Michael LinenbergerIf you are feeling overworked and stressed out these days, then join the crowd.  Most white collar workers are attempting to figure out how to manage the besiege of email, voice mail, text messaging, and just keep up.  For the most part we are not doing a very good job of it.

If you want to learn more about mastering your work day, then I encourage you to listen to my interview with Michael Linenberger the author of a new book entitled, “Master Your Workday Now!”.  Michael has developed proven strategies to control the chaos and create outcomes, and connect your work to who you really are.

In my interview with Michael we discuss the proven strategies such as his simple Now Task List.  This wonderful idea does more than just prioritize your to-dos, it provides a system for breaking them down into three simple sections: Critical Now, Opportunity Now and Over the Horizon.

Michael’s  system of getting your Workday mastered revolves around a simple pyramid which at the foundation is control, then moves to create and at the top of the pyramid is connect. He wants people to get control of the workday by managing their urgency zones. Once this is mastered you create your outcomes by using Now Goals and Goal Activation.  Then you move on to connecting your work with who you really are.

His program is easy to understand and he connects all of techniques to Microsoft Outlook if you are using this desktop manager.  As many of you are aware with the massive amounts of data that we are responsible for managing, it is almost impossible to do it without some type of software system.

But, just in case you are not using a computer to manage your contacts, information, etc.,  Michael’s system will work without Outlook or any other desktop manager for that matter.

I highly recommend “Master Your Workday Now!”. If you want to take back control of your day, and all of the to-do’s that are keeping you from really focusing on the most important aspects of your life then read Michael’s book and practice his mastery techniques.

You can get more information at Michael’s website by clicking here.

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