Victoria MoranWhat fun it was interviewing Victoria Moran again.  She is a wonderful author, and has written many inspiring books.

Living a Charmed Life is one of those easy to read entertaining books that everyone can get something out of.  The book is a compilation of action-inspired essays.  It invites the reader to discover the magical element of every nanosecond of your time on earth!  Each essay in every one of the fifty chapters is an opportunity to learn, laugh and find a alternative attitude to help you through your day. The book covers topics such as living richly, staying close to what makes you come alive, and how to be completely, utterly yourself.

Moran emphasizes that happiness is possible for anyone of any age in any circumstance. Living a charmed life is your birthright, and it’s one that you can start to claim as soon as you take to heart-and put into action-the practical and spiritual tips you’ll find in this book.  The lucky charms, honed from Victoria’s own life experiences, will elevate your attitude, change the way you see  yourself and will help you to improve every aspect of your life including your health, relationships, finances, and peace of mind even in these challenging times.

Victoria emphasizes the importance of doing what brings you meaning and joy.  She says that for most people this is usually something simple like cooking, gardening, music, volunteer work or exercise. She also states to watch your words, for they are very powerful. She also suggests  keep good company for the downers will bring you down and to to avoid them if at all possible.  Her book is filled with wonderful stories and is positive, inspiring and uplifting.  I would recommend this book to anyone who would like a positive daily injection!!!

If you want to learn more about Victoria Moran and her other books, workshops and blog please click here for access to her website.

Elisabeth FaytElisabeth Fayt’s new book entitled, “Paving it Forward“, is a must read for anyone who would like to learn how to better visualize a better tomorrow. It is an instructional manual which shows you how to pave your life forward.

In our interview together, we discuss how her life was positively influenced by the great Indian Saint Paramahansa Yogananda.  Elisabeth is a devotee of Self-Realization Fellowship and states that when she read the, “Autobiography of a Yogi”, that it changed her life forever.  She  studied and devoted some years of her life to the Self-Realization Fellowship organization.

Elisabeth believes that the act of “pre-paving” is consciously choosing how you want to look, live and feel through every part of your day and every part of your life.

Pre-paving is telling the Universe what you want before it happens.  It is a form of intention that “lines up the energy” so that you can easily manifest what you desire.  Elisabeth states that your vibration works as a magnet, attracting to you all of the people, events and circumstances in your life. The goal is to raise the vibration so you begin attracting the good things in life that you have always wanted.  The moment you begin positively pre-paving, your vibration rises immediately.

I love the way that Elisabeth has organized her book.  It is perfect for the reader.  Each section starts with an opportunity to affirm your pre-paving for the day or for something that you are attempting to manifest in your life.  It sets the energy in motion for you to manifest your thoughts and ideas, then Elisabeth provides supportive stories and ideas to tie the particular pre-paving thought to what you are attempting to manifest in your life.  You can pick up the book in any spot or use the index to find a particular area that you wish to pre-pave, and you are on your way to manifesting your desires.

Elisabeth speaks about your emotional guidance system, and that negative feelings are a blessing and a gift.  She states that when you feel a negative feeling, it is a sign that your thoughts are not taking you in the direction you want to go.  If you want to stay focused then pre-paving is a positive way to reinforce your path so that you can achieve your aspirations.

I know you are going to love this interview with Elisabeth Fayt.  If you want to learn more about her workshops and other programs please visit her website by clicking here.

Dilip Abayasekara Ph.DI thoroughly enjoyed my interview with Dilip Abayasekara.  His new book entitled, “The Path of the Genie“, is a wonderful  book about the lessons learned by Aladdin.  In my interview with Dilip we explore these lessons and how they can apply to our lives to bring us more happiness, meaning and purpose. Based on the truths derived from the story of Aladdin, “The Path of the Genie“, extracts powerful examples for living from pivotal points in Aladdin’s story.  Highlights such as rubbing the lamp, getting the Genie’s help, winning the love of the princess, and the sacrificing his own desires in order to grant freedom to the Genie are almost magically changed into lessons for life: getting rid of negative forces and discovering the transforming powers of humanity, self discovery, and self-offering.

As Dilip articulates so well through this book, you are not an accident of nature.  There is a purpose and meaning behind your life.   The hard part is finding that purpose and meaning.  The path to finding your purpose and living out your destiny is what “The Path of the Genie” is all about.  So, just what is your heart’s desire?  How can you achieve this desire, and why is it so important to you?

If you are asking yourself these kind of questions and would like to explore the answers that dwell within you, then I highly recommend reading this entertaining and enjoyable book that provides you with the lesson and guidance to find your purpose in life.  My interview with Dilip is wonderful and will be a real stepping stone for those seeking to answer these life long questions about their purpose in life.

If you would like to learn more about Dilip Abayasekara, his workshops and book, please click here to be directed to his website.

Jackie LapinJackie Lapin has a special energy and essence.  She is a very accomplished author as well as the founder of  a non-profit called United World Healing.

In my interview with Jackie about her book entitled, “The Art of Conscious Creation“, we discuss the some of the Universal Guiding Principles to leading a happier and more fulfilling life.  In our interview together she articulates some of her own personal stories about how she personally has learned to manifest what she needs to have a fulfilling and meaningful life.

What you learn from Jackie is that the focus is not on yourself that brings happiness and peace, but a focus on helping and serving others.  You will learn the power of building communities of support and how important that is for helping you manifest in your life.  As Jackie states her book is a manual for empowerment.  It is a wake-up call for those who have spent their lives feeling powerless, victimized or buffeted by life’s challenges.  With the awareness of your infinite powers to create your own reality to change the future, to change the world, you can set an exciting new course as so many others around the globe are doing.   I hope by the time you complete listening to this interview you are inspired to ask the question, “What can I do?”

This interview is for those who want to get up and not only change their own personal life, but help in changing the lives of countless thousand of others who are in need of assistance.  Enjoy listening to my interview with Jackie Lapin, and please visit her website by clicking here for more information on her her workshops and books.

Jamie RenoI have had the pleasure of being able to sit down in person with Jamie Reno.  He is a cancer survivor, patient advocate, singer-songwriter, journalist and a wonderfully authentic man.  Jamie recently wrote “Hope Begins in The Dark-50 Lymphoma Survivors Tell Their Exclusive Life Stories”. Jamie decided to compile the stories as a result of his own battle with cancer.

One of the common themes that Jamie related to me was that each of the cancer patients interviewed for his book became their own best advocate and took affirmative action relative to their treatments. It was this action that provided them the strength to survive and make them stronger patients which increased their probability of survival.

One thing I know for certain is that those who get up and do something, and don’t wait for the doctor or others to provide them with solutions are the ones that feel more confident in dealing with their disease.  My son Sean who is a seven (7) year survivor of CML, a form of Leukemia, was also one of the people who decided to take action on his own.  He did research, changed his diet, got involved in meditation and did a 180 degree shift in his lifestyle.  It is these types of actions that assist cancer patients physically, mentally, emotionally and spirituality to not only survive but thrive during treatments.

I know you are going to love Jamie’s  story  about a brave cancer survivor turned advocate and voice for many who have not been able to get their stories told.  Each one of these cancer stories is unique and touching.

I encourage anyone on the path of personal mastery to tap into the stories told by Jamie as an inspiration and encouragement to overcome any of the challenges that you might be faced with.  Nothing is more challenging than facing your own mortality, and I know you can learn from these wonderfully compelling stories of cancer survivors.

If you would like more information about Jamie Reno, his book and music please visit his website by clicking here.

Enjoy this wonderful interview with a survivor, turned heart centered advocate for those without a voice.