Jacqueline Townsend KonstanturosWhat a pleasure it was interviewing my good friend Jacqueline Townsend Konstanturos.  I have personally known Jackie for many years and we have worked on several projects together.  Jackie has recently co-authored a book entitled, “Gluten Nation“, with Dr. Alexander Shikham.  This book is designed to provide either the informed and educated or the uninformed and uneducated on the challenges associated with gluten, (wheat, rye, and barley), in our foods.

I personally was somewhat informed, but after this great interview with Jackie, I feel that I was provided with the information to make an educated decision about how gluten might be effecting me, and the minor shifts in my diet that I could make to test and determine what positive effects could come of an elimination of gluten in my food.  Jackie informed me that gluten in tolerances are genetic, and for the most part if someone in your family was intolerant that you may carry the gene.

There is a direct causal relationship to gluten in our diet and its link to arthritis, ADHD, autism, bipolar disorder, cancer, diabetes and fibromyalgia.  That is knowledge that is so important to know, and with a simple shift in our diets we can eliminate the side effects primarily that of  inflammation associated with these disorders.

As Jackie explains in our interview, gluten intolerance prevents your intestines from absorbing the proper nutrients from the food that you are eating.  Some of the symptoms are nausea, bloating, chronic fatigue and a list of related symptoms too long to mention.  I was totally amazed as the effects of gluten, and the simple steps that can be taken to elevate the problems.   The gluten intolerance effects about 20% of the population, and with proper care and diagnosis they can be free of these debilitating side effects.

I encourage all of my readers to read “Gluten Nation” to learn more about the signs, symptoms and the simple steps you can take to overcome the challenges.  Gluten Nation is loaded with great real life stories, maybe even stories that you will be able to relate to and pages of gluten free recipes too!

Please visit the Restorative Remedies website by clicking here to learn more about gluten and what you can do about preventing the effects from a possible intolerance to gluten.  Enjoy this wonderful interview with a very knowledgeable lady and dear friend.

Jeffrey-Brantley-M.D.-color-headshot-175x261This is my second interview with Dr. Jeff Brantley, and I love this new series of books entitled, “Five Good Minutes“.  Jeff and his co-author, Wendy Millstine, have written a series of mini-books that provide anyone who is seeking to practice mindfulness anytime, anywhere, the opportunity to learn how to do it.  You can pick up one of the series of the books and find valuable information, thoughts and practices to make your day more calm, relaxed and fulfilled.

We all know during these challenging times that we need to become more present and aware.  “The Five Good Minutes” books are filled with 100 reminders and practices to do at work, with the one you love, in the morning, in the evening and with your body.  The practices are so well thought out and easy to remember that it makes reading and having the books around as a reminder a great way to get yourself engaged in a practice of mindfulness.

I know that for a fact many of us just run all day long, then out of pure exhaustion just fall in bed and go to sleep.  This not good for your sex life, and it certainly does not set you up for a positive dream state.

One of the recommendation is the “Five Good Minutes in the Evening” is to break the routine.  Go for a leisurely walk or jog around you neighborhood. Take a hot bath, meditate, read a book, do something creative, start a new project.  Whatever it is, break the routine.

Just before bed, breath and listen mindfully for about a minute.  Set your intentions before going to bed and this will assist you in being more calm and most likely falling asleep quicker.  The”Five Good Minute” books are filled with wonderful ideas, things to think about and practices.  I highly recommend any one of the five books or all five to provide you with a well rounded opportunity to practice anywhere and anytime.

If you would like to learn more about the “Five Good Minute” book series please click here for more information.  If you would like to learn about Dr. Brantley and his practice please visit his website by clicking here.

Bruce Lipton Ph.DAccording to author Bruce Lipton, civilization is on the threshold of a profound evolutionary leap.  He says that the old conventional beliefs hold evolution as a long and gradual process.  However, the new science insights reveal that evolution occurs in what amounts to quantum jumps.

The new science of “epigenetics” tells us about our own powers.  The conventional belief held that our fate was genetically determined when in truth our genes are controlled by our perceptions of the environment.  When we change our perceptions of the environment we become master of our genetic fate.  Now, that is quite powerful if you grasp the significance of what he is saying.

In Bruce’s new book, “Spontaneous Evolution“, he reveals how changing our understanding of biology and human history will help us to navigate these turbulent times and invites the reader to reconsider:

  • The unquestioned pillars of biology including the random evolution, survival of the fittest, and the role of DNA.
  • The blueprint for our sustainable, life affirming future that is literally inside you-encoded in each of the trillions of cells comprising your body.
  • How our beliefs about nature and human nature shape our politics, culture and our individual lives.
  • How each of us can become planetary “stem cells” supporting the health and growth of our world and every individual in it.

I know that these are bold shifts on our beliefs, but Bruce lays out evidence that this is occurring now and by releasing the old beliefs that keep the status quo in place, and by building our lives and world on this heartening new story, we can trigger the spontaneous evolution of our species.

Spontaneous Evolution is an insightful, playful and ultimately hopeful look at the unfolding destiny of our species–how you can play an active role in birthing the evolution of humanity.

I encourage everyone to read and understand how you are going to become part of our new Spontaneous Evolution as a species on this planet.  Don’t resist, resistance is futile.

If you would like to know more about Bruce Lipton and his wonderful books please click here to be directed to his website.  You can also find lots of video’s on You Tube where Bruce is speaking about this subject by clicking here.

Ed and Deb ShapiroCome with me on this wonderful journey with two of the most amazing people who have not only practiced the fine art of meditation, but have taken the time to interview over 100 people who have personally benefited by the practice of meditation.

Ed and Deb Shapiro’s new book entitled, “Be The Change-How Meditation can Transform You and the World“,  is a wonderful book for anyone who wants to learn more about the incredible benefits of a regular practice of meditation.   They have interviewed everyone from Dr. John Grey to Dr. Dean Ornish and their stories are revealed in this wonderful book.

What you will find from reading the interviews is that all of the individuals who have started a practice of meditation have shifted their lives for the better, and have gone on to look beyond themselves and have a focus on how to help and serve others.  One of the amazing benefits of meditation is that it calms your mind to a point of being able to get in touch with a higher spirit, an energy that is greater than you. You emerge with a peaceful energy that can be used for good.  You are more calm, focused and have the ability to move your life in a graceful way in new and exciting directions.

Compassion is something that we should all practice more of, and if you are looking to to get in touch with the compassionate part of your being then meditation is one way to open up that channel of energy and be of total service to your fellow human beings.  I love this statement in the book by Jon Kabat-Zinn, “We have to learn how to put out the welcome mat for our own shadow side because when we suppress it, we project it onto others and we get the us-and them syndrome: We are right and they are not, so let’s kill them before they kill us.”

This book is for anyone who wants to “Be The Change” and open up to the good they can do not only for themselves but for for others by practicing meditation and the peace that it brings to the world one persona at a time.

Please go to Ed and Deb Shapiro’s website by clicking here to learn more about the good projects they are involved with.

Symeon RodgerI thoroughly enjoyed my interview with Dr. Symeon Rodger.  He is an extremely knowledgeable man with an in depth understanding of how to use ancient spiritual practices to reclaim your life.

His new book entitled ,”The Five Pillars of Life”,  is packed solid with information for anyone who is on the path of spiritual awakening needs to know and practice to attain a life of peace and tranquility.  As Dr. Rodger states, Your life contains incredible potential and undreamed of possibilities.  Every human life does, because this potential is innate in human nature and is just waiting for you to unlock it.

In “The Five Pillars of Life” Dr. Rodger reveals the formulas, principles and paradoxes of training.  He provides the ancient formulas which are easily understood and practiced as well as inner principles and paradoxes to enable the reader a true depth of understanding.   You soon start to understand that the information contained in this book can truly give you back tranquility, control, health, love and security.

Dr. Rodger points out the most frequent cause of failure in transforming any aspect of our lives is the lack of focus.  In today’s culture, our energy is dispersed in a thousand peripheral activities and we find ourselves quickly exhausted, our mental attention seized hundreds of times a day by the demands of others from the outside and our own passions from inside.

If you would like to learn more focus and attention, and put your life back in the zone then I highly recommend that you listen to and purchase Dr. Rodger’s new book “The Five Pillars of Life”,  you will be glad that you did.  Also for more information please visit his website by visiting his site at:  www.warriorcoachinginternational.com

Robyn OBrienThis is an interview with author Robyn O’Brien who decided to take some real action when it came to uncovering what ingredients in our foods are making us sick.

Her youngest daughter had a severe reaction to the eggs that she had eaten at breakfast one morning, which required a visit to the pediatrician and a mega dose of antihistamine.  This incident lead Robyn on her long journey of attempting to find the truth about what really is in our foods, and what are we not being told.

In our interview together we discuss the connections to genetically modified foods, and how these foods are allowed in our country but have been banned from European countries.   Just what is the connection between Big Food and Big Money in our country?  And why are harmful food additives still allowed in our food supplies?

Many of the toxins in our foods can be blamed for the alarming recent increases in allergies, ADHD, cancer and asthma in our children. Robyn and I explore these facts and provide you with some startling information about our food supply, and what steps you can take to protect yourself.

Robyn learned that one out of every three US kids currently suffers from allergies, asthma, ADHD, or autism and the number of children with peanut allergies actually doubled between 1997 and 2002.  So just what is happening to our food supply, and what steps can you take to prevent these statistics from effecting you or your family? “The “Unhealthy Truth” discloses what you need to know.  She provides recipes and actions plans for weaning your family off dangerous chemicals one step at at time.

I encourage you to listen to a very informative interview with the Erin Brockovich of food as she has been referred to by the media.

Robyn is also the founder of a non-profit entitled “Allergy Kids”  where you can obtain more information about her and the work she is doing to expose this important information about our foods and how to keep your family healthy in spite of the startling statistics.

David Simon M.D. In my interview with Dr. David Simon, we explore his new book entitled, “Free to Love Free to Heal: Heal Your Body by Healing Your Emotions”. The purpose behind writing this book was quite simply to help people identify and release the impediments in their ability to give and receive love.

Our ability to give and receive love influences every aspect of our life, including our health.  Dr. Simon shows you how to identify and release the core beliefs and painful memories that contribute to emotional distress and physical illness–freeing you to heal and move beyond the restricting conditions that have been limiting your health and happiness.

As Dr. Simon explains, emotional pain takes many forms: the grief of loss, overwhelming stress and anxiety, major or chronic depression, job burnout, feelings of stuck or trapped, heart break, lingering guilt, regret, fear of trusting again, pent-up anger, worry about the future or shame from the past. In the face of difficulty, most of us do our best to cope with the situation, hold it together and keep going, but we often end up carrying emotional pain that we just don’t know how to heal or release.

This toxic emotional residue gets stored in our bodily tissues, contribution to distress, and ultimately disease. The “Free to Love” process is a systematic process for releasing stored emotional toxicity, restoring the body’s innate capacity for healing and well-being.

Free to Love, Free to Heal is a powerful five-step emotional detoxification process that has helped thousands of people coping with a wide range of difficulties.  If you are personally suffering from the emotional challenges caused by stress, anxiety, fear and depression, then I encourage you to read Dr. Simon’s book for he takes an in-depth look at the mind-body-spirit connection.

You truly can heal your body by healing your emotions, and Free to Love, Free to Heal provides you with the practical tools including the “Seven Laws of Loving Relationships”.

I hope you enjoy my interview with Dr. Simon, and for more information please visit his website by clicking here.

Janice TaylorWhat a wonderful interview with a very inspiring, creative and lively author!  Janice Taylor is one of the country’s leading health and wellness coaches, and she writes from personal experience.  In her new book, “All is Forgiven, Move On“,  Janice writes about her personal bout with weight loss and how she finally came to the point of acceptance and forgiving herself. This shift in her mindset has provided her the inner strength and ability to not only lose the weight, but to keep it off for years.

She explains that to change our bodies we need to radically shift our attitude–get out of our ruts, forgive ourselves for past sins, and move on with a positive outlook.  In her book she offers 101 forgiving, fun and fat-burning steps along the road to weight loss to help readers recharge and stay inspired when the journey get rocky.  Each of the steps in the book ends with a “point of view” –a fresh perspective on weight loss–and includes advice and activities.

All Is Forgiven, Move On” is loaded with wonderful art, recipes and exercises that will engage the reader and get you moving in the right direction with your weight release program.  I have personally reviewed many books on weight loss, and this is undoubtedly the most creative, fun and engaging book that I have ever reviewed.   When you pick up ” All is Forgiven, Move On” you realize that Janice has put her heart and soul into the message and really wants to help people learn how to love themselves, and lose weight.

Janice has created a wonderful website, and you can also join her “Our Lady of Weight Loss Kick in the Tush Club”.  If you would like more information on either her newsletter, book or wonderful coaching programs please click here to access her website.


Enjoy this wonderful interview with the very lively and interesting weight loss Queen–Janice Taylor.