John SelbyJohn Selby is quite a prolific author and a fascinating man.  John has just returned to the mainland having been in Hawaii for the last 10 years spending time in silence and seclusion.  John is the author of many books, but this new book entitled “Expand This Moment” is very special to him.

When John was a graduate student, the well-known meditation expert Alan Watts challenged him to study the world’s meditation traditions from the inside, to identify their common underlying psychological processes, to formulate an approach to meditation based on these commonalities, and to then teach this universal process.  Forty years later, the birth of “Expand This Moment“.

As a result of a personal breakdown that lead to an amazing breakthrough John was gifted with the technique for meditation that we will share with you in this podcast.  This technique consist of 12 focus phrases which are designed to bring greater levels of awareness in the moment.  It does not take lots of time, and it is quite effective–as a matter of fact John leads us through the process during my interview.

During John’s breakdown and awakening, these focus phrases rose spontaneously into his mind.  They are broken down into Phases. Phase I-Zen Awakening.  1. I choose to enjoy this moment 2. I feel the air flowing in and out of my nose. 3. I also feel the moments in my chest and belly as I breathe. 4. I am aware of my whole body at once, here in this present moment.  Phase II- Emotional Healing. 5. I am ready to experience the feelings in my heart. 6. I let go of all my stress and worries, and feel peaceful inside. 7. I accept everyone I know, just as they are. 8. I honor and love myself just as I am.  Phase III-Insight Mode. 9. I am open to receive. 10. I feel connected with you Source. 11. I’am here to serve, to love, to prosper, and to enjoy myself. 12. I am ready to act with courage and integrity.

If you are looking for a simple and effective practice which does not takes lots of time, then I highly recommend John’ s 12 Focus Phrases.  I experienced the meditation while doing this podcast and they really did center me, bring awareness to my surrounds and bring me present.  What more could you want from a mindfulness meditation.
If you would like more information about author John Selby, please click here to be directed to his website.  It really is loaded with video, audio and reference material that you will find useful in your meditation practice.

Vadim LibermanI recently received the Spring Issue of “The Conference Board” Magazine” and was very impressed with an article that the senior editor Vadim Liberman wrote entitled ” In Sickness and In Health-Do Companies Care About Their Peoples“.   Over the last many years my interestes have been focused on wellness in the workplace, and Vadim’s feature article hit the nail on the head as far as I was concerned.

As Vadim states in the article ” As the world get flatter, its’s getting fatter and sicker.  Heart disease, diabetes, cancer and a host of other conditions afflict more of us than ever. But it’s not only our ballooning bodies that are ailing.  Companies are suffering from ill health, exhibiting symptoms that include lower productivity, engagement, and morale, as well as higher medical costs.”

In my interview with Vadim we speak about not only the issues of developing wellness program for organization to improve the overall health of the organization, but just as importantly we discuss the important issues of the necessary cultural changes necessary to sustain organizational vitality and health.

The main purpose of wellness programs–trimming medical expenses–is obvious.  Except that it’s obvious to no one outside the United States.  You see our focus is on reducing medical costs and it is our number one priority, but in other countries such as Canada, Europe, and Latin America productivity is companies’ top wellness-program objective.   According to Vadim’s research US businesses may be swallowing the wrong pill to slash overall expenses.  Productivity has a greater financial impact than medical costs, explains Barry Hall, a principal in the clinical-health-consulting and global technology-solutions practices of Buck Consultants.

According to the recent Buck Consultants global-wellness survey, two thirds of organizations currently have a formal wellness strategy, up from 49% in 2007.  However, few companies say they have fully implemented their plans, especially across borders, and 28% of those with no strategy admit they don’t know how to get started.  One thing for certain is that companies should seriously consider implementing a wellness strategy, and it needs to include a focus on the cultural issues of wellness as well as the metrics of creating a well and vital organization.

One connection seems clear: between worker heath and productivity.  “People who have poor health report lower levels of productivity” In fact one study indicates an 18 percent difference in productivity between healthy and unhealthy worker.  If you would like to read the entire article please click here to be directed to the Conference Board article.


I hope you enjoy my interview with Vadim Liberman the senior editor for ” The Conference Board Magazine


Doug De VitoIn my interview with author Doug De Vito we discuss his new book entitled ” The Upgrade: How to Improve Your Life By Healing Others”  Doug started working with author and founder of “The Reconnection” Eric Pearl, and was probably the least likely candidate  to become involved in the work of “The Reconnection“.   Previous to getting engaged in this work Doug was an engineer with an MBA, but synchronistically brought both Doug and Eric together, and Doug has spend a good percentage of his time working with outside researchers to prove the work of “The Reconnections”.

So just what is reconnective healing work?  It is a new form of energy, light and information that is here on the planet for the first time. When the practitioner accesses that “energy” it helps a person move into a state where tremendous healing can occur. It is as if the frequencies help to connect the other person into a state where their “dis-ease” states and symptoms tend to fall away.  This new frequency has been measured, documented and validated by various respected research and scientific teams around the planet, and they are stating that it is quite different that anything we have had on the planet before now.  Reconnective Healing sessions are typically done “hands off” , with the practitioner normally working around someone eles’s body.  The practitioner then feels and observes various energetic sensations in and around that person’s field, and this somehow connects the person to a healing state within himself or herself.

If you would personally like to experience Reconnective Healing, Doug De Vito will be conducting a class to teach this process.  It will be held in San Diego at the Crowne Plaza San Diego April 15-17, 2011.
To sign up for this class please click here to be directed to the Reconnective Healing website to register.   I hope you enjoy this interview with author Doug De Vito.

Darren LittlejohnIn my recent interview with Darren LittleJohn the author of “The 12 Step Buddhist” we speak about his personal bouts with addiction as well as how he has learned to cope by utilizing his practices in the Buddhist philosophy.

Darren’s program is designed to augment the AA program, but is not intended to replace AA.  His states that Buddhism isn’t a substitute for the 12 Steps.   I don’t care how devout you are, whether your’ve meditated with the Dali Lama or had an audience with the pope states Darren.   The book is his personal story, his critical analysis of treatment methods, and practical advice on how to integrate Buddhism with a 12-Step recovery program.

In our interview together Darren addresses the Buddhist concept of attachment.  We’re all attached to something else: concepts. Our concepts form our identities, our selective, distorted memories, personalities, goals, dreams, complaints, and fears. And we love to have them.  When we look at attachment from this angle, it’s obvious that we’re addicted to our thoughts.  We’re willing to go to the mat for our right to believe them, especially the ones that we think define who we are.

The bigger questions we should really ask from a Buddhist perspective is ” Who are we?”  When an addict ( or anyone for that matter) asks this question, he or she can really understand at a very deep level this concept of  attachement. At this level of awareness we understand we are spiritual beings having a human experience, allowing us to let go of many of the addictions and attachements and this can be our awakening to a new life of sobriety.

If you are dealing with addiction and are looking to find alternative methods to supplement your current treatment program, then I would recommend reading Darren’s book “The 12-Step Buddhist“.  Darrens’ book is a great guide to alternative practices such as meditation which can really have an effect on both the physical and spiritual aspects of addiction.
Please visit Darren’s website by clicking here for more information as well as informative video of Darren speaking about the practices of Buddhism and their positive effects on addiction.

Andreas MoritzI recently conducted an interview with Andreas Moritz about his book entitled “Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation, and was so impressed with his other books, and we decided to do another podcast.

In my interview with Andreas we discuss his new book entitled ” Lifting the Veil of Duality“. This topic is certainly something that will be debated, and probably misunderstood but Andreas sheds light on this subject and makes it very easy for us to understand.

As Andreas states in the books “We are all on the same journey of discovery, searching for that special place, the Divine Moment (known as the state of grace) where judgment has no value or meaning, where we are free of fear and resistance, beyond desire and its fulfillment. It is a quiet place: a unified state of silence where opposites meet and merge their differences. Untouched by the turbulence of thoughts and activity, it is here that you can truly be who you are, and be Love. The Divine Moment, which is a field of all possibilities, is not held back by the past and it is not plotted into the future. It is free and ever-present, at each segment of time. In this sacred place, you are at peace with yourself and at peace with your world. The very moment you enter the state of grace, (a state of non-separation) you are complete.

In my interview with Andreas we discuss this concept of separation, and how important understand the role it plays in making our world so disjointed.  It is the concept of separation that leads us to judgment which in turn leads to feeling so anger, resentment and hostility.  All of these emotions leading to a never ending state of dis-ease, which leads to disharmony and illness.

In your truest essence, you are beyond all the images and beliefs of the mind. Now the time has come to honor, respect, and accept the opposing aspects of life, enter a state of willing acceptance and take your first steps into the field of non-judgment where freedom dawns, the freedom to be yourself with all your power and glory.

If you would like to be released from judgement and understand how your mind assists you in creating this endless separation and the duality that we live in, then please read Andreas Moritz new book ” Lifting the Veil of Duality“.  It is possible to live in a state of bliss, happiness, joy and acceptance.  Andreas will assist you in learning how to let go, and become one with all living beings.  For more information please visit Andrea’s website by clicking here.
Enjoy this great interview with a wonderfully wise author and counselor–Andreas Moritz.

Dee Edington, Ph.D.If you are interested at all about the future of wellness and healthcare, then you need go no further than our guest for this podcast Dee Edington Ph.D.  Dee is the author of over 500 articles on the subject, and his new book entitled “Zero Trends: Health as a Serious Economic Strategy” certainly is a must read for anyone involved in the delivery of wellness and healthcare solution.

In my interview with Dee we discuss the two major problems that need to be solved: the rising cost of healthcare in America, which is eroding profits at an accelerating rate and leading toward disaster for businesses.  As well as the do-nothing approach which is not a solution at all.

Dee suggest that we need to move from a sickness orientated culture to a culture of health, a culture in which we not only care for the sick but also enable the healthy to stay healthy.   This is an approach that lowers healthcare costs and as the same time increases productivity and human satisfaction.

Edington quotes  Albert Einstein “the world we have made as a result of the level of thinking we have done thus far creates problems we cannot solve at the same level of thinking at which we created them.”    It is clear that after all of these years of the same medical approaches to managing health, more doctors, nurses, hospitals, procedures and devices will not solve the problems.  Edington disagrees with those in the medical profession and some of the health economists and politicians who argue that prevention and healthy lifestyles will not lower the total costs of sickness or lead to a better way of life for individuals and businesses.  The information and data presented in “Zero Trends”  will support the argument that improved health status will not only reduce healthcare costs for companies but also increase performance and productivity in the workplace.

The bottom line is that we need to focus on bringing back vitality to our businesses and the people that work in them. The new model for healthcare in America redefines healthcare as a combination of illness and wellness strategies.  It is designed to help employers enable employees to become self-leaders in maintaining their energy, vitality and overall performance.
If you are interested in learning more about “Zero Trends” then I highly recommend that you visit the Health Management Research Center at the University of Michigan by clicking here.  You can also purchase Dee’s book at this website by clicking this link to take you directly to the book’s landing page.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with a man who has dedicated his career to helping us better understand the challenges we are facing in healthcare.

William BengstonI know that there are many people who are strong believers in hands on healing, so for those of you who just might be a lot or a little skeptical then this interview with Bill Bengston is a must listen.

Bill Bengston has been doing laboratory experiments on mice for years, and has on countless occasions reproduced healing of cancer in mice utilizing the hand on healing process.   Most importantly the hands on healing technique is not an innate gift you are born with, it can be learned and reproduced over and over again by almost anyone.

Sounds almost impossible, but it is true and Bill Bengston in his new book entitled “The Energy Cure” outlines the process as well as discusses the laboratory experiments where mice have been healed from malignant tumors and and once healed then re-injected with cancer the mice did not have a reoccurrence of the disease.

Bill has discovered through his own research that products dispensed by pharmaceutical companies as tried, tested, and true often owe their advertised benefits to the interpretation of experimental finding rather than to irrefutable facts. He states “that perhaps this is the reason for so many drugs recalls due to toxic or unpleasant side effects.  This suggest to Bill that populations into which a drug is introduced are often part of an extended human experiment.

Hand-on healing has the advantage of being completely safe.  Its principles underlie Eastern healing practices such as acupuncture and yoga, which are backed by four thousand year of tradition.  They are also supported by quantum physics, which describes the material world in terms of energy fields.

If you want to learn more about the hands-on healing techniques I recommend that you visit Bill’s website by clicking here.  The website is complete with resources, and research papers to back up Bill’s hands on healing techniques.  Enjoy this great interview with a author, and researcher who has traveled the path of healing maybe just more convention than you might think.

Andreas MoritzI was recently introduced to Andreas Moritz the author of “Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation”  and was thoroughly amazed at not only his depth of knowledge, but the detail that he includes in his book about the various ailments and diseases and how to treat them.

As Andreas writes in his introduction “Timeless Secrets to Health and Rejuvenation” can help the tremendous power of healing that lies dormant within you and restore balance on all levels of the body, mind, and spirit.  Using your own healing powers establishes a permanent comfort zone or continuous sense of satisfaction which forms the basis for a creative, successful and rewarding life.

In my interview with Andreas we discuss the challenges associated with attempting to find a quick fix to our deteriorating health, and that each time we attempt to find the quick fix we truly are not treating the symptoms that are causing the disease in the first place.  As Andreas points out many of the diseases can be associated to emotional upsets in our lives or prior emotional issues that have never been addressed.

Most diseases can be distilled down to issues of lifestyle, diet, nutrition, exercise, daily routine, and exposure to sunlight.  Andreas utilized the ancient form of Ayurvedic Medicine to help him in the diagnoses of many of the challenges that his patients are faced with as well as recommended natural remedies.  His book is like the encyclopedia of health and nutrition with in excess of 500 pages of reference information on causes and treatments of the aliments.  Andreas’ new book is a must reference book for anyone who from time to time deals with challenging medical conditions.  We are all aware that our physical health is a mind, body, soul and spirit connection, and “Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation” does an amazing job of providing the reader with the necessary information to address and resolve many of the common physical ailments we deal with.
Please go to Andreas’s website by clicking here to get more information on his new book as well as the many other titles that he has authored.  He also has several videos you can watch that will provide you with additional information.  Enjoy this wonderful interview with a great teacher and wise guidance counselor regarding your health.