Robyn OBrienThis is an interview with author Robyn O’Brien who decided to take some real action when it came to uncovering what ingredients in our foods are making us sick.

Her youngest daughter had a severe reaction to the eggs that she had eaten at breakfast one morning, which required a visit to the pediatrician and a mega dose of antihistamine.  This incident lead Robyn on her long journey of attempting to find the truth about what really is in our foods, and what are we not being told.

In our interview together we discuss the connections to genetically modified foods, and how these foods are allowed in our country but have been banned from European countries.   Just what is the connection between Big Food and Big Money in our country?  And why are harmful food additives still allowed in our food supplies?

Many of the toxins in our foods can be blamed for the alarming recent increases in allergies, ADHD, cancer and asthma in our children. Robyn and I explore these facts and provide you with some startling information about our food supply, and what steps you can take to protect yourself.

Robyn learned that one out of every three US kids currently suffers from allergies, asthma, ADHD, or autism and the number of children with peanut allergies actually doubled between 1997 and 2002.  So just what is happening to our food supply, and what steps can you take to prevent these statistics from effecting you or your family? “The “Unhealthy Truth” discloses what you need to know.  She provides recipes and actions plans for weaning your family off dangerous chemicals one step at at time.

I encourage you to listen to a very informative interview with the Erin Brockovich of food as she has been referred to by the media.

Robyn is also the founder of a non-profit entitled “Allergy Kids”  where you can obtain more information about her and the work she is doing to expose this important information about our foods and how to keep your family healthy in spite of the startling statistics.

David Simon M.D. In my interview with Dr. David Simon, we explore his new book entitled, “Free to Love Free to Heal: Heal Your Body by Healing Your Emotions”. The purpose behind writing this book was quite simply to help people identify and release the impediments in their ability to give and receive love.

Our ability to give and receive love influences every aspect of our life, including our health.  Dr. Simon shows you how to identify and release the core beliefs and painful memories that contribute to emotional distress and physical illness–freeing you to heal and move beyond the restricting conditions that have been limiting your health and happiness.

As Dr. Simon explains, emotional pain takes many forms: the grief of loss, overwhelming stress and anxiety, major or chronic depression, job burnout, feelings of stuck or trapped, heart break, lingering guilt, regret, fear of trusting again, pent-up anger, worry about the future or shame from the past. In the face of difficulty, most of us do our best to cope with the situation, hold it together and keep going, but we often end up carrying emotional pain that we just don’t know how to heal or release.

This toxic emotional residue gets stored in our bodily tissues, contribution to distress, and ultimately disease. The “Free to Love” process is a systematic process for releasing stored emotional toxicity, restoring the body’s innate capacity for healing and well-being.

Free to Love, Free to Heal is a powerful five-step emotional detoxification process that has helped thousands of people coping with a wide range of difficulties.  If you are personally suffering from the emotional challenges caused by stress, anxiety, fear and depression, then I encourage you to read Dr. Simon’s book for he takes an in-depth look at the mind-body-spirit connection.

You truly can heal your body by healing your emotions, and Free to Love, Free to Heal provides you with the practical tools including the “Seven Laws of Loving Relationships”.

I hope you enjoy my interview with Dr. Simon, and for more information please visit his website by clicking here.

Jamie RenoI have had the pleasure of being able to sit down in person with Jamie Reno.  He is a cancer survivor, patient advocate, singer-songwriter, journalist and a wonderfully authentic man.  Jamie recently wrote “Hope Begins in The Dark-50 Lymphoma Survivors Tell Their Exclusive Life Stories”. Jamie decided to compile the stories as a result of his own battle with cancer.

One of the common themes that Jamie related to me was that each of the cancer patients interviewed for his book became their own best advocate and took affirmative action relative to their treatments. It was this action that provided them the strength to survive and make them stronger patients which increased their probability of survival.

One thing I know for certain is that those who get up and do something, and don’t wait for the doctor or others to provide them with solutions are the ones that feel more confident in dealing with their disease.  My son Sean who is a seven (7) year survivor of CML, a form of Leukemia, was also one of the people who decided to take action on his own.  He did research, changed his diet, got involved in meditation and did a 180 degree shift in his lifestyle.  It is these types of actions that assist cancer patients physically, mentally, emotionally and spirituality to not only survive but thrive during treatments.

I know you are going to love Jamie’s  story  about a brave cancer survivor turned advocate and voice for many who have not been able to get their stories told.  Each one of these cancer stories is unique and touching.

I encourage anyone on the path of personal mastery to tap into the stories told by Jamie as an inspiration and encouragement to overcome any of the challenges that you might be faced with.  Nothing is more challenging than facing your own mortality, and I know you can learn from these wonderfully compelling stories of cancer survivors.

If you would like more information about Jamie Reno, his book and music please visit his website by clicking here.

Enjoy this wonderful interview with a survivor, turned heart centered advocate for those without a voice.