Michael "Mike D" DolpiesMike Dolpies the author of “Motion Before Motivation“, says that there are thee kinds of people in the world–those who make things happen, those who watch what happens, and those who stand around and wonder ” What happened?”.  He says that you are in control of what happens to you.  Even if you trust in a higher power to guide you, you know that the higher power will help those who decide to help themselves.

Mike’s book, “Motion Before Motivation“,  references newtons first “Law of Inertia”.  The important point that Mike is making by citing this law is that it is more important for us to take action, and that this is so important to manifesting what you want in life.

We can think all we want about attaining particular goals, but the most important step is the action.  You need to be sure that the actions you are taking are in the direction of clearly defined goals.  If not, “Natural Tendency” will work against you.   In human terms, “Natural Tendency” is the force of habit.  If someone is in the habit of constantly remaining in motion toward their goals, they will continue in that direction and get closer to them every day.   If someone is in the habit of putting things off or waiting for the inspiration or motivation to compel them to get moving then nothing will happen and they will remain “at rest”.

Mike refers to what he calls “pro-active motion”.  Pro-active motion is the motion you take based on solid principles, information and passion.  Pro-active motion will enable you to think two, three or even four moves ahead. Pro-active motion will help you remain calm, control your stress levels and easily deal with the curve balls and setbacks of daily life.

There is a three (3) step success formula outlined in Motion Before Motivation.  1) Motion creates belief in Yourself 2) Belief in Yourself Creates Positive Emotions 3) Positive Emotions Give You the Desire to Fuel the Motivation You Need to Keep Going.

I believe that these steps to success are great advice, and if you want to learn more about Mike and his book Motion Before Motivation you can visit his website by clicking here.

Jessica Pryce-JonesDo you remember what Walt Disney used to say about Disneyland? –That is was the happiest place on earth.  If you have ever visited Disneyland or Disney World then you will experience a culture of people that really love their work.

I recently learned that of the trillions we are spending on health care in our country,  that 70% of the dollars spent are allocated to five chronic diseases of which depression is one of the aliments.  This is a staggering amount of money being spent to keep our workforce happy and more productive.  What I am wondering is why are so many of us reverting to anti-depressants to just sustain our life, and why can’t happiness be a natural life occurrence?.

If you have some of these same questions, then you are going to love my interview with author Jessica Pryce-Jones about her new book entitled, “Happiness at Work“. In our interview together we explore the mindset that is part of a happy productive person and the associated workplace environment that fosters happiness.  Jessica spent over five years studying 3,000 people and compiling data on what creates happiness in the workplace.  She discovered that there are five main components of happiness at work, and they are:

  • Contribution: For individuals, this means achieving one’s goals, having clear objectives, raising issues that are personally important, and feeling secure in one’s job. It also consists of being listened to, getting positive feedback, being respected by one’s boss, and feeling appreciated.
  • Conviction: This means being motivated, feeling effective and efficient, showing resiliency when time are tough, and perceiving that one’s work has a positive impact on the world.
  • Culture: People who feel they fit well at work enjoy their jobs, like their colleagues, appreciate the values the workplace stands for, believe they are being treated fairly, and feel that they have control of their daily activities.
  • Commitment: Means identifying your overall purpose, finding meaningful work, being interested in your job, and believing in the vision of your organization. Increasing commitment is just as much an individuals responsibility as it is a corporate one–the company’s vision and strategies should be understood at every staff level.
  • Confidence: It’s important to choose jobs, goals, and challenges that push the boundaries of one’s comfort zone in order to grow confidence. Increasing confidence also means creating safety mechanisms and support when trying new and difficult things.

So, if you want a workplace filled with happy workers who are more productive, engaged and willing to contribute, then you need to read this wonderful book by Jessica Pryce-Jones.  You can also visit her website by clicking here to learn more about her company iOpener, and the studies she has completed.

Enjoy this wonderful interview with someone who know what it takes to make a workplace the happiest place on earth.

Michael E. Gerber I believe most people in small business know author Michael E. Gerber.  Michael has written a new book entitled, “The Most Successful Small Business in the World: The Ten Principles“.  Michael is a fascinating and dynamic man, not to mention a prolific writer.

In his 70’s Michael still travels the world speaking his message with great passion and zest for life.  In my interview we explore one of his new ventures entitled “Origination‘”.  I would highly recommend that you click on the link and watch his compelling video.  I am not someone to watch a 20 minute video on the Internet, but this video was quite compelling and intrigued me enough to learn more about what Michael is up too.

Michael reveals in “The Most Successful Small Business in the World: The Ten Principles” is a must read for any person in business.  Gerber’s ten principles will help you to break out of the vicious cycle before it starts in your new business. He’ll help you to embrace the energy of exploration with a road map for taking your vision beyond the obvious.  Only then can you build a company that provides continuous fulfillment and personal growth, and can expand the income, services and positive contribution to your employees and community.

Gerber’s ten principles will help you to: 1) identify your company’s essential “system”–its highly differentiated way of doing business that will be the cornerstone of your success.  2) Build a business of great imagination;a self-reliant “reach” that will create economic certainty in any climate. 3) Create a center of growth and learning for your employees, that will in turn develop you business beyond any standard that formerly existed. 4) Instill a higher purpose that can move yourself, your business, and your customers to greater levels of fulfillment and growth.

If you are looking for a truly different business book with wisdom, guidance and simple formulas for success—then you have landed on the right book.  Please visit Micheal’s website by clicking here for more video, audio, radio shows and more.

The website is beautiful and loaded with great free content. Enjoy this lively interview with a true master at small business,  Michael E. Gerber.

Robin Sharma What a wonderful interview with a fascinating man and prolific author.  Robin Sharma has just released his new book entitled, “The Leader Who Had No Title”.

This is a fable in which Robin eloquently weaves into the storyline the advice of a character by the name of Tommy Flinn to our main character Blake Davis about important lessons in life and leadership.  Robin’s message of “The Leader Who Had No Title” is very timely considering the major challenges our world is facing, and many examples we can pluck out of the news about leaders who have fallen from their so called thrones due to indiscretions or lack of integrity.

Robins main message revolves around the fact that everyone is a leader, we all have roles of leadership at work, home and or community.   We need not play down our roles as leaders but embrace the good that we do as a result of our leadership roles.  Robin tells that that we have just entered what he calls, “The Decade of Leadership”.  Leadership has become democratized, we don’t have to be executives to be leaders.

Robin articulates what he refers to as nine smart moves you can make today to start changing the game and create exceptional results:

1)    Remember You Don’t Need a Title to Be a Leader

2)    Shift form Victimhood to Leadership

3)    Innovate or Stagnate

4)    Become a Value Creator Versus a Clock Watcher

5)    Put People First

6)    Remember that Tough Times Build Strong Leaders

7)    Go to Your Limits

8)    Leader Yourself First

9)    Give Back a Legacy.

I highly recommend this great fable with a wonderful message about how we are all leaders, and we are now living in a age where we all need to step up and become leaders in our own right.  This book is loaded with wonderful advice and practical actions we can take to become the best leaders we are capable of.

Please go to Robin’s website which has loads of video and reference material by clicking here.  Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of Robin’s new book by clicking on any of the links in this blog entry.

Enjoy this wonderful interview.

Cameron C. TaylorI thoroughly enjoyed my interview with Cameron Taylor the author of, “8 Attributes of Great Achievers”.  Cameron has studied the lives of hundreds of great achievers, and he found that each have possessed or currently possess certain attributes that are foundational to their great achievement.


In this podcast with Cameron we discuss the eight attributes of these great men such as Franklin, Churchill, Gandhi and many others.



Cameron has identified the attributes to be:

  1. Responsibility
  2. Creator
  3. Independent
  4. Humble
  5. Honest
  6. Optimistic
  7. Vision
  8. Persistence

This book has been written to help you develop the character attributes that lead to great achievement.  The author notes that in Jim Collins book,”Good to Great”, that they discovered that the good-to-great companies placed greater weight on character attributes than on specific educational background, practical skills, specialized knowledge or work experience.

This being the case, it is more important to work on your character development and less on your skills.  There is a saying that echos the importance of character, and it is,
” Hire for attitude and train for skills”. You can always train someone, but you can not always find someone with the character and attitude you would like to have for the position.

The great thing about this book is that it is a quick read, and it is a real reminder of what is important in life.  He also has written several other books, and I recommend that you visit his website to learn more about Cameron and his other publications.  You can click here to be directed to his website.  Enjoy our interview!

Glenn Llopis I had the personal pleasure of attending the Innovation and Humanities Summit in Orange, CA hosted by Glenn Llopis the author of Earning Serendipity.   I can personally vouch for the fact that this author is a man on a mission.  The program assembled some of the most incredible thought leaders of our time, and author Glenn Llopis is to be included in this esteemed crowd.

In my interview with Glenn we discuss his new book entitled, “Earning Serendipity“, which is about how you can claim your control over your prosperity.  As Glenn states, progression along the path is the result of a rare combination of skills that you can develop and apply in your career, business and life.

The four skills that we discuss are:

  • Seeing with circular vision: Which is the ability to broaden your observation beyond what you seek and beyond the obvious details before you, and enlarge your field of opportunities.
  • Sowing Entrepreneurial Seeds: When good vision is met with consistent, hand-dirtying execution every day, the result is a stable, growing fortune;focus on proper timing and proper depth.
  • Growing Seeds of Greatest Potential: This is when we learn how to recognize the most promising opportunities and give them the right amount of attention; don’t let the best opportunities wilt and don’t waste energy on opportunities with limited potential.
  • Sharing the Harvest: When you focus on meeting others’ needs to improve personal good fortune; make generosity part of your purpose, an integral part of the DNA of your career or company.

If you would like to learn more about Glenn and this great personal growth and mastery book, “Earning Serendipity“, than I recommend that you visit his website by clicking here.

Glenn’s website is rich with resources and videos to help the reader learn more.  You can also take his Workplace Serendipity Quiz the results of which will determine your propensity for creating and sustaining good fortune in your life.

Michael LinenbergerIf you are feeling overworked and stressed out these days, then join the crowd.  Most white collar workers are attempting to figure out how to manage the besiege of email, voice mail, text messaging, and just keep up.  For the most part we are not doing a very good job of it.

If you want to learn more about mastering your work day, then I encourage you to listen to my interview with Michael Linenberger the author of a new book entitled, “Master Your Workday Now!”.  Michael has developed proven strategies to control the chaos and create outcomes, and connect your work to who you really are.

In my interview with Michael we discuss the proven strategies such as his simple Now Task List.  This wonderful idea does more than just prioritize your to-dos, it provides a system for breaking them down into three simple sections: Critical Now, Opportunity Now and Over the Horizon.

Michael’s  system of getting your Workday mastered revolves around a simple pyramid which at the foundation is control, then moves to create and at the top of the pyramid is connect. He wants people to get control of the workday by managing their urgency zones. Once this is mastered you create your outcomes by using Now Goals and Goal Activation.  Then you move on to connecting your work with who you really are.

His program is easy to understand and he connects all of techniques to Microsoft Outlook if you are using this desktop manager.  As many of you are aware with the massive amounts of data that we are responsible for managing, it is almost impossible to do it without some type of software system.

But, just in case you are not using a computer to manage your contacts, information, etc.,  Michael’s system will work without Outlook or any other desktop manager for that matter.

I highly recommend “Master Your Workday Now!”. If you want to take back control of your day, and all of the to-do’s that are keeping you from really focusing on the most important aspects of your life then read Michael’s book and practice his mastery techniques.

You can get more information at Michael’s website by clicking here.