There are certain things in this world that we have to do that make us feel uncomfortable, such as firing someone, delivering bad new of any kind, going to networking events or asserting yourself with friends and colleagues.   Author and psychologist Andy Molinsky has studied our behavior under these uncomfortable situations and has some very sound advice to help us not only get through it but to not feel so bad in the process.

Author and psychologist Andy Molinsky has studied our behavior under these uncomfortable situations and has some very sound advice to help us not only get through it but to not feel so bad in the process.

In his new book entitled ” Reach A New Strategy to Help You Step Outside Your Comfort Zone,” he informs the reader that there are five (5) key avoidance tendencies: authenticity, competence, resentment, likability, and morality.  

We need to feel, for instance, the what we are doing is authentic to who we are and that it is the right thing to do. Confronting these challenges will help identify the “gap” in our behavioral style that we can then bridge by using the three C’s: clarity, conviction, and customization. 

Reach is full of rich stories and anecdotes across a range of professions from managers and executive to entrepreneurs, rabbis, priests, baristas, and stay-at-home moms, and even goat farmers.  If you want to find the out how to implement the three C’s of clarity, conviction, and customization to help you bridge these uncomfortable situations, then listen to this podcast with psychologists and author Andy Molinsky about his new book “Reach A New Strategy to Help You Step Outside Your Comfort Zone.”

If you want to learn more about the book and Andy, please click here to be taken to his amazing website.  There you will find free downloads, video of his talks and free questions for stepping out of your comfort zone.



I was recently was told about a Chrome extension called Momentum Dash from my good friend Lee Regan.  I don’t usually review software, but this particular software caught my attention–so much so that I reached out to the founder  Levi Bucsis and requested that we do a podcast.

If you’re like me you have lots to do and very little time to complete your work in.  Your days are filled with various projects and you are juggling between tasks.  Does this sound like any of you?

At this point, I hope I have your attention because Momentum Dash works incredibly well at increasing your focus and the outcome is improved productivity.  Levi Bucsis and his amazing software development team have created an awesome Chrome extension piece of software that it makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs–you have to get this extension software now!!!    

So what are the features, beautiful pictures of nature to look at and ponder which will take you to a meditative state of being–not doing.  This particular feature forces me to slow down and ponder, reflect and thus makes my next though that much more poignant.  It has an API to the to-do list I subscribe to which is Todoist.  I can turn it on and off at will, and add to the list when I have another to-do–the key is being able to hide it and only look at the prompts when I am ready.

Momentum Dash Podcast clock Momentum Dash Podcast percent Momentum Gift Page

The software prompts you for your daily focus for the day, and there is a countdown timer and clock if you choose to use it. It also has awesome quotes that change daily, and these quotes seem to really make a connection for me.  All the features can be turned on or off dependent on your particular workflow.

This is must try software, you can download the free version of the extension by clicking here, or you can subscribe for $29.95 and get all the features and options.

I hope you enjoy my wonderful interview with a very creative software engineer and student of psychology, Levi Bucsis.



If you want to listen to an author that has been engaged in corporate America to the extreme, then Sarah Robb O’Hagan would be your woman.  She has climbed the corporate ladder at Virgin Atlantic, Nike, Gatorade and Equinox all while being a wife, mother and endurance athlete.  She was fired twice, but that did not stop her.

In her book Extreme You, she takes the reader on her personal journey as well as incorporating stories from some of the most successful people she could find to interview for the book.  She let’s the reader know that to reach your greatness success and tap your human potential is requires that we continually improve ourselves no matter what our circumstances. She says that we should not succumb to the accepted norms because this type of behavior will stifle our talents and squelch our opportunities.

Extreme You, shows the route to success is far different from what we’re usually told. Achieving success is not about conforming, hiding your weaknesses, or reaching a pre-planned destination.  Instead, it is about continuously developing yourself to the max.

I hope you will take the journey with Sarah and I as we explore stories from her life, and the life’s of others who have inspired Sarah on her journey.  You will be inspired as well as learn some of the secrets to living the life of your dreams.

If you want to learn more about Sarah and the book “Extreme You” click here to be directed to her website. Also take the Extreme You Quiz to learn your Extreme You traits.

You can visit Sarah on Facebook.


I recently had the pleasure of making a connection with the founders of “The Best Self Journal Co,” Allen Brouwer and Cathryn Lavery.  I was inspired to reach out to them because of all the amazing things I was hearing from friends that were using their journal as well as the customer feedback about the product that was prevalent on the internet.

In my podcast interview with Allen and Cathryn, we discuss the inspiration for the development and design of the Best Self Journal. It steamed from the fact that both Allen and Cathryn were not able to find a journal that had all the features that they knew were critical to one’s success. The two were working long hours, seemingly spinning their wheels and not feeling like they were making any progress toward their purpose in life.  They read 100’s of books on personal growth and self-help and compiled the ideas and concepts that they learned into the journal.

This journal is unlike any that you have seen. It features a 13 week roadmap to decide on your goals and break them down into something that is more proximal and easier to get your head around.  It also features a morning and evening gratitude section as well as a place to record your wins for the day and the biggest lessons you have learned daily.  You can record and track the habits you are attempting to develop as well as reflect on your day.    They have even included a section they refer to as freedom pages where you can jot ideas and record notes.

Many people today only use a digital phone to record their meetings, and or take notes.  But there is  something very “cathartic” in putting pen to paper.  The research states that the use of paper and pen vs. all digital recording of our notes and ideas allows our brains make a deeper connection when we write it down versus put it in a digital list-thus we are more apt to attain that goal we are working toward.

I hope you will take the time to listen to this informative interview with Allen Brouwer and Cathryn Lavery the founders and designers of The Best Self Journal.

If you want to learn more about the company please check out their website by clicking here or visit them on Facebook.

In my recent interview with author Susan David, we had the opportunity to speak about her new book entitled ” Emotional Agility-Get Unstuck, Embrace Change, and Thrive in Work and Life.”   The premise behind Susan work is that if people can learn the techniques of emotional agility, they can master the challenges in life that frequently derail them and create depression and despair.

It is all about navigating our inner world which consists of the negative self-talk, our thoughts, feelings and the habitual patterns that we create in our life that do not serve us from releasing our emotional baggage.  Emotional Agility is an innovative approach to navigating life’s twist and turns with insight and accordingly to our values, rather than our knee-jerk “hooks” in which our thoughts, emotions, and stories drive our behavior.

If you want to learn more about Susan’s work you can visit the book website by clicking here. You can also take her free Emotional Agility Quiz and get your free 10 page personalized report. You can connect with Susan on Facebook by clicking this link.  I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with author Susan David who provides insightful advice on how to release the emotional triggers that are holding us back.


“Your past can not be changed, but you can change tomorrow by your actions today.”  This great quote is part of a new book by author and co-founder of the Hudson Institute called “Life Forward-Charting the Journey Ahead.”

At the true heart of “Life Forward“, it is masterful as assisting the reader in understanding how to deal with change.  We all know that change is the biggest constant in our lives, but considering the rapid pace of change in our high tech, alway on society, it would be great to learn how to navigate change more effectively.

Most developing cultures in the first half of the twentieth century looked at the world through lenses prepared to see evolving stability, progress, and in the U.S., the good old American dream.  The lenses that we now see through are change, change, change, change.

The forces of change seem to have no containment, limits or predictable sources of control.  Those of us still wearing the old lenses have increasing difficulty seeing the astounding advantages of the new paradigm–the global marketplace, worldwide civilization, multicultural peoples, new careers, technological advances, transnational political structures and more.

In my interview with Pam we discuss the old rules and the new rules, these new rules are a foundation to assisting the reader in learning how to cope and assess how to deal with change. I know you are going to really enjoy my interview with author Pam McLean.   If you want to learn more about the book, and the wonderful courses and programs that the Hudson Institute offers please click here.


In my recent interview with author Joanna Garzilli we speak about her new book “Big Miracles-The 11 Spiritual Rules for Ultimate Success“.  During our interview together we get to discuss the 11 Spiritual Rules starting with ” Aligning with Spirit”.

In my dialogue with Joanna she tells some of her personal story in finding these laws and the personal pain she experienced, but the first law is about being a spiritual being, and knowing that you don’t have to imitate someone else, all you need to do is learn how to be yourself.  While this might sound easy, so many people don’t have the confidence and the self-esteem and they are constantly trying to be someone they believe is better than them—well no one is better than you finding your authentic self and letting the world know.

Joanna’s second law is “Being a Spiritual Vehicle”.  She state that in choosing a spiritual path you are choosing a path of continuous personal growth and actively seeking your spiritual transformation.   Your main purpose is to expand your capacity to both give and receive love.  I hope you will read her new book “Big Miracles” to learn about the other 9 laws to assist you in transforming your life to that of a spiritual being.

Throughout “Big Miracles” author Joanna Garzilli is providing practical advice and techniques to awaken your spiritual being, and in so doing achieving the ultimate success in life you desire.

I hope you enjoy this great interview with Joanna, for more information about the book please click here to be directed to her website, or click here to join her on Facebook.


I know that many of my listeners have probably experienced an astrological reading.  Hopefully you found value in the information that was conveyed to you by the astrologists.  I know that personally I have had many reading completed, and every time I did one I walked away with a new realization about my personality and things that I could do to improve my personal and professional life.

I recently had the pleasure of interview Chetan Parkyn and Carola Eastwood the authors of a new book entitled “The Book of Destinies-Discover the Life You were Born to Live“.  Both Chetan and Carola are true masters and doing reading utilizing a process called the “Human Design“.  If you are not familiar with this process it blends in four ancient wisdoms, and is the newest awareness tool being used to help people live their “true” life they were meant to live.

Prior to my interview with Chetan and Carola I went to their website and input the data for a free report.  I must say that the Human Design report is one of the most accurate and enlightening reading I have ever completed.  Just click on the link above to get your free report.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with the the originators of the Human Design process, and that you will avail yourself of the free report so you can experience the benefits.  If you have further questions about the book, the Human Design or want to reach out to Chetan or Carola please click here to be linked to their website.  You can also reach them through their Facebook page by clicking here.


Being true to yourself can be challenging.  It takes belief in oneself, and a commitment to working on continually improving our perspective and eliminated the negative self talk.

In his new book “The Overwhelmed Brain” author Paul Colaianni guides the reader through a series of stories and exercises that are designed to to stop our self-sabotaging behaviors and replace them with self compassion.  Paul states that “honoring others over yourself is like dishonoring yourself”.   Compassion starts on the inside, and when you have enough of it for yourself, only then can you spread it out into the world for others.

The Overwhelmed Brain” is about ways to look at yourself with the benefit of improving your relationships with others.   Paul encourages us to not always think that the other person needs changing, usually it is our attitude and belief that need to be changed.  Once we alter our beliefs, we can change our feeling and emotions about the other person.  This is a formula for successful relationships.  Always look at what you can change to improve your relationship with another person that is difficult to get along with.

I hope your enjoy my interview with author Paul Colaianni as we explore being true to yourself, building positive relationships while overcoming stress and anxiety.  If you want to learn more about Paul you can visit his website by clicking here or his Facebook page by clicking here.