What a great new book my good friend Jim Cathcart has written.  I am speaking about the “Self-Motivation” Handbook.

I recently had the opportunity to speak with Jim and discuss some of the highlights of “The Self-Motivation Handbook“, and some of the most revealing themes revolve around 268 one minute lessons in self motivation.

We discussed several of the one minute lessons for this podcast,  here are just a few of the lessons:

#56 “What Makes You Feel Better than Anything?” — As Jim describes it in this lesson it is helping another person, giving of ourselves to others in need.  This is one of the biggest contributions we can make as well as the great feeling we personally get from serving.

#70 Lighten-Up — Stop stressing over the things that only matter to you emotionally.  When life is unfair get over it quickly.  This is a great bit of advice, it does not serve us to spend time being upset and wallowing in the negative energy.  The advice to get over it quickly, and move on it a wonderful way to remove the stress from your life.

#72 The Eight T of Motivation — Here are eight words that begin with T that you can use to motivate yourself and others: 1. Target: Make sure you are clear as to what you are doing and why. 2. Tools: Without the information or equipment to do your job well, you will proceed slowly. 3. Training: Have you accessed the learning that can make you even better at what you do? 4. Time: Has there been enough time for the training to sink in through trial and error? 5. Tracking: As you proceed, be sure that you track your progress and show everyone where they stand. 6. Truth: Get the big picture, and see how everything fits into the overall plan. 7. Touch: Allow for the human factors. Make sure that everyone gets the encouragement and support they need. 8. Trust: Assure that each person is trusted just a bit more than they currently deserve. Allow room for growth, but not so much trust that you put everyone at risk.

What actions will you take on this idea?

I hope you enjoy this interview with Jim Cathcart the author of “The Self-Motivation Handbook“.  If you want more information you can go to Jim’s website by clicking here, or his Facebook Page by clicking here.  He also offers video modules through the Thrive 15 website at www.thrive15.com.


If you are like many people on our society today you are feeling stress and overwhelmed. It seem like our world is moving at an astronomical pace and people are moving as fast as they can to keep pace. The question we should all be asking is keeping pace more important than our overall health and relationships?

In Paul Huljichs’ new book entitled ” Stress Pandemic-9 Natural Steps to Break The Cycle of Stress and Thrive” Paul provides the reader with practical and compelling advice that can sound simple, but implementing it into our daily routines is the key.

Paul outlines the nine steps which are: 1) Take Charge 2) Kick Your Bad Habits 3) Learn to Say No 4) Affirmations 5) Exercise 6) Nutrition 7) Sleep 8) The Power of Awareness 9) Never Give Up.

Paul’s person story is one of determination and survival a mental breakdown after having build a multi million dollar health foods company in New Zealand. He ended up being institutionalized for his mental breakdown and he lost everything he has worked for, house, cars business. As you can imagine the stress prior to the breakdown, and after were immense. Paul’s personal story is very compelling as are his unique strategies for stress reduction.

If you are like me, you are dealing with stress on a daily basis. Paul new book provides practical guidance on how to eliminate that stress and live a fulfilling life. If you want to learn more about Paul, please click here to be directed to his website or click here to go to his Facebook page.

Let’s face it, relationships can be challenging. They are a compromise and a collaboration—especially relationships with our significant others. The work we invest into our relationships can pay off in spades relative to our own happiness and the happiness of our partners.

In Naomi Bergers new book entitled “Marriage Meeting for Lasting Love” Naomi provide the reader with very sound advice with regarding a process she refers to as the “marriage meetings”. This is simply a defined meeting time weekly set weekly where we meet with our significant other using a set of guidelines to have a 30-45 minute dialogue. She suggests following an agenda 1) Expressing Appreciation 2) Coordinating Chores 3) Planning for Good Times 4) Addressing Problems and Challenges.

Naomi has been using this process in our counseling practice for years, and the results from her clientele has been amazing. If you want to add spice and more harmony to your relationship, then I would suggest you reading Naomi’s book “Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love” I am sure you will be provided with many tips for improving your love life.

If you want to learn more about Naomi, please click here to be taken to her website.

Chris Grusso is an articulate and engaging author with an important message about not only his own spiritual awakening, but how he sees the world embracing “or not” religion and spirituality.

In my interview with Chris about his new book entitled “Indie Spiritualists” we discuss up front and personal about his drug addiction and the tough times he has endured, but emerging from the ashes  the wiser, and more at peace with himself.

If all of us were to take the deep introspective look at our lives I am sure we would find people and circumstances that give us indigestion and we would like to change. Chris takes a brutally honest and radically unconventional approach in ” Indie Spiritualists”, but encourages readers to accept themselves as they are, in all their humanity and imperfect perfection.

Chris is a musician, writer, author, blogger and has a refreshing message that we all need to hear and embrace.

I hope you enjoy our interview together, and should you want to learn more please click here to be directed to Chris’s website or click Facebook to link with him there as well.

I don’t have to tell my audience about the number of books and interview I have completed with personal growth, mastery and psychology authors.

I was recently sent a book called “Smart Change” by Art Markman professor of Psychology at the University of Texas which I believe could be a game changer.

We have all read books on how to change, as a matter of fact that is what most of the personal growth books are attempting to get us to do. “Smart Change” is attempting to do the same, but in a way that I believe can and will work if people apply the simple strategies that Art talks about in our interview.

I am not going to speak about the 5 effective tools in this blog entry, but you can go to his website to learn more by clicking here. You can also download his “Smart Change” Journal, simple but masterfully thought out.

The most important tool Art refers in his book he refers to as “Tame the Go System.” This is where you identify the triggers of habits, replace old behaviors with new ones, and generate specific plans to deal with the obstacles. This single idea worth the price of the book.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with a very knowledgeable and thought provoking author—Art Markman.