I happen to be listening to a podcast that the Robert Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership was hosting , and I heard an interview with author Ari Weinzweig the author of a trilogy of books entitled ” A Lapsed Anarchist’s Approach to Managing Ourselves”, “Being a Better Leader” and “Building a Great Business” all in the Lapsed Anarchist’s series. I was so taken by Ari’s approach to how he built and ran his organizations that I invited him to be on Inside Personal Growth. In this interview about his book “Managing Ourselves” Ari and I discuss the 12 Tips for more effective self-management, which are truly gems and so important to learn on our path of self discovery and personal growth. Tip one (1)  is “Get to Know Yourself”, now while this seems simple most of us spend a lifetime going deep into our soul seeking to better understand our best attributes and qualities as well as how to improve the ones that frequently get in the way and don’t serve us as becoming better human beings. The second Tip Ari speaks about is “Honoring Your Emotions.” We all know the line “leave your emotions at the door” when you go to work. As Ari states that is utterly impossible—our emotions go with us wherever we go but we can learn to monitor and manage them so they don’t get in the way of what we are trying to accomplish. The entire list of 12 tips are in his book, as well you can go to his website to learn more. I know that you will receive a lifetime of personal and business wisdom from my interviews with Ari. I highly encourage purchasing Ari’s trilogy of books and to  learning more about his organization Zingerman’s by clicking on the link here. He has also created Zing Train a training organization based in Ann Arbor, MI with a mission to help organizations better serve both their customers and employees. To learn more click here to be directed to the Zing Train website, or click here to be directed to the Zingerman’s Facebook page.

We all tap into our intuition from time to time, and wonderfully when we do it as if our lives are altered in mysterious and beautiful ways. Everyone reading this has dialed into and heard the inner voice, the voice of wisdom guiding us— if only we will listen.

“Intuition is a survival tool” write author Simone Wright the author of ” First Intelligence: Using the Science and Spirit of Intuition.” In my interview with her we discuss not only how she has been able to fine tune her own intuition, but how she works with others around the world and coaches them to more powerfully access this great power.

One of the misconceptions about intuition is that it is a supernatural power or paranormal phenomenon. Intuition is a power that we are all born with but we are not taught how to use it. It appears in different ways some people have clairaudience or clear hearing, others are gifted with clairvoyance or clear seeing, and other are clairsentience or clear feeling. No matter what your “intuitive power” it is available to access as a guidance system, states author Simone Wright ” you just need to be open to receiving ideas, and inspirations”.

I hope you enjoy Simone Wright speaking with me about her new book “First Intelligence”. If you listen carefully you will better understand how to access the power of your intuition.

If you want to learn more about Simone Wright please click here to be directed to her website, or watch the video below about her new book.

Author Shawn Hunter is truly and out of the box thinker. In my recent interview about his new book entitled ” Out Think, How Innovative Leaders Drive Exceptional Outcomes”

Shawn shares with me what is required to be an innovative leader in our new era. We have entered an age of imagination, ideation, conceptualization, creativity, innovation—take your pick. Creativity, mental flexibility, and collaboration have displaced one-dimensional intelligence and isolated determination as core ingredients of competitive advantage states Shawn.

These mindsets that are needed to drive innovation are only found by tapping into the discretionary levels of passion and initiative within us. It is these new mindsets that makes up where “Out, Think” come from. Shawn presents in each chapter key ideas, behavior and or the mindsets so that the reader can practice and put into practical application the “Out Think” principles.

I hope you enjoy this dynamic interview with a really fun and exciting author. If you want to learn more about Shawn you can click here to be directed to his website or click here to go to his Facebook page.