Michael LinenbergerIf you are feeling overworked and stressed out these days, then join the crowd.  Most white collar workers are attempting to figure out how to manage the besiege of email, voice mail, text messaging, and just keep up.  For the most part we are not doing a very good job of it.

If you want to learn more about mastering your work day, then I encourage you to listen to my interview with Michael Linenberger the author of a new book entitled, “Master Your Workday Now!”.  Michael has developed proven strategies to control the chaos and create outcomes, and connect your work to who you really are.

In my interview with Michael we discuss the proven strategies such as his simple Now Task List.  This wonderful idea does more than just prioritize your to-dos, it provides a system for breaking them down into three simple sections: Critical Now, Opportunity Now and Over the Horizon.

Michael’s  system of getting your Workday mastered revolves around a simple pyramid which at the foundation is control, then moves to create and at the top of the pyramid is connect. He wants people to get control of the workday by managing their urgency zones. Once this is mastered you create your outcomes by using Now Goals and Goal Activation.  Then you move on to connecting your work with who you really are.

His program is easy to understand and he connects all of techniques to Microsoft Outlook if you are using this desktop manager.  As many of you are aware with the massive amounts of data that we are responsible for managing, it is almost impossible to do it without some type of software system.

But, just in case you are not using a computer to manage your contacts, information, etc.,  Michael’s system will work without Outlook or any other desktop manager for that matter.

I highly recommend “Master Your Workday Now!”. If you want to take back control of your day, and all of the to-do’s that are keeping you from really focusing on the most important aspects of your life then read Michael’s book and practice his mastery techniques.

You can get more information at Michael’s website by clicking here.

John E. Wade II ” I will try to love and help create a heaven on earth”– the most important sentence that I have written or may ever write, says author John E. Wade II about his recently published his new book, “How to Achieve a Heaven On Earth.”

This is a fascinating book because it is a compilation of short essays from various people including: Barack Obama, Ted Turner, Marianne Williamson, Al Gore, Thomas L. Friedman and many others. In a very short period of time, the reader can pick up this book and read a short essay written by over 101 insightful world leaders and thinkers.

During our interview together we discuss many of the essays and John’s personal views about how important it is at this juncture in history that we come together to help resolve many of our world problems.  Solving these problems is going to take leaders who not only have the skills and wisdom, but who also have a spiritual focus.

As John states, “We must move beyond religious tolerance to real respect among all of the world’s loving spiritual beliefs and practices.  Even differing beliefs can lead to similar values, which in turn may lead to behavior that is acceptable to God.”

The ten (10) elements that John believes are important to achieving a heaven on earth are:

1) Peace

2) Security

3) Freedom

4) Democracies

5) Prosperity

6) Spiritual Harmony

7)  Racial Harmony

8)  Ecological Harmony

9) Health

10) Moral Purpose and Meaning

John is a spiritual man on a mission to help achieve heaven on earth.  He is helping to expose readers to wonderful thought leaders with varying viewpoints so one can draw their own conclusion on how to achieve a heaven on earth.

I highly recommend John’s new book, “How to Achieve A Heaven On Earth”, and to learn more about John and his charitable endeavors please visit his website by clicking here.

Enjoy this wonderful podcast with John E. Wade II.

Tracey Jones

I was recently introduced to Tracey Jones the daughter of Charlie “Tremendous” Jones.  Charlie recently passed away, and Tracey has taken over the publishing business which is now called Tremendous Life Books.  It was a pleasure doing this podcast with Tracey and learning what it was like to be the daughter of such an icon in the speaking and motivation business.

If you have never read a Charlie “Tremendous” Jones book, I can highly recommend one of his greats, ” Life is Tremendous”.   In my interview with Tracey we speak about the simple yet valuable lessons that Charlie was always teaching as he would speak and meet with his audiences.  His passion for life was contagious, and he always had a way of helping one see life from a positive and different perspective.  As Charlie says in the front of his book ” Life is Tremendous! It really is.  You can be happy, involved, relevant, productive, healthy and secure in the midst of this high pressure, commercialized, automated, pill-prone society.  It’s not easy nor automatic, but it’s possible through the development of certain personal qualities which make up the traits of leadership.  And you can be a leader, because leaders are made, not born.

Tracy and I speak about the Seven Laws of Leadership that Charlie so passionately spoke about for so many years. The Seven Saws of Leadership are: 1) Learning to get Excited About Your Work 2) Use or Lose 3) Production or Perfection 4) Give or Get 5) Exposure or Experience 6) Flexible Planning 7) Motivated to Motivating.

Please enjoy my interview with Tracey as we explore her father’s work, and how the passion for what he started has transferred a generation to Tracey as she carries on the Jones legacy through Tremendous Life Books.

If you would like to learn more about the book titles that Tremendous Life Books has published please click here to access the Tremendous Life Book website.  I know you will enjoy this interview with Tracey Jones.

Elizabeth WageleMy interview with Elizabeth Wagele the author of, “The Career Within You“, focuses on a tool called the Enneagram designed to assist the you in finding the correct career path .

Elizabeth states that more than ever people are considering new careers-but deciding on a new career path can be daunting.  How does one determine what the correct path to fit their personality type?

This practical yet-fun career guide employs the Enneagram Personality Assessment System to help you find a career specifically tailored to your specific type by offering a quiz designed to identify your type, and thus, the best career path for you.

If you are not aware of the Enneagram Personality Assessment Tool, it segments individuals into the following types: perfectionist, helper, achiever, romantic, observer, questioner, adventurer, asserter and peace seeker.

The book provides a easy to take quiz that will assist you in identifying your career type.  Once you have completed this quiz you can reference your specific personality type to learn more about career matches that fit for you.

So if you are on a new career path, and are interested in learning about a fascinating and accurate tool to assist you in determining what might just be the correct career path for you, then read ” The Career Within You“.  This book is for anyone who is questioning their existing career and looking to find more meaningful work, or the new college graduate who is seeking his or her first job.  I know you will find the information to be quite useful as well as easy to follow and read.   Elizabeth also has a website that has many resources for the reader.

If you are interested in learning more or taking the free career within you quiz then click here .  Enjoy my interview with Elizabeth Wagele, and I hope you understand more about your personality after listening to this very knowledgeable author on the subject of the Enneagram Personality Assessment System.

Jeff KleinI had the wonderful opportunity of meeting Jeff Klein at the recent Innovation and Humanities Conference in Orange, CA.  It was an inspiring to hear him speak,  and I was very impressed by his message and passionate delivery.  I subsequently have had several deep dialogues with Jeff and feel honored to know a man who’s mission is to help shift how we think about our work.

Jeff starts the preface of his book with a wonderful quote from Kahlil Gibran, “Work is love made visible”, and there could be nothing more true.   “Working for Good” has been written to support any conscious entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, leaders, and change agents at work who truly want to make a difference while making a living.

Jeff refers to as the essential skills of working for good as 1) awareness 2) embodiment 3) connection 4) collaboration 5) integration.  The combination of these five skills forms an integrated Working for Good system.

While each skill is connected and informs the other, there is a progression of development and application from awareness to embodiment, connection, collaboration and integration.  Awareness asks questions that seek to penetrate, to get behind facades and into the depth.  What’s going on here?

Connection begins with cultivation awareness–connecting with ourselves and working with our minds and hearts–and emerges as we carry awareness into embodiment, into action with our bodies.

Collaboration leads to integration and completes the full circle of the Working for Good system.  Integration is the dynamic process of combining various elements into a new whole that has its own presence and integrity.

Jeff Klein is truly a thought leader with a unique message, attempting people to understand that they have the abilities to apply new skills and passion to do good, and make a big difference through the work that they choose to do, no matter what the work.   As Jeff says,  “Awareness is the first step to becoming a more conscious leader, and with this first step we can all create work with a purpose focused in doing good in and for the world”.

I encourage everyone to not only read Jeff’s new book, “Working for Good“,  but to practice the exercises at the end of each chapter.  Jeff’s website is awesome and loaded with content, videos and downloads.  I highly recommend that you download the  26 principles of working for good.

Do yourself a favor and listen to this great podcast with truly a wonderful thought leader, then go to his website by clicking here and watch a couple of his video’s.  Enjoy this podcast–and start your practice of Working for Good.

Steve FarberI had the pleasure of being introduced to Steve Farber, the author of, “Greater than Yourself“, by a very good friend of mine by the name of Ron Schultz.  Steve and I had the opportunity to meet in person recently at the Innovation and Humanities Conference in Orange, CA and I was very impressed with his viewpoints on leadership.  Steve’s new book entitled, “Greater than Yourself“,  is truly a book about developing leaders with heart and soul.

In a not so distant era in time, the terms heart and soul were probably frowned upon using, and the word love was a definite no-no.  It is so refreshing to see that things are shifting, and that we are moving from the me to the we.  That collaboration, cooperation and sharing best practices are the actions by true thought leaders.

Steve’s whole premise in his easy to read book is about three simple, but powerful, ideas.

1) Expand Yourself – shift your perception from I to We, from Alone to Interdependent and from Me to We.

2) Give Yourself – commit  a specific percentage of your time that you’ll consistently offer to your “Greater Than Yourself” project.  What Steve means here is be willing to help someone succeed with all of your heart and soul.  Want for their personal success more than yours, and be willing to commit to helping them attain it.

3) Replicate Yourself – you’ll experience the power of expanding beyond your personal, one-to-one influence-the raw material for changing your organization for the better.

I am convenienced that if the leaders of this great nation of ours, from congress to our President, were to practice what Steve Farber articulates in this wonderful book and parable, that our nation would be a much better place to live.  That the current problems of our world would be solved much more easily, and with so much more cooperation.  I can only hope that they get a copy of Steve’s book, read it and practice the simple but extremely powerful “lead by example” principles.

I highly recommend this book, and encourage you to visit Steve’s website by clicking here for a wealth of content that is bound to shift your personal leadership style.  Enjoy this interview with a dynamic, engaging and wonderful leader himself Steve Farber.

Erik MichielsenI was in my office one day, and got a surprise call from Erik Michielsen.   He was referred to me by author Simon Sinek who has appeared on his video blog entitled “Capture Your Flag” and was also a guest on Inside Personal Growth.

The further I dialogued with Erik about his website, I began to realize what an amazing resource he has created for people searching for more fulfillment in their careers.  Erik engages in wonderfully authentic dialogues with the men and women on the street about their feeling, emotions and motivations around their careers.

His online interview show and career planning resource, Capture Your Flag, showcases common character building themes empowering rising leaders’ personal and professional development.  Its purpose is to disarm fears you have and open future planning possibilities.

Interviewees represent an approachable peer group who continue to work through these same challenges in their respective journeys.  Interview segments are categorized by “Fulfillment Flag” to highlight common elements informing interviewee decisions and career progression.

I encourage anyone who is currently questioning their career path, or who is new to the job market to check out Erik’s website.  It is a great resource and will most likely provide the viewer with useful knowledge about his or her next steps in career planning.  You can visit Erik’s website “Capture Your Flag” by clicking here.

Gina Mollicone-LongIf you don’t think you are in control of the choices you make in life, then you best listen to my interview with Gina Mollicone-Long.  Gina’s new book entitled, “Think or Sink“, focuses on the choices we make in life, and how you can turn these choices into our advantage.

As Gina states, the paradox of any challenge or crisis is that it is also an opportunity.  It might seem crazy at first, but in Gina’s new book she will show you how to turn your adversity into your advantage. During challenging times many people look for the focus on what is wrong.  Not only is this perspective harmful because it doesn’t bring about any solutions or relief, but it is also the very thing that ensures the continuation of the crisis itself.

Gina states that her entire book is based on an important premise: everything in our life that happens to us is just feedback.  At the most basic level, this means that you get out of your life what you are willing to put into it.  Your circumstances will always reflect exactly where you are at in your life and what you are putting into it. The real power is learning how to interpret the feedback so you can use it to your advantage. Instead of judging your circumstances, you can learn to assess your circumstances so you can learn from them and leverage them to create a life that you love.

Life is a series of feedback loops.  We want something (input), we do some behaviors (process) and we get an outcome (output).  Gina reminds us in her new book that we are all energy, and that all energy is fluid.  Always moving into form, through form or out of form.  The universe holds the potential energy for an infinite number of expressions to matter.  True power derives from the ability to harness the unformed potential energy so that we can have what we want in our physical experience.

Please listen to my podcast with Gina, and visit her website by clicking here for a wealth of content on how to “Think or Sink“.  Enjoy this podcast.

Tomás Lafayette Picard D.C.What a wonderful interview with  Thomas Picard.  In his new book entitled, “Mental House Cleaning“,  Picard explains the importance of attitude adjustment, and how important altering our beliefs really are if we are to transform our lives for the better.  We discuss the famous physiologist  Maxwell Maltz and his work in Psycho-Cybernetics.

Picard is an advocate of Maltz’s work in which the basic premise is that your “outer life” is a reflection of how you see yourself on the inside, what he called “self-image.” Dr. Maltz noted that you can never rise higher than your self-image. If your “inner self” is not equal to your “outer self,” then you will always revert back to where you think you belong.

Personal growth and spiritual transformation books can be dry and serious-minded. But if you’re the kind of person who loves pratfalls, jokes, and screwball humor, then Picard’s new self-help book will tickle your funny bone while tuning up your transformation.

Mental Housecleaning (Attitude Adjusting You Can Do in the Comfort and Privacy of Your Own Mind) by Dr. Tomás Lafayette Picard, internationally renowned speaker, author and healer,  is just the thing for someone questing for success, prosperity, happiness and sanity in an insane world. In these turbulent and sometimes depressing times, why not learn and laugh at the same time? You can find truthful answers to life’s real haunting questions illuminated through Picard’s loopy charm.

Profound insights abound in this clever step-by-step book on how to command the power of your mind and the power of the Universe to support your desires. It’s the perfect book for people who have been reluctant to dive in due to the weighty content and possible discomfort of change.

If you would like to learn more about Tomas Picard I recommend visiting his website by clicking here.