Everyone is looking to collaborate and develop stronger strategic alliances that will result being greater innovation, profits and synergy.  Most executives would like to find out the magic ingredients on how collaboration and strategic alliances are developed, nurtured and successfully implemented.

Author Martin Echavarria has studied how collaboration and strategic alliances are successfully developed and result in a positive synergy for all parties involved.  In our interview together about his new book entitled ” Enabling Collaboration-Achieving Success Through Strategic Alliances and Partnership” he explains how any business can gain traction and better develop these all important relationships.

Martin states that certain key skills employed across the alliance development process are important regardless of alliance type.  These skills consist of emotional intelligence, relationship intelligence, perspective taking, systems thinking, cognitive intelligence and somatic intelligence.

To learn more about successful collaboration and alliance development please listen to my interview with Martin.  If you want to check out Martin’s website you can click here.

I hope you enjoy this great interview with Martin Echavarria the author of “Enabling Collaboration

Change is everywhere, change is the only constant and it certainly is not going away.  What do we do, how do we manage change?  You and your fellow workers learn how to live with it, cope and make it your ally.

As the author Moe Glenner states in his new book “Plus Change-Genesis of Innovation” “Since life will frequently take us to the intersection of creativity, change and innovation, how do we successfully navigate the junction?  Now, that is the question of the millennial?

In Moe’s book “Plus Change” he navigates us through the elements of change and unlocks the secrets to turning that change into growth, potential and profits.  Moe has what he refers to as the “Nifty-Nine Principles to the creative process.  These principles are wonderful ways to move change into creativity, and they are 1) Release the endorphins 2) Separate idea generation from idea evaluation 3) Always test assumptions 4) Avoid patterned thinking 5) Create new perspectives 6) Minimize negative thinking 7) Take (prudent) risks 8) Get lost! 9) Turn Out the lights.

If you want to get more context regarding these principles click on this Youtube interview that Moe did about the book.  It provides the viewer with an overview of the book and its contents as well as more insight into the principles.  I hope you enjoy this interview with author Moe Glenner, please visit his website by clicking here.


This interview is with the remarkable Diana Rivenburgh on here most recent book “The New Corporate Facts of Life.”  In this book, Diana can show business leaders how to seize and profit from the opportunities born every day in this new era of catalytic change.  This book will arm readers with practical models and tools in order to rid your business of outdated and useless practices and to bring it up to speed with modern influences.

Diana Rivenburgh has 25+ years  experience with organizational and leadership development, change, consulting and strategy creation.  She has her M.S. in Positive Organizational Development and Change from Case Western Reserve University and her B.S. in Business Administration from New York Institute of Technology.

Learn more about Diana Rivenburgh at  You can also purchase “The New Corporate Facts of Life” here.


Inside Personal Growth with Greg Voisen · Podcast 539: The Fear-Free Organization with Joan Kingsley Every organization today is attempting to get the greatest engagement

Inside Personal Growth with Greg Voisen · Podcast 518: Holacracy: The New Management System for a Rapidly Changing World with Brian Robertson The new book

This podcast is the second in my series with author Ari Weinzweig the author of “Building A Great Business”.

In my previous interview with Ari we spoke about ” Managing Ourselves” where we discuss everything from visioning to the 12 Tips of More Effective Self-Management.

In this interview Ari weI focus on the 12 Natural Laws of Building A Great Business. One thing that Ari knows for certain is that a strong inspiring and strategically vision leads the way to greatness—especially if you write it down. Ari teaches a great technique for writing your vision. He calls it the “hot pen’ technique. Pick up your pen and just keep writing 15, 20, 30 minutes whatever it takes to articulate your vision in word pictures that you can see and believe your vision manifesting.

He also has a tip that you need to “give your customers a really compelling reason to buy from you”. Now while this seems obvious— when was the last time you had a bad meal at a restaurant and failed to tell anyone, but you said to your spouse we will never recommend or go back to that establishment. It happens all the time, and because the restaurant not only served a subpar meal, but your service was most likely lacking you had no reason to do business with them again. The combination is a disaster in the food service business.

I encourage you to listen to and learn from one of the wisest men in the food service business speak with me about 12 Natural Laws that when applied to both your personal and business life they can transform an organization and the people that work within the organizations.

If you want to learn more about Ari and his trilogy of books please click here, or if you want to learn about his training company Zing Train please click here to get information about the various training programs.

Enjoy this great interview with a wonderfully engaging author, businessman and civic leader Ari Weinzweig.