What a great new book my good friend Jim Cathcart has written.  I am speaking about the “Self-Motivation” Handbook.

I recently had the opportunity to speak with Jim and discuss some of the highlights of “The Self-Motivation Handbook“, and some of the most revealing themes revolve around 268 one minute lessons in self motivation.

We discussed several of the one minute lessons for this podcast,  here are just a few of the lessons:

#56 “What Makes You Feel Better than Anything?” — As Jim describes it in this lesson it is helping another person, giving of ourselves to others in need.  This is one of the biggest contributions we can make as well as the great feeling we personally get from serving.

#70 Lighten-Up — Stop stressing over the things that only matter to you emotionally.  When life is unfair get over it quickly.  This is a great bit of advice, it does not serve us to spend time being upset and wallowing in the negative energy.  The advice to get over it quickly, and move on it a wonderful way to remove the stress from your life.

#72 The Eight T of Motivation — Here are eight words that begin with T that you can use to motivate yourself and others: 1. Target: Make sure you are clear as to what you are doing and why. 2. Tools: Without the information or equipment to do your job well, you will proceed slowly. 3. Training: Have you accessed the learning that can make you even better at what you do? 4. Time: Has there been enough time for the training to sink in through trial and error? 5. Tracking: As you proceed, be sure that you track your progress and show everyone where they stand. 6. Truth: Get the big picture, and see how everything fits into the overall plan. 7. Touch: Allow for the human factors. Make sure that everyone gets the encouragement and support they need. 8. Trust: Assure that each person is trusted just a bit more than they currently deserve. Allow room for growth, but not so much trust that you put everyone at risk.

What actions will you take on this idea?

I hope you enjoy this interview with Jim Cathcart the author of “The Self-Motivation Handbook“.  If you want more information you can go to Jim’s website by clicking here, or his Facebook Page by clicking here.  He also offers video modules through the Thrive 15 website at www.thrive15.com.


I always enjoy my interview with author Matthew Fox.  His writing is thoughtful and insightful.  I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Matthew for his new book entitled ” A Way To God-Thomas Merton’s Creation Spirituality Journey“.

In our interview together we discuss the life and teaching of Thomas Merton.  This book creates a methodology for understanding the vast and deep contributions that Merton made to the history of spirituality by demonstrating his teaching by way of the Four Paths of Creation.

Those four paths are: Via Positiva–the path to delight, joy awe and wonder. Via Negativa–the path of Silence and emptying the mind; grief and suffering and nothingness and the apophatic divinity.  Via Creativa– is the experience of God through creativity, and Via Transformativa–is the experience of God via justice-making and compassion, the way of the prophet.

I hope you will join Matthew Fox and myself for an exploration into the writing and teaching of Thomas Merton.  Enjoy this great interview with one of the best read authors on the life and times of Thomas Merton as we discuss his new book “A Way to God“.

If you want more information about Matthew Fox please click here to be directed to his website, or click here to be directed to his Facebook page.


I have to admit the deepest interviews I have ever had have been with author Mark Nepo.  In my recent interview with him about his new book ” The One Life We’re Given” we explored together how to reach and listen to our soul’s calling.

As Mark states “Throwing ourselves wholeheartedly into what we’re given brings us alive”–whether we must deal with suffering, pain, fear and loss or surprise, beauty, love and wonder.  Each of these moments is an opportunity to listen more deeply to our feelings to deepen our connections with others, and to sense the sacred nature of ordinary things”.  On this journey we will affirm how precious this one life is and enter the chance we have to be fully alive and to be of us to each other and the world.  We will uncover, how by loving what’s before us and concentrating on what’s particular and personal, we can begin to make sense of our experience. We will learn how, over time, the twin callings of enlivening our soul and enlivening the world become one, and how our sincerity and labor help us survive and thrive.

If you are questioning certain life events from relationships to work, then you will want to read “The Life We’re Given“.  This book is a practical way to reevaluate your life, and find ways to change it for the better.  It will make you think deeply, reflect and listen to your soul.  If you are longing  to make your life better, the answers are right in front of you—the secret is to listen and connect to your soul then take action on your new found insights.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with author Mark Nepo.  If you want to learn more about Mark please click here to be directed to his website, you can also connect with Mark by clicking here to be directed to his Facebook page.  Enjoy another great podcast with author Mark Nepo.


Once in awhile you run across a book that can change the course of your life, and “Start Here” certainly has the ability to do just that.

I recently had the honor of interviewing Nate Klemp, PhD the co-author of a new book entitled “Start Here” and we had a lively discussion about the book and the practices that are incorporated into the book and hopefully become part of the readers daily routine.

We start our interview off by discussing the “happiness set point”, yes we all have one and we have the opportunity to re-set our happiness set point as Nate explains in our interview.  The key to resetting our set point is understanding the three set point forces.  The first one is “judgement” and is the mind’s tendency to divide the inner and outer world into categories–good/bad, right/wrong, like/dislike.  The second one is “attachement“. Is it the mind’s tendency to approach or cling to pleasurable thoughts, beliefs, or sensations.  And the third is “resistance“.  This is the mind’s tendency to fight or flee from painful sensations, experiences, or situations.   These three set point forces can certainly be monitored, managed and can have an amazing effect on your level of happiness.

The foundation of well being revolves around three stages, train, be and do.  These three stages make up the foundation of the Life-XT program that is outlined in “Start Here”.  The training stage consists of meditation, movement and inquiry. The “Be” stage consists of presence, gratitude and compassion; and the “Do” stage consists of engagement, relationship, and contribution.  While these words don’t do justice to explaining the entire Life-XT program it does provide you with the elements included in the program.  If you want to learn more please click here to be directed to the website for Life-XT.  You can also click here to be directed to the Facebook page for the book.

I hope you enjoy this great interview with author Nate Klemp, PhD about his new book “Start Here-A Groundbreaking Science-Based Program for Emotional Fitness.”

I had an opportunity to connect again with Lance Secretan, someone I consider a good friend and confidant.  His new book entitled ” A Love Story” is a personal memoir about his wonderful love relationship with his wife Tricia who passed away in 2014 from cancer.  Lance laces the book with wonderful poetry and stories about this amazing love affair, which he wishes everyone could have with that special someone in their life.  Tricia had a full and wonderful life with Lance, and she certainly made him whole and complete in so many ways.

I hope you enjoy this intensely personal story and interview with my good friend and author Lance Secretan and he recites beautiful poetry and tells us about a journey with his wife that will ever be imbedded in his memories.  If you want more information about the book ” A Love Story” please click here to be directed to Lance’s blog.  Or you can click here to learn more about Lance and his organization “The Secretan Center.”


Are you interested in learning how to be your most authentic-self?  Author Polly Campbell in her new book “How to Live an Awesome Life” provides the reader with an opportunity to see the world through a lens of awareness and engagement.  Polly will admit that life is messy, but if we learn how to focus on the beauty and the energy of awe our lives would be filled with more joy, happiness and fulfillment.

Polly is encouraging the reader to look at the world with wonder and amazement for this forces us to adjust our mental models.  To live with mystery and uncertainty, but when living life this way we will grow our spiritual perspective and open to the possibilities.

Psychologist Paul Pearsall calls awe or eleventh emotion and and described it as “overwhelming and bewildering sense of connection with a startling universe that is usually far beyond the narrow band of our consciousness.”

If you are looking to live your life in awe and wonder, then I recommend reading Polly Campbell’s new book “How to Life an Awesome Life“.

If you want to learn more about Polly you can visit her on Facebook by clicking here, or go to her Twitter page by clicking here.  I hope you enjoy this great interview with author Polly Campbell.


In this interview, I had the pleasure of speaking with May McCarthy, the author of “Path to Financial Wealth.”  This is truly a great read.

May talks about how there are seven steps to make the All-Knowing Power of the universe your new business partner.  She will take you step by step to teach you how to create and cultivate your new business partner so that you can achieve more of the good stuff in life.  When you learn to follow the steps you will notice that you aren’t working as hard to reach your goals.

May McCarthy is a 34+ year serial entrepreneur, angel investor, author, and philanthropist.  She has become successful by implementing spiritual principles into her ventures, and it is her passion to pass her knowledge on to others.

Learn more about May McCarthy at www.maymccarthy.com and you can purchase “Path to Financial Wealth” here.