Inside Personal Growth with Greg Voisen · Podcast 669: The Innovation Mentality with Glenn Llopis I had the recent pleasure of interviewing author and thought

I recently had a wonderful podcast interview with author Ann Purcell.  Her new book entitled “The Transcendental Meditation Technique and The Journey of Enlightenment”  In our dialogue we discuss Ann’s history about how she became involved with his Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi teachings.  She is also a wonderful poet, and her book has over 120 poems that will uplift and will stimulate your spiritual being.

Maharishi brought TM to the west in 1958, and the teaching and techniques have spread through our country.   As Ann states TM is a simple, natural, mental technique practiced sitting comfortably with eyes closed.  During the practice, the mind settles down effortlessly to quieter levels of thought until the quietest, most refined level of thinking is transcended and you experience the field of unbounded awareness-transcendental consciousness.

Through TM, you experience the deepest silence of your Self-transcendental consciousness. The TM Sidhi Program which includes Yogic /flying technique, develops the ability of the individual to spontaneously think and act from the most subtle and powerful level of awareness.  Functioning from the level of transcendental consciousness naturally results in more expansive, creative thinking and greater success in effortlessly achieving one’s goals.

If you are interested in learning more about the Transcendental Meditation Technique and Journey of Enlightenment then I highly recommend that you listen carefully to this wonderful interview with master teacher Ann Purcell.

You can visit Ann’s website by clicking here, or you can learn more about her TM through the organizations website’s Facebook page or the organizations website by clicking here.   Enjoy this wonderful interview with author and Transcendental Meditation teacher Ann Purcell.