Tom Stone I was first introduced to Tom Stone by a very good friend by the name of Dr. Terry Shirvani who was very familiar with Tom’s ground breaking work at Great Life Technologies in Carlsbad, CA.  I then had the good fortune of being able to meet with Tom and a few members of his team, and was thoroughly impressed with what Tom refers to as Human Software Engineering .

In Tom’s new book entitled the, “Power of How-Simple Techniques to Vaporize Your Ego and Your Pain Body“, he explains the simple techniques through the use of the Pure Awareness Techniques to liberate yourself from fear, anger, guilt, regret, resentment, depression , anxiety, worry, nervousness and suffering and to begin to experience more joy, fulfillment, success and happiness in your life.  Tom explains that most spiritual teachings lack clear guidelines and techniques to simply, and easily experience your inner spiritual essence.

Tom’s new book is dedicated to telling you the HOW.  How to have these experiences instead of  someone speaking about their personal experiences.  He provides you with instruction on methods that will heighten your consciousness for a deeper connection with your true spiritual essence,  Pure Awareness and Pure Consciousness become a living reality for you instead of just a philosophical idea.

I hope that you enjoy this truly inspiring and engaging interview with Tom who is considered to be on the cutting edge of Human Software Engineering. If you would like to learn more about the many books he has written and the workshops that are available please click here for more information and to link to his the Great Life Technologies website.

Jeffrey GittermanIs money really the root of all evil?  In my interview with Jeffrey Gitterman we explore the fascinating relationship and role that money plays in  our lives.  Gitterman, a successful financial advisor and rags to riches story, has done an amazing job with his new book entitled, “Beyond Success”, in helping the reader to understand the true meaning of money.  Gitterman shares his liberating and dynamic approach to lasting spiritual, creative and financial fulfillment.  He draws on his own experiences and stories of many people he has worked with and learned from. The key to success, he says, is an ongoing commitment to doing, giving and accomplishing.  Gitterman states, “When we really understand that there is nothing we can get that will make us happy, we can stop striving to accumulate more and more”.   He says that we need to redirect our ‘seeking system,’ enlist it in the service of what we want to express to the world, rather than how we want to feel

Challenging the value of both conventional and material standards and fleeting emotional states, “Beyond Success” presents a new currency for measuring success: attention.  As Jeff makes clear, the intangible force of attention is the key to economic, commercial, political and social and personal power.  Why is attention so powerful? “Because,” as Jeff sums it up, “what you choose to put your attention on is where you direct your energy — in all its many forms, including your time, your creativity, and of course your money”.

Jeffrey Gitterman is one of the most interesting authors I have interviewed regarding our relationship to money, and how with some minor shifts in our conscious thought and spiritual understanding of how to utilize money for good we can grow our abundance in all areas of our lives.

I hope you enjoy this interview Jeff, and if you would like to learn more about his Beyond Success workshops and other coaching services please visit his website.

Guy FinleyI always have a great time interviewing Guy Finely.  This is my fourth interview with him, and each time we are able to explore his material more deeply to get to the essence of his message.

I happen to be going up to Oregon the coming weekend to visit with Guy and his team, and I am so much looking forward to my journey.

In this interview we are discussing his new audio CD series entitled “Being Fearless and Free.”  Most of us will admit to living with some kind of fear that holds us back, that keeps us running, or that crushes our hopes and dreams. And if we could peek into the secret longing that lives in the hearts of everyone we know, we would see there the one great wish that we all share in common: we want to be fearless and free.

This life-liberating album is the doorway to the secret source of fearlessness within you. In it, Guy reveals all new Principles of Power that will help you realize a peace and contentment that nothing can wreck. You, your life, and every experience you go through, will be transformed before your very eyes.

  • See the world through the inspired eyes of your True Self
  • Build a bridge to happier human relationships
  • Help create the light that makes the world a brighter place
  • And above all, perfect your life

Secrets to the Fearless Life Revealed

The sixteen special talks in this album were presented to small groups of students over a period of six months. Each talk builds upon the ones that came before so that step by step the mask is pulled off the lie of fear and listeners begin to see themselves and the events of their lives in a bold new way.

Now you too can learn how to see the world through the inspired eyes of your True Self… build a bridge to happier human relationships… help create the light that makes the world a brighter place… and above all, perfect your life.

I encourage you to listen to this podcast closely, for each time Guy articulates a new idea I am inspired to want to go deeper personally.  To explore areas that I potentially have not explored within my self, and my connection to a greater Spirit.  Guy Finley get you to think and questions your thoughts and hopefully shift your paradigm about your thinking.

Please visit Guy’s website to learn more or to purchase a copy of this wonderful CD series.  To access his website please click here.


Don GreenI recently attended the Book Expo America in New York and had the pleasure of meeting the executive director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, Don Green.  Don is currently in charge of any new publication that the foundation publishes as well as overseeing all of the historical works of Napoleon Hill.

The association recently published a new book entitled “Napoleon Hill’s Golden Rules-The Lost Writings.”  In my interview with Don we explore the timeless writings of Napoleon Hill and the wondrous wisdom exemplified in the message.   What is so wonderful about this new book is that the message is so simple, yet so profound.  Even after all these years Napoleon Hill’s writing are a valuable part of the fabric of our positive thinking and human potential movement.  The stories depicted in this new book are a great way for people to remember these simple principles of living an enriched and rewarding life.  I like to say they are probably not anything you don’t already know, but we need frequent reminders of these principles to keep us on track.
I highly recommend this new book, and my interview with Don was a real pleasure.  I hope you enjoy listening and I encourage you to visit the Napoleon Hill’s Foundation website for more information on books, CD’s and other valuable supportive material published by the foundation.

Please click here to be linked to their website.


Patricia Varley While Patricia is not an author yet, she is certainly a highly qualified speaker, trainer and coach.  Her concepts and ideas about leading your life from the inside out will assist anyone seeking to grow and learn more about themselves.

She works with business people in assisting them to become transformational leaders and thinkers.  In my interview with Patricia we explore the patterns that we need to shift to obtain a more balanced life and to become more centered.

Reinventing Success from the Inside Out with Patricia Varley is a powerful facilitation guide and supports participants in transitioning between the mainstream and what is evolving on the planet at this transformative time in history. She leads people through the processes, tools, techniques and strategies to awaken their integral authenticity and discover and communicate their uniqueness and live their vision. She assists a wide range of clients in multiple industries, developing and implementing creative strategies and insights to help them achieve integrated and satisfying professional and personal lives. By connecting them more to who they are, they are better prepared to shift and take an evolutionary leaps in all areas of their lives and work and live from their highest potential.

I am certain that you will see a book in the near future by Patricia. But in the meantime you can visit her website to learn more about her coaching, and workshops by clicking here.

Ariane de BonvoisinWhat a wonderful interview with Ariane de Bonvoisin about her new book “The First 30 Days.”  She and I explore the world of change and how we as human beings cope with the change in our lives. One thing we all know for certain is that change is ever-constant.  Things can change for the better or they can change for the worse. But it is not that things will change, but how we learn to deal with the change in our lives that matters.

Ariane spent an extensive amount of time interviewing world leaders, athletes and average people to learn the characteristics of people who deal with change successfully.  In these uncertain times what we all know that things have changed for all of us.  Ariane helps us find our change muscle and to tap into our changeless core.

She has learned that there are nine (9) principles that will assist us in learning to cope with change.  We explore the (9) nine principles of change in our interview together. I know you will be fascinated by her discoveries after having interviewed over 1,000 people and discovering their commonalities no matter what the change.

Ariane mentioned that people have been conditioned to believe certain things about change. (1) Change is hard and something to be avoided (2) Change makes me feel alone; I am the only one going through this. (3) Change takes time, energy and work. (4) Change is stressful and involves a lot of pain. In “The First 30 Days” you will learn that this might be so, but it is possible to feel differently about change by developing a new mindset about it, even if you are facing an extremely challenging change. You can come out on the other side feeling hopeful, strong, and calm with renewed optimism about life.

I know you are going to love this interview with Ariane as we explore change and how to navigate it.  Remember the old saying what we resist persists, and this is certainly so about change.  If you would like to learn more about Ariane de Bonvoisin and her book, coaching and workshops please visit her website for more information. Enjoy the interview!!!

Mike RobbinsIt was a pleasure having Mike Robbins back with us for another podcast. His book entitled “Focus on the Good Stuff-The Power of Appreciation” is a wonderful book about learning how to appreciate the good within.  As simple of a concept that this might sound , it is something that we all need to be reminded of.  I know that many of us are frequently attempting to be more, do more and have more.  The challenge with this thinking is that is limits our focus on the good stuff as Mike says.  We loose sight of appreciating who and what we are, and we are more focused on how we can be better. This persistent focus on always attempting to be better is a proverbial never ending cycle.  Our ego is really good at telling us that we are not good enough.

In Mike’s book we explore the five (5) principles that help us to shift our focus, and accentuate the good. The first of his principles is “Be Grateful”  Gratitude is something that we don’t give ourselves and other enough of. It is always easy to fall into the “woe is me attitude.”  But we usually can find someone worse off than ourselves.

  • Principle #2,  Choose Positive Thoughts and Feelings.  The simplest way to state this principle is that thoughts become things;choose good ones.”
  • Principle #3, Use Positive Words.  I like what Mike points out here from another author Don Miguel Ruiz.  Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using words to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
  • Principle #4, Acknowledge Others.  Wow! is this an important one.  Is is so much easier to criticize someone than it is to praise and acknowledge.  Look for the good in others, and then take action by acknowledging them for the good you see in them.
  • Principle #5, Appreciate Yourself.  Self Appreciate is difficult.  It is always easy to judge ourselves, but just like in Principle 4 Acknowledge Others we need to acknowledge and appreciate our own abilities, talents and our inherent good.

Mike’s book Focus on the Good Stuff allows you to shift your focus and to look at yourself and others with new eyes.  It shifts your perspective just enough to begin to see the good, and not to dwell on the negative

I encourage all of my listeners to read his book and visit Mike’s website for more useful information and wisdom from someone who has practices these principles in his everyday life. Mike is an amazing example of these principles in action.

Warren Farrell Ph.DIn my interview with Dr. Warren Farrell, we explore the “The Myth of Male Power“. This podcast with Dr. Farrell was quite fascinating and provided me insight into an area that I had little knowledge or understanding of. His perspective really opened my eyes about the socialization of both the sexes. Dr. Farrell dialogs with me about the expectations of males in society and the roles we play in order to be successful with the opposite sex. He also provides a fascinating perspective on why he believes that neither sex has power over the other and that our power is only in our ability to control our own life.

Dr. Farrell tells a very interesting story about a woman who was attending one of his lectures and got up to tell her story about her brother who was the focus of her fathers attention and admiration. Her father who was a prominent physician so wanted her brother to become a physician just like him. The father paid more attention to her brother who had originally stated that he wanted to become a physician. Then one day he announced that he no longer had a desire to become a physician and the father was devastated. Jokingly, and to win her fathers approval and admiration she told her father that she would become a physician, but deep down inside she was really only doing it so that she could win her father’s approval. Interestingly enough, she followed through with her degree and become a physician. She now states that she is in her 40’s and is not happy with this chosen profession, and would like to change vocations.

Dr. Farrell was attempting to emphasize through this story that statistically men are usually the ones who take on the jobs out of a sense of obligation or family pressures. Without sounding sexist the statistics prove this fact and this story illustrates “The Myth of Male Power” and provides interesting insights into how our viewpoint and perspective about male power in society is probably distorted.

I hope that you will enjoy this podcast with Dr. Farrell and if you are interested in learning more about his research, workshops, lectures and CD’s, please click here for more information.

Larry Wilson It is certainly by no accident that one of the men who has influenced me the most is my first interview for our podcast and this blog. If you are not aware of Larry Wilson’s many accomplishments he is probably best known for having founded one of the largest learning organizations in this country, Wilson Learning Corp. I met Larry about 12 years ago after having read several of his books. I called him up at his ranch Pecos River in Santa Fe, New Mexico. I told him that I was starting a company called Sales Solutions Systems, and asked if he would be interested in meeting with me to discuss an opportunity that existed in the insurance industry. His answer was a resounding yes, and he welcomed me with open arms and heart when I met him at Pecos River some 12 years ago. Pecos River has since been sold, but what an incredible retreat facility it was, with ropes courses and beautiful scenery and some of the top training in leadership that this country had to offer at the time.

Since our meeting each of our lives have taken many twists and turns, but one constant is that Larry has always been there for me every step of the way to help guide me through the maze of business and personal growth.

In this podcast you will learn more about his current work “The Great Game of Life” and his book “Play to Win!: Choosing Growth Over Fear in Work and Life. Larry has recently developed a 12 session course that is one of the best personal growth courses I have ever reviewed. Later this year we will be bringing this program to our Digital Seed learning platform so that thousands of people can enjoy this work via the Internet and collaborate with others across the country in the process. This podcast is a wonderful insight into Larry Wilson the man and his own personal journey. I hope you enjoy it.

I apologize for the sound quality of my voice (Larry comes through much clearer). We are still getting the hang of recording phone conversations over here.