I’ll bet that many of you reading this blog entry are not aware of the Gen Z generation.   So, let’s put this in some context–Gen Z’ers are the generation born between 1995 and 2012.  There are over 72.8 million of them in the US, and they are characterized as a generation that has only known smartphones and are true digital natives, and they have access to information 24/7.   I recently got to interview both David and Jonah Stillman about their new book entitled ” Gen Z @ Work“.

While always being plugged in they are also suffering from what is referred to at FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) because they are so plugged into information 24/7.

In this dynamic interview with a father-son team, they inform us of what is recommended to work effectively with the Generation Z .  Jonah who is a senior in high school states that this generation will bring important entrepreneurial spirit to work.  They are consistently looking to streamline processes and procedures, and are more independent that the Millennials.   David, Jonah’s father states that the Gen Z group responded to their survey stating that they prefer face to face communications versus that of texting or social media platforms—quite interesting considering they are considered digital natives and love technology.

If you want to learn more about the preferences of this generation in the workplace, then I highly recommend that you listen to this podcast with David and Jonah Stillman.  I also suggest that you check out their book website by clicking here.  You can reach them on Facebook by clicking here.


In my interview with author Michael Alden, he states that most self-help program don’t have the anticipated impact on people’s lives that they expect.  The reason is that in his estimation people reach too high, then don’t achieve their goals and become disappointed.

Simply stated Michael says to just do 5% More in every area of your life and you will achieve your goals.  This technique is not new, but Michael is absolutely one-hundred percent correct– if we just complete the incremental short term goals our larger goals and vision will manifest.  Do they always manifest that we envision, no but we do  make progress toward our goals and dreams–you bet.

In my interview with this dynamic author that has reached the pinnacle of success, we discuss his challenging youth being brought up in the housing projects, having a mother as a drug addict, and loosing other members of his family to drugs.  Mike has seen it all, and as a result decided to take an alternative path, he became a lawyer then started a very successful marketing company called Blue Vase which sells millions of dollars of health related products through infomercials.

If you are on a quest to improve your batting average relative your goals in life then I would highly recommend that you read and study the techniques that Mike talks about in his new book 5% More.  If you want to learn more about Mike and his book 5% More, please click here to be directed to the book website.

You can also connect with Mike through his Facebook page, or watch a great video on YouTube.

I hope you enjoy my interview with author Michael Alden about reaching and achieving your goals.


I have a very good friend by the name of Michael Mc Cafferty that recently developed a new IOS application that automatically pushes out inspirational quotes to your mobile devices.  Now I must say that quote apps are nothing new–but To Be Wise is a very unique application.

Mike and his team of developers have added features that make To Be Wise a very special quote system.  You can read the quotes at  your own pace with a scroll that has been built into the application, you can link to inspirational Ted-X talks on many of the quotes, you can add your own quotes, and you can share quotes for friend, associates and family.

In my interview with Mike we discuss not only the unique features, but we speak about the origins of To Be Wise which was an offshoot of the days when Mike was owned Telemagic software, and he added in a pop-up daily inspirational quote and the users of Telemagic fell in love with the daily inspirational quotes.  The world of technology has evolved tremendously since the days of Telemagic, but our human needs to be inspired, and to learn will never wain.

I encourage you to listen to this inspiring interview with the founder of To Be Wise, Michael Mc Cafferty.  And if you want to download the free version of To Be Wise just click here and you will be directed to the Apple Store.

You can currently utilize the application on your iPhone or iPad.  I hope you enjoy my interview, here’s is to gaining more wisdom, and learning from the masters of all times.


What a brilliant book.  Evan Carmichael has created not only a great book for any entrepreneur, but the book layout and ease of use and read is fantastic!!!!

In Evan’s new book “Your One Word” you are guided to helping  find that “one word” that infuses you with passion, fire and desire to go big.  Evan one word is “Believe”.  Your one word will become your personal motto, and will help you capture your purpose and passion.

Evan asks a series of questions that help you find your “One Word”.  He also gives great examples and stories.  Now once you have found your “one word”, he does not leave you there.  He provides practical advice on using your “one word” to grow and develop your business.

In his section of the book on the “Planning Checklist’, Evan helps you get started by taking action on your campaign.  There are nine steps: 1) The Right Mindset 2) The Powerful Credo 3) Your Founding Story 4) Your Tribe of Followers 5) Rituals and Gestures 6) The Purposeful Name 7) knowing your Enemy 8) Memorable Logos, Fonts and Symbols 9) An Impactful Sound.

Remember that when you start your campaign for your business you are not just running a quick marketing project, you are in this for the long haul.  You are here making a statement, and you are going to change the world.

I hope you enjoy my insightful and inspirational interview with Evan Carmichael the author of “Your One Word“.  If you want to learn more about Evan you can find him at his website by clicking here, or through Facebook by clicking here—also Twitter #believe.


I think this is the fourth time I have interviewed Michael Gerber, and each time I set down to speak with Michael I am amazed as how vibrant and alive he conveys his compelling message about entrepreneurship.   In his newly released book entitled “Beyond The E-Myth”  Michael takes the reader beyond all previous iterations of his E-Myth message to a place that will transform the reader.

Michael states that we need to think of our small business as prodcuts that need to be packaged and sold.  We can no longer be the one man or woman operation expecting to break through the ceilings of complexity.  If we are to grow we need to think of growing our organizations into business with a 1,000 employees, it is not necessary that we accomplish this goal but we need to shift our thinking that we are going to be larger organizations.

Michael know that the best entrepreneurs have a dream, a mission and a vision.  Knowing what they are and remaining focused on your dream, mission and vision are key components in transforming your business and your own personal life.  Michael also believes in having a Great Story and being able to articulate your message is one of the key to success–a Great Story is always about going beyond the ordinary and achieving greatness.

If you have an interest in transforming your business into one that will as some point not need you and will run without you, then you need to listen to my interview with Michael Gerber about his new book “Beyond The E-Myth”  If you want to learn more please click here to be directed to Michael’s website where you can learn more about his workshops and events.

I hope you enjoy this interview with Michael Gerber.


I had the privilege of recently interviewing Heather McGowan the co-author of a new book entitled “Disrupt Together-How Teams Consistently Innovate“.  I was truly amazed at the depth and breadth of knowledge Heather has about innovating within organizations.  The book “Disrupt Together” is a compilation of  chapters written by distinguished thought leaders in the field of innovation.

Heather and I had an opportunity to discuss many of the chapters within the book, along with her contribution entitled “Framing the Vision for Engagement”  When you have been handed a strategic directive it is the job of the managers to create an actionable enterprise.  To create that actionable enterprise is requires that we are able to engage the talent responsible for the development of that new product or services being innovated.  As Heather states in the book “The process is a nonlinear, iterative sequence of discover, formulate, develop, and optimize phases. When the directive can be explicitly stated as an actionable vision ,the value creation phase of development and optimize ensue, offering problem solutions and value creation.

This process is at the heart of every organization involved in innovating something new or redesigning a product to improve it.  Disrupt Together is designed for anyone who want to take a deep dive into learning more about the dynamics of teams in the creative and innovative process.  Every chapters provides insight and wisdom from some of the best teachers in the industry.

If you want to learn more about Heather McGowan and her passion, for the future of work and learning I recommend you visit her website by clicking here.  You also might want to watch a very cool video of a presentation she did Redesigning Work by clicking here.


I had the pleasure of being able to interview author Richard Barrett about his book entitled ” The Values Driven Organization“.  According to Richard values driven organizations are the most successful organizations on the planet.  So what are values-“they are the ideals and customs of a society toward which the people have an effective regard”.

So why should you care about making your company driven by its values.   The reason is that values driven organizations have employee engagement levels that are significantly higher, and this equates to an earning of 3.9 times the earning per share compared with organization where employees have low engagement. Gallup recently conducted a survey about employee engagement and found that 29% of US employees were actively engaged, 55% were not engaged and 16% were actively disengaged.  The cost to organization of this level of disengagement is about $17, 500 per employee.

So if you want do you have to do to improve the engagement of your employees : 1) make your baseline rewards sufficient and fair. 2) have a congenial working atmosphere 3) give your employees autonomy and freedom 4) give them opportunities to pursue mastery, learn and excel in their field of expertise. 5) allow them to work with purpose.

If you are interested in learning more about creating the best conditions in your organization to improve the performance and profitability of your company please listen to my interview with Richard Barrett one of the foremost experts on organizational and cultural transformation.

To learn more about Richard Barrett his company Values Centre please click here to be directed to his website.


Fear is something that is immobilizing, it keeps us from spreading our wings and doing things that we might not otherwise do.  If you are an entrepreneur then you have to be a bit of a risk taker, and willing to be afraid.  You are venturing into unchartered waters and have to learn along the way.

I had the pleasure of doing this interview with Peter I Scott IV the author of a book entitled ” The Fearless Mindset-The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Getting Fit in Less Time, Double Your Income & Become Unstoppable“.   Sound great doesn’t it?  I am pleased to report that Peter is a thriving entrepreneur and he has had to face many major fears in his life.   He spoke with me about the irrational fears and the rational fears, and how many of our fears are irrational once you take a deeper look at how the fear manifest in our lives.  Take for instance the fear of speaking in front of a crowd of people.  It is reported that this is the #1 fear for many people.  Most people would rather do anything other than speak in from of a group of people.  Usually that fear comes from our insecurity and that we might look bad in the eyes of others, we won’t be enough.

So how would you replace that fear and displace it from your mind—know you are enough, that you are confident and secure in who and what you are.  Exude confidence and understand that most of the audience does not know as much about what you are going to speak about as you do.  Reaffirm this through positive self-talk.

Peter said that one of the most profound pieces of wisdom he ever learned was from psychologist Fritz Pearl.  Fritz Pearl said “Fear is excitement with breath”  The lesson here is to breath, your breath is so important to calming you down and grounding your body.  Peter recommends yoga, meditation or any practice that will help to center you and focus on your breath to overcome your fears.

If you want to learn more about Peter I Scott IV and is upcoming 3-day course please click here to be directed to the website.

If you want to sign up for Peter’s newsletter just click here.  I hope you enjoy this great interview with Peter I Scott IV the author of “The Fearless Mindset“.


I recently had the pleasure of conducting another interview with Richard Barrett about his new book entitled “The Metrics of Human Consciousness“.   In our interview we discuss the seven levels model of human consciousness that Richard developed to assist his clients in better understanding their employees as well as helping to move the organizational consciousness in a positive direction.

Richards seven levels are 1 ) Surviving-Satisfying your physiological needs 2) Conforming-Satisfying your needs for love and belonging. 3) Differentiating-Satisfying your need for respect and recognition. 4) Individuating-Satisfying your need for freedom and autonomy.  5) Self-actualizing-Satisfying your need to find meaning and purpose in life 6) Integrating-Satisfying your need to make a difference in the world.7) Serving-Fulfilling your destiny by caring for the well-being of humanity and or the planet.

Richard states that our level of consciousness changes as our values change.  He provides a really cool website where you can take a 5 minute assessment to measure your level of consciousness.  After you complete the assessment his organization sends you a report so you can see where your values lie on the human metrics of consciousness.

I hope you enjoy another great interview with Richard Barrett.  If you want to access the free-assessment please click here to be directed to the assessment page.  If you want to learn more about Richard Barrett and Values Centre please click here to be directed to his website.