Ron and Mary HulnickI had the distinct honor to interview two spiritual teachers of mine  who have had a significant impact on transforming my life for the positive, and countless thousands of other University of Santa Monica graduate students in the study of Spiritual Psychology.

In my interview with authors Ron and Mary Hulnick we get the opportunity to discuss their new Hay House book entitled ” Loyalty To Your Soul-The Heart of Spiritual Psychology“.   This book at it’s essence distills the teachings of the Spiritual Psychology, a two year graduate course and it does an amazing job of covering so many of the valuable lessons of the course.

There are 22 Principals of Spiritual Psychology covered in the book, and while Ron, Mary and I only have time to cover a few you will certainly want to purchase a copy of the book so that you can learn more, believe me it is well worth you investment of money and time.

A key point of the Spiritual Psychology course is something that Ron and Mary call your “Learning Orientation to Life“.   Most people in life are on the “goal line” of life.  Acquiring more things in the physical world reality, home, cars, more money etc.  While this is part of our physical world reality, it is not the most important.  We will soon get tired of just seeking the next new thing in life, and ultimately it will not fulfill our soul.  On the other hand if our orientation to life is on the learning line, we are focused on our spiritual evolution.

Ron and Mary state in Principle #5 ” Physical-world reality exists for the purpose of spiritual evolution.  If you understand this point, it changes your life perspective and will have major positive implications for your lifetime. Wins on the Goal Line stay here, while wins on the Learning Line go with you.  It’s the Learning Line that leads Home to God where progress is spiritual evolution is made.

Mary and I discuss that consciousness functions on three levels, physical, mental and emotional.  On each of these levels we have either positive or negative experiences.  As we grow in our consciousness evolution we seek to ascend to what is referred to as our Authentic Self Level.   At this level of understanding and peace is where we know Unconditional Love.

Your Authentic Self knows the curriculum you have come here to learn. It knows what ego work you’re here to complete.  It also knows that until your ego work is done, your spiritual agenda in the physical world will serve you by continually providing experiences that will tend to trigger your unresolved issues.  These experiences are actually spiritual opportunities to learn, grow and complete what must be done.  The Authentic Self cooperates with this structure, for it knows what it’s here to do and how this physical form supports it spiritual progression.
If you are at all interested in exploring your personal spiritual growth, and want a book that will provide you with so many of the answers you have probably been seeking then I highly recommend Ron and Mary’s Hulnick’s new book ” Loyalty To Your Soul”.  You can also visit the books website by clicking here, or you can learn more about the Spiritual Psychology Master’s program by clicking here to be directed to the USM website.

Please enjoy this wonderful interview with two of the most amazing spiritual teacher I have ever encountered.

Jim DonovanI always enjoy my interviews with the Tremendous Life Book authors, and Jim Donovan was no exception.  His new book entitled “52 Ways to a Happier Life” is filled with great advice and wisdom.

I found author Jim Donovan to be with one of the most authentic people I have spoken with in quite sometime.  His authenticity and “realness’ just exude during our to dialogue together.  Jim is the real deal. He had a very challenging young adulthood which helped to shape him into the person he is today.   His new book “52 Ways to a Happier Life” is a short read, but filled with practical and applicable suggestions to really live the life you were born to live.

How many of us remember to congratulate ourselves?  Sounds simple doesn’t it, but how many of us really take the time to acknowledge our accomplishment daily.  I bet not many of us.  The question we should be asking is why not?  Why don’t we take the time to acknowledge our accomplishments?  It is usually because our EGO is to busy telling us that we could do more, be more and have more so we just don’t have the time because of our busyness and focus on the material world.  Jim’s advice would be to quiet the inner critic and take the time to go inside and reconnect at a soul level. I know we  will be happier if we completed this act of self-kindness.

Jim dedicates several chapters to the importance of goal setting and planning.  He cites a statistic which thought was just astounding,  that over 97% of the worlds population does not take the time to write and set goals for themselves.  I had not idea that the numbers were so high.

So just what does goal setting do for you?  It provides one with a direction, a purpose and an opportunity to explore their personal passion.  Once you ignite this spark within the skys the limit.  It is really not so important if you don’t reach the goal, but it is important to put them in your subconscious and written goals are good reinforcing the subconscious.

I know you are going to love this book, and the wise advice from a man who walks his talk.  Please listen to this great podcast, for it is a wonderful way to start your New Year.  I also recommend that you visit Jim’s website and listen and watch his videos, you will be glad that you did.  Practical advice from a practical author and wise person.
Please click here to be directed to his website, and to purchase a copy of the book click here.

Dee Edington, Ph.D.If you are interested at all about the future of wellness and healthcare, then you need go no further than our guest for this podcast Dee Edington Ph.D.  Dee is the author of over 500 articles on the subject, and his new book entitled “Zero Trends: Health as a Serious Economic Strategy” certainly is a must read for anyone involved in the delivery of wellness and healthcare solution.

In my interview with Dee we discuss the two major problems that need to be solved: the rising cost of healthcare in America, which is eroding profits at an accelerating rate and leading toward disaster for businesses.  As well as the do-nothing approach which is not a solution at all.

Dee suggest that we need to move from a sickness orientated culture to a culture of health, a culture in which we not only care for the sick but also enable the healthy to stay healthy.   This is an approach that lowers healthcare costs and as the same time increases productivity and human satisfaction.

Edington quotes  Albert Einstein “the world we have made as a result of the level of thinking we have done thus far creates problems we cannot solve at the same level of thinking at which we created them.”    It is clear that after all of these years of the same medical approaches to managing health, more doctors, nurses, hospitals, procedures and devices will not solve the problems.  Edington disagrees with those in the medical profession and some of the health economists and politicians who argue that prevention and healthy lifestyles will not lower the total costs of sickness or lead to a better way of life for individuals and businesses.  The information and data presented in “Zero Trends”  will support the argument that improved health status will not only reduce healthcare costs for companies but also increase performance and productivity in the workplace.

The bottom line is that we need to focus on bringing back vitality to our businesses and the people that work in them. The new model for healthcare in America redefines healthcare as a combination of illness and wellness strategies.  It is designed to help employers enable employees to become self-leaders in maintaining their energy, vitality and overall performance.
If you are interested in learning more about “Zero Trends” then I highly recommend that you visit the Health Management Research Center at the University of Michigan by clicking here.  You can also purchase Dee’s book at this website by clicking this link to take you directly to the book’s landing page.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with a man who has dedicated his career to helping us better understand the challenges we are facing in healthcare.

Phil TaylorI was first introduced to Phil Taylor through Dilip Abayskekara an author  we did a wonderful podcast with last year on his book entitled “The Path of the Genie”  Phil is a Tremendous Life Books author, and his new book entitled “Set Yourself on Fire: How to Ignite Your Passions and Live the Life You Love” is a wonderful book designed to engage and ignite the imagination.

During our interview Phil and I discuss the importance of having a wonderful imagination, and that frequently we suppress our dreams and imagination because of social conditioning as the years go by.  How true that is, when we were children our imagination would run wild with ideas, thoughts and we dream about people and places we would like to meet and or become.  Then somehow for many of us we loose our dreams, primarily because we are so involved in our everyday life to even give them a second thought.

Author Phil Taylor  would like for all of his readers to be reignited and enthustiac about about setting goals again, and living their dreams.  He mentioned to me that there are five (4) reasons people fail to set goals. (1) Fear (2) Poor Self Image (3) Not Realizing the Importance of Goals (4) Not Knowing How to Set Goals.  In his new book “Set Yourself On Fire” Phil provides the reader with the four simple steps to setting goals, and believe me it is worth your time to set down and reignite yourself and learn how to properly set goals, then don’t be afraid to achieve them.

Phil reminds us that living our life purpose is so important, and if you fuel that purpose with aligned goals to your values you will be come unstoppable.  Just remind yourself of the statement by Henry Ford “If you think you can or you think you can’t you’re probably right.  So if you are looking for an easy to read book with wonderful stories, inspiration and ideas to ignite your fire then I highly recommend “Set Yourself On Fire” by Phil Taylor.
If you would like to learn more about Phil, he is the founder of Goal Achiever International and if you click here you will be directed to their website.  You can also find Phil on Linkedin.  Enjoy this interview with a very inspiring and wise man.

Nick McCormickI recently interviewed author and consultant, Nick McCormick, who’s new book entitled “Acting Up Brings Everyone Down” is a great read for anybody managing employees.  In our interview together we discuss the reprocutions of childish behavior in the workplace and the effects is has on productivity.

We have all known someone at one time or another that just loves to fuss about whats going on in the office.  Nothing is ever right, and they have a tendency to place blame for what is not right outside themselves.  This example is common, and as Nick explains, it is the  job of the manager to help the employee to understand that they need to start taking responsibility for their actions.  Many of the stories that Nick uses in the book to get his point across are one we can all relate to as children.   Nick develops a wonderful correlation between the behaviors we expressed as children to similar behaviors that get acted out in the workplace.

Acting up Brings Everyone Down” also has wonderful “do’s” and don’t” at the end of each chapter, these summary “do’s” and “don’t”  give a summary of the actions that managers can implement within their organization to overcome the childish behavior and have the employees start taking responsibility for their actions.   This is a wonderful book and a very quick read, which is what every manager in the workplace needs.  I would encourage anyone who deals with people in a work environment to read this book, and most importantly implement Nick’s recommendations.
If you would like more information about Nick’s new book, please visit his website by clicking here.  I hope you enjoy this interview with author Nick McCormick about the challenges all managers are faced with in managing employees.

Anne SteinerI recently had the very good fortune of being introduced through a friend to Anne Steiner.  Anne is not an author, but is the director of the Johnson O’Connor Research Foundation in Seattle, WA.

What is so interesting about my introduction to Anne, is that in the process of researching the Foundation for this podcast Anne offer to have me to take a very extensive aptitude test which revealed strong aptitudes in several areas of my life that corresponded with the writing and work that I do for my podcast and blog at Inside Personal Growth.

In my interview with Anne we discuss the importance of aptitude testing, and how it can be valuable in providing guidance with relation to career choices or changes.  Those that are fortunate enough to engage in this type of testing, I believe have a distinct advantage over others that do not take aptitude testing.

Just think back to the days when you were in High School or early in college, you know the time when you frequently wondered what you would do with the education you were getting.  I know that many of us also remember the long nights of studying, and wondering if we would ever use the stuff we were studying again.

If you are like most, an aptitude test would have been a wonderful gift of guidance.  It would have given us a glimpse into our own natural strength and abilities, and we could have spent more time developing these abilities vs. studying for that boring calculus class…sorry if I offended any of the engineering or math majors.

The Johnson O’Connor Research Foundation offers the most comprehensive aptitudes and knowledge testing of any organization in the industry, and they have been doing it the longest so their research on the finding is very accurate.

If you are in the middle of a career change, or a student that would like to know more about your natural aptitudes then I would highly recommend that you take these series of tests.  The results and guidance the you receive from the counselors as Johnson O’Connor is wonderful.  I wish that I would have taken the aptitude tests so much earlier in my career, for I know it would have made an impact on the choice of my vocation.

If you would like more information on the Johnson O’Connor Research Foundation, then click here to be directed to their website.

I hope you enjoy this interview with Anne Steiner the executive director of the Seattle, WA office for Johnson O’Connor Research Foundation.

Janet Smith WarfieldIf you are interested in changing your world, then changing how you speak to others and yourself can be the catalysts, says author Janet Smith Warfield.  In her new book entitled “Shift-Change Your Words, Change Your World” she emphasizes the importance of words being used to sharpen your focus, expand our thinking, and transform our planet.

Janet had an epiphany early in life, she realized that the meaning of words depends upon the human consciousness that hears and understands the words.  Words have meaning only in the context of particular experiences and mindsets.  Words carry energy and can be used to heal, transform, or to harm – the choice is yours.  In my interview with Janet we explore the power of words, and the importance of a mutual understanding of our use of words.

Janet states in her book that when we try to move beyond the edge of the “Human Truth Puzzle”, we can’t know, we simply have to trust. That’s what a leap of faith is all about .  We leap beyond our linear thinking our divisive language, and our fear of the unknown to free our creativity.   We all have the ability to put this “Human Truth Puzzle” together, but it’s not easy.  Janet says “Who  is up to the challenge of looking hard at his or her own thoughts, emotions, and actions?

Words can point to Truth, but words are not Truth.  This “Human Truth Puzzle” can only be experienced–as synthesis, peace, harmony and unity.  As soon as we label the experience of non-dual consciousness Truth, the mind jumps in and opposes Truth to Falsehood.  The human mind has then created the very duality the unification experience dispels.

If you are at all interested in how words are shaping you and the world in which you live, then I encourage you to listen to this podcast with author Janet Smith Warfield.  In her book “The Shift” you will be exposed to concepts, stories, and ideas that will most likely stretch your thoughts about how words are shaping your world–and what you can do about it.

Janet has a wonderful blog and website, just click on the links attached to be directed to her websites.  Enjoy this wonderful interview.

Doug DickersonI believe that Doug Dickerson has written a book that not only leaders need to read, but everyone.  Doug’s new book entitled ” “Leaders Without Borders-9 Essentials for Everyday Leadership” really spells out the necessary attributes and skills that one needs to be a great leader.  He discusses the “why” of leadership not just the “how-to”of leadership.

We are all leaders, no matter what our occupation, and one of the keys to being a good leader is to remove “the borders” as Doug mentions.  Frequently, we are influenced by other’s good opinions of ourselves or we listen to the little voice within us that is limiting our human potential as a leader.  We need to identify these factors, and remove the borders allowing us to flourish us much better people and leaders.

One of the most important aspects of becoming a good leader is our ability to be optimistic.  Optimism is not only a positive attitude but the ability to move forward in the throws of adversity.  Doug speaks with me about the three (3) factors associated with someone who is optimistic.  1) The factor of positive response.  This factor is associated with how you react to a problem or circumstance that is out of your control.  If you can keep a cheerful temperament then your customers, family, or co-workers are going to react so much more favorably.  2) The factor of positive attitude.  Doug quotes Herm Albright’s observation: ” A positive attitude may not solve all of your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort”. What a great quote and axiom to follow. 3) The factor of positive perseverance. When you choose a positive response to negative circumstances, you begin to experience exponential growth as a leader.

Doug’s new book “Leaders Without Borders” is a great book to read, and is packed full of wonderful stories and examples of leaders that we should all model.  If you are looking for a short, easy to read book with new information on the attributes of leadership, as well as, revisiting some of the ones we always need reminding of, then you have come to the right place.

Please visit Doug’s website for more information, videos, and writings on the subject of leadership.  Also if you would like to purchase the book please click here and you will be directed to the Tremendous Life book store.

Enjoy my interview with a wonderful man and a great leader himself.

I recently had the privilege of interviewing Sallie Felton, who is not only an author but a life coach, Sallie Feltonhypnotherapist and inspirational speaker.  Sallie has a new book coming out entitled “GPS for Success” and this book features Stephen Covey, Dr. John Grey, Les Brown and other leading experts in the personal growth industry.

In my interview with Sallie we discuss the issues associated with leading and living a balanced life.   I love Sallie’s metaphor about a tree,”If you were to think of a tree it’s being nourished, it’s always growing, it’s always blossoming, and it’s being pruned by nature.  If on one side of that tree, it becomes too laden with branches, what happens? It loses it balance and it leans to one side or another.  Just as in life, if we become too overworked we become laden with stress, so we become out of balance.”

If you look at your life like the branches on the tree, each one of those branches is an aspect of your life.  Sallie and I discuss the 12 categories of : Profession/Job, Physical, Spiritual, Intimacy, Office, Learning, Play, Finance, Health, Social, Family, Home/Environment and Fun.  All of these are important and what Sallie recommends is that we rank our level of satisfaction in each of these areas of our life from 1-10, with 10 being the most pleasurable.  If after ranking your life wheel, of which it is often referred too, and you find yourself out of balance then take small tiny steps to identify what you can do to improve that area of your life.


What I like about Sallie’s approach to finding balance is that it is simple, practical, and doable.  In her new book “GPS for Success” you are going to be able to read stories and lessons from the masters in the field of personal growth and mastery.

If you would like more information about the book or Sallie and her radio show entitled “A Fresh Start with Sallie Felton, then just click here to be directed to her website.  I hope you enjoy this interview with a wonderful lady with lots of practical and wise advice.