
It is not often that one gets hit in succession with nearly two fatal strokes, but that is what happened to Mark Moore my guest on this podcast, and the author of a new book entitled “A Stroke of Faith-A Stroke Survivor’s Story Of A Second Chance At Living A Life of Significance”. 

Mark Moore was a successful CEO of a thriving company that he and his partner founded and was also in apparent great health when his strokes occurred.  Mark’s story is about his triumph over adversity that this event caused in his life.  One day he was fine, then the next day he was lying in a hospital bed in a coma.  He had to learn how to walk, tie his shoes, sign a check and all the normal activities that we all take for granted.

We speak in the podcast about the strains an illness like this takes on the family, but also how this event brought Mark and his wife and children closer together. Mark’s family and the strength they provided him were the single most compelling reasons for his survival and willingness to fight for his life.

Since the stroke, Mark has made almost a complete recovery and has run a marathon on the one-year anniversary of his stroke.  Through his life will never return to his pre-stroke normality, he has now chosen to dedicate his life to philanthropy, his family, educating others about stroke awareness and prevention, and inspiring those who have suffered similar events.

I hope you enjoy this inspiring interview with Mark Moore the author of ” A Stroke of Faith“.  You can learn more about Mark by visiting his website by clicking here.


I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Eric Barker the author of a new book entitled “Barking Up The Wrong Tree-The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Success Is (Mostly) Wrong.  

x160In our interview together we discuss what compelled Eric to write the book, and more importantly how his blog which now has a following of over 300,000 people following Eric became the place where he compiled the academic and expert opinions regarding success in life.  If you want to access Eric’s blog just click here.

Eric exposes lots of Mythbusters during our interview about the success that flies in the face of conventional wisdom.  He shares with us what separates extremely successful people from the rest, and teaches us what we can do to be more like them–or in some cases find out why it’s best that we are not like them.

In the chapter on ” Do Nice Guys Finish Last,” he conveys a compelling story about Dr. Michael Swango who was one of the most successful serial killers ever. By this third year in medical school, hospital patients he interacted with were dying at such a rate that his fellow student took notice. ( You have to read the story and get the book to know what happened to Swango.)  The real reason for the story is to ask the questions, do people who cheat and break the rules succeed more often?  Is the world fair? Can good people get ahead or are they doomed to be suckers? Do nice guys really finish last?

Come take a journey with Eric and myself and get the answers to these questions and more.  If you want to learn more about Eric Barker and his new book please click here.  If you want to go to his blog, just click here.

I know you are going to enjoy this interview with Eric Barker about his new book “Barking Up The Wrong Tree-The Surprising Science Behind Why Everything You Know About Success Is (Mostly) Wrong.


I recently had the pleasure of making a connection with the founders of “The Best Self Journal Co,” Allen Brouwer and Cathryn Lavery.  I was inspired to reach out to them because of all the amazing things I was hearing from friends that were using their journal as well as the customer feedback about the product that was prevalent on the internet.

In my podcast interview with Allen and Cathryn, we discuss the inspiration for the development and design of the Best Self Journal. It steamed from the fact that both Allen and Cathryn were not able to find a journal that had all the features that they knew were critical to one’s success. The two were working long hours, seemingly spinning their wheels and not feeling like they were making any progress toward their purpose in life.  They read 100’s of books on personal growth and self-help and compiled the ideas and concepts that they learned into the journal.

This journal is unlike any that you have seen. It features a 13 week roadmap to decide on your goals and break them down into something that is more proximal and easier to get your head around.  It also features a morning and evening gratitude section as well as a place to record your wins for the day and the biggest lessons you have learned daily.  You can record and track the habits you are attempting to develop as well as reflect on your day.    They have even included a section they refer to as freedom pages where you can jot ideas and record notes.

Many people today only use a digital phone to record their meetings, and or take notes.  But there is  something very “cathartic” in putting pen to paper.  The research states that the use of paper and pen vs. all digital recording of our notes and ideas allows our brains make a deeper connection when we write it down versus put it in a digital list-thus we are more apt to attain that goal we are working toward.

I hope you will take the time to listen to this informative interview with Allen Brouwer and Cathryn Lavery the founders and designers of The Best Self Journal.

If you want to learn more about the company please check out their website by clicking here or visit them on Facebook.

So what are the real issues that help to foster the environmental concerns that all of us are faced with?   Author Lee Van Ham in his new book entitled “From Egos to Eden” has identified what I personally believe are the biggest issues.

As a nation and society, we live as if we have a Multi Earth filled with resources for constant consumption.  We don’t understand that we need to start living as a society and nation as if we were inhabiting One-Earth and reduce our consumption of resources so that future generations can inhabit our earth and still have the necessary resources, as well as clean air, water, and soil that will be able to be farmed and produce nutritious crops.

As Lee writes ” The changes Earth is making in this 21st century exceed anything we’ve known in 12,000 years. The ecological crises she’s undergoing mean that by 2100 CE she will not longer be home for millions of species, and our species is the primary reason for their extinction.  If you are at all interested in learning about the shift in our mindset about how we live in harmony with mother earth, then I encourage you to listen to my interview with author Lee Van Ham about his book “From Egos to Eden“.

I also encourage you to check out another of Lee’s books entitled “Blinded by Progress“.  You can reach Lee by visiting his website by clicking here, or on Facebook by clicking here. I hope you enjoy this lively interview with a wonderful author and leader in the ecological movement.


One of my favorite and most admired authors is Steven Kotler.  Has authored  “Tomorrowland“, “Bold“, “The Rise of Superman” and “Abundance” just to name a few.  He is a prolific writer and author.

I recently had the pleasure to discuss with him his new book entitled “Stealing Fire-How Silicon Valley, the Navy Seals, and Mavericks Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work.” 

In our interview together we explore the revolution that is occurring in society today, and shortcuts that are being used to boost insight and inspiration which results in creating alters states of consciousness, thus improving personal performance. Steven and his co-author Jamie Wheal have spent four years investigating the leading edges of this revolution, from interviews with the Navy Seals, Green Berets and attending Burning Man they have compiled the stories and information in their new book “Stealing Fire”.

Steven states that this revolution is spreading into the mainstream, fueling a trillion dollar underground economy and forcing us to rethink how we can lead richer, more productive, more satisfying lives.  In our interview, we discuss recent advances in psychology, neurobiology, pharmacology, and technology are driving this phenomenon which allows us to move past myths, assumptions, and controversies and embrace peak performances as men and women.

As you will find out when you read “Stealing Fire” the quest to attain these alter states of consciousness have been going on since 415BC. To this day the rituals, techniques, and drugs used to attain these altered states of consciousness are changing and the effects are much more powerful.  I know you are going to love this interview with author Steven Kotler about his new book “Stealing Fire

To learn more about Steven please go click here to be directed to his website,  or you can learn about the book by clicking here.  Enjoy this amazing interview with a fascinating author and explorer of a new frontier.


I recently had the pleasure of interviewing author William Keepin.  His  book entitled “Belonging to God, Science, Spirituality and a Universal Path of Divine Love” addresses the religious disparities with the intent of finding a common ground between all religions which is that of divine love.

In our lively interview together Will explains that “There is a profound need today for people to understand how the religious traditions relate to one another, what they have in common, and how their remarkable difference are dwarfed by their even more remarkable common ground. In Wills book he explores divine love in Christianity, Islam and Hinduism as exemplified through the scriptures and writing of leading mystics from these traditions–that presents a glorious universal path of love that is illuminated equally by modern science and ancient wisdom.

If you are interested in learning more about Will’s new book “Belonging to God” you can go to his website by clicking here.  I hope you enjoy the wonderful interview with a fascinating author and scholar of our greatest religions.


It is very serendipitous that the publisher sent me a book titled “Skinny Liver“.  I was recently diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease also referred to as (NAFLD).  I obviously was really interested in the topic and what author Kristin Kirkpatrick had to say about the symptoms, treatment and nutrition programs to combat the disease.

What is ironic is that NAFLD’s symptoms are not something that you usually feel.  As Kristin stated the disease is the silent epidemic.  Over 30% of the American population have the disease and many probably don’t even know they have NAFLD.   It can be detected through a liver blood panel where they measure AST/ALT.  Both of these are great indicators of types of liver disease or damage.

Here are just a few factoids about your liver: 1) 96% water. 2) It is the one of the largest organs. 3) It produces bile for digestion 4) It helps you resist infections. 5) It stores and releases glucose. 5) It produces cholesterol. 6) It is responsible for regular blood clotting. 7) It clears the blood of drugs.  Needless to say it is one of the most important organs in our body.

In my interview with Kristin we discuss in depth the NAFLD disease, what causes it and how to change your diet and exercise program to help in reversing the disease.  NAFLD has connections to other diseases as well such as Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, inflammatory bowel disease and many others.  I highly recommend that you listen to our interview and listen to Kristin about how to treat and hopefully reverse the disease.

If you want to learn more about Kristin and her book “Skinny Liver” please click here to be directed to her website.  You can also visit the Facebook website by clicking here. I hope you enjoy this great interview with author Kristin Kirkpatrick.


We are all aware of the aging baby boomer population–thousands are turning 65 every day, and the numbers of the aging is not going to diminish.  The sad statistic is that a hugh portion of this population has the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.  People’s cognitive abilities are diminishing at alarming rates, and it has been proven that this can be reversed by our diet.

In my interview with nutritionist Maggie Moon and the author of a new book entitled ” The Mind Diet” we discuss the food to eat and the foods to avoid to help prevent from early onset dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. You will not be surprised to learn that a good portion of the diet is green leafy vegetables and fruits and nuts.   That is not to say you can not eat fish, chicken and meat but in much smaller portions that the American diet consumes this protein today.

The Mind Diet has been proven to reduce hypertension and heart disease as well.   During our interview Maggie discussed the correct food groups and the foods to avoid.  We also get into the menus and recipes that she recommends.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with an expert in the Mind Diet.

To get more information and connect with Maggie please click here to visit her website, or click here to be linked to her Twitter, or here to be directed to her Facebook page.

As they say you are what you eat, and you really want to pay attention to what Maggie has to say about the Mind Diet.


I know that many of my listeners have probably experienced an astrological reading.  Hopefully you found value in the information that was conveyed to you by the astrologists.  I know that personally I have had many reading completed, and every time I did one I walked away with a new realization about my personality and things that I could do to improve my personal and professional life.

I recently had the pleasure of interview Chetan Parkyn and Carola Eastwood the authors of a new book entitled “The Book of Destinies-Discover the Life You were Born to Live“.  Both Chetan and Carola are true masters and doing reading utilizing a process called the “Human Design“.  If you are not familiar with this process it blends in four ancient wisdoms, and is the newest awareness tool being used to help people live their “true” life they were meant to live.

Prior to my interview with Chetan and Carola I went to their website and input the data for a free report.  I must say that the Human Design report is one of the most accurate and enlightening reading I have ever completed.  Just click on the link above to get your free report.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with the the originators of the Human Design process, and that you will avail yourself of the free report so you can experience the benefits.  If you have further questions about the book, the Human Design or want to reach out to Chetan or Carola please click here to be linked to their website.  You can also reach them through their Facebook page by clicking here.