Inside Personal Growth with Greg Voisen · Podcast 847: Time Smart: How to Reclaim Your Time & Live a Happier Life with Ashley Whillans There’s

How often do you think about your thinking?  Most likely your thinking on automatic pilot as it is for most people, thoughts just come and go, then on to the next thought.  In my interview with author and thought leader Jane Cull we have an intriguing discussion about her new book entitled “WTF?!… How am I Thinking

Jane states ” As human beings, we live our lives in language.  This is precisely what we do. We are observers living in language.  We construct and create our experiences, worlds, realities in language, thus we are entirely responsible for what we construct or create. In the habitual unconscious thinking that we do, we do not see what we are doing. We are unconscious and unaware of what we are doing in thinking.”

In Attachment Thinking, we generate emotions–attachment thinking is fear-based thinking. We not only generate the emotion of fear, but we also generate anxiety, stress, mistrust, suspicion, jealousy, resentment, frustration, anger, rage, hate, restlessness, agitation impatience, grief, sadness, pain, and depression–we go down the rabbit hole.

In Reflective Thinking, we do not generate all the emotions of Attachment Thinking.  The emotions of Attachment Thinking do not show up because we are not holding onto our thoughts. In fact, in Reflective Thinking, we “become” calm and peaceful. The core emotion is trust.  This kind of trust is not actually an emotion, it is more like a state; an ongoing state and so we ‘become’ and live in this state in which we feel calm and peaceful.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can shift from Attachment Thinking to Reflective Thinking then you are going to want to listen to this interview with author Jane Cull about her new book “WTF?!…. How am I Thinking“.  You can visit her website by clicking here to learn more about her books, and on-line courses.

Enjoy this informative interview with author Jane Cull about “WTF?!… How am I Thinking?



I bet that most of you reading this would like to get better quality sleep?  Just how much sleep do we need? What are some of the things we can do to improve the quality and duration of our sleep? In my interview with Dr. Marc Milstein we discuss these subjects relating to sleep and much more.

Our world is moving at a very rapid pace, and we are influenced by so much media being served up to us via our iPad, Smartphone and computers that it seems like an impossibility to keep up.  This information and how we process it, influences our ability to cope and in turn causes stress, not to mention the stress we have from just juggling our everyday life events.

Dr. Milstein stated that stress is probably the number one reason that we have interrupted sleep patterns, that we are woken at night– because our brains have not turned off the circuitry that is telling us we need to do something about the issues that are waking us up.

Some simple and effective advice: 1) 30 minutes prior to bed turn your lights down low, and stop working on computers and mobile devices. 2) Record your to-do’s in a journal or in some digital device where you can write them down, get them out of your brain and forget all about what you need to do tomorrow. 3) Turn off TV and especially the negative news. 4) Make sure that you exercise, this helps to release the chemicals in your system that help you sleep.

If you want to learn more about getting a good nights sleep I encourage you to listen to and take notes from my guest Dr. Marc Milstein.

You can also learn more about his courses by clicking here or you can check him out on Facebook by clicking here.  I trust you will enjoy my interview with Dr. Marc Milstein.


If you are like many people on our society today you are feeling stress and overwhelmed. It seem like our world is moving at an astronomical pace and people are moving as fast as they can to keep pace. The question we should all be asking is keeping pace more important than our overall health and relationships?

In Paul Huljichs’ new book entitled ” Stress Pandemic-9 Natural Steps to Break The Cycle of Stress and Thrive” Paul provides the reader with practical and compelling advice that can sound simple, but implementing it into our daily routines is the key.

Paul outlines the nine steps which are: 1) Take Charge 2) Kick Your Bad Habits 3) Learn to Say No 4) Affirmations 5) Exercise 6) Nutrition 7) Sleep 8) The Power of Awareness 9) Never Give Up.

Paul’s person story is one of determination and survival a mental breakdown after having build a multi million dollar health foods company in New Zealand. He ended up being institutionalized for his mental breakdown and he lost everything he has worked for, house, cars business. As you can imagine the stress prior to the breakdown, and after were immense. Paul’s personal story is very compelling as are his unique strategies for stress reduction.

If you are like me, you are dealing with stress on a daily basis. Paul new book provides practical guidance on how to eliminate that stress and live a fulfilling life. If you want to learn more about Paul, please click here to be directed to his website or click here to go to his Facebook page.