Woman’s advocate and specialists Leslie Peter’s RN has a very interesting perspective on the topic of “Adverse Childhood Experiences”.  Here experience is a direct result of being the victim from childhood abuse from her father as a child,  as well as counseling thousands of women who have been the victims of childhood abuse.

Leslie has worked with women in impoverished communities as an registered nurse in a hospital, and as she would question these women upon admission to the hospital she heard and saw first hand how much of a problem “Adverse Childhood Experiences” were affecting these women from being able to extract themselves from poverty.  The condition also has adverse effects on their mental and physical health as well as  a very challenging problem to deal with.  It is difficult at best for these women to shift their psychological mindset so that they can extract themselves from being stuck in this insidious cycle.

I took this opportunity to have a very open and frank dialogue about “Adverse Childhood Experiences” If you have been a victim of Adverse Childhood Experiences then I would recommend that you listen to my interview with one of the foremost experts in the field.  If you would like to learn more you might want to click here to be directed to as study commissioned by Kaiser and the CDC.

You can also connect with Leslie Peter’s RN by clicking here to be directed to her website, or you can click here to be directed to her Linkedin page.

I hope you enjoy this very interesting podcast with Leslie.

If you are like most people from time to time you question your life; and if done effectively how to change our worldview.  Is the world in which we “think” we live the reality we want to live in?  Are we happy with our existence on this round blue ball called earth?  If we are not happy how can we, change our emotional, spiritual and physical experiences?

I am pleased to say that in this interview with author Rodney Smith about his book “Touching the Infinite-A New Perspective on Buddha’s Four Foundations of Mindfulness” you can find a starting point in which you can look at your life, and question your perceived reality.  What is the truth?

As Rodney states ” The spiritual journey is looking behind the scenes.  We have all grown up holding the world to a conventional set of criteria established by our cultural and personal norms. These norms established our worldview and are embedded early in childhood. There is both a conscious and unconscious part of our drama, a part that we are willing to see and a part that does not fit our script.”  As Buddha taught “only one thing, suffering, and its cessation

If you want to release yourself from the shackles of life, you best look at the world from the perspective of the end of suffering.  “When we question what we are doing and why we have to steer the question through the continuum bounded by suffering and the end of suffering: Does this method you are employing, this effort you are exerting, this goal you are setting, add to or alleviate suffering?

I am fascinated by Rodney Smith’s perspective, his book and teaching and I know you are going to learn tremendous lessons from our dialogue in the interview.

If you want to learn more about “Touching the Infinite” just click the link.   You can also click any of the highlighted URL to be directed to the book on Amazon.

Enjoy this wonderful dialogue with a very informative and deep teacher of living a life of mindfulness.


Many of us are guilty of trapping ourselves in the web of negative self-talk. The not-good-enough, self-doubt cycles that many of us cope with on a daily basis. We know its detrimental, but what are we doing to stop insidious cycle of negative self-talk? How do we reduce this thinking quickly and replace it with a positive affirmative monologue?

In my interview with author and coach, Gary John Bishop we talk his new book entitled “Unfu*ck Yourself-Get Out Of Your Head and Into Your Life“. This book is an easy read packed with practical advice on creating more success and abundance in your life and quieting the pesky self-doubt. Over the years, Gary has coached thousands of individuals from entrepreneurs, athletes, professionals and creatives. Gary’s philosophy has yielded a high success rates by leading individuals down the road to replacing old negative self-talk with positive thoughts and sustaining this growth and potential.

Gary states that “If human emotions largely result from thinking, then one way to appreciably control one’s feelings is by controlling one’s thoughts—or by changing the internalized sentences, or self-talk, with which one largely created the feeling in the first place.” Gary believes the answers we are seeking lie within ourselves, but we must be open to finding these answers and believe in our guiding voice.

If you feel like something unspoken is holding you back from abundance and reaching ultimate success, then give Gary John Bishop a listen! If you are interested in knowing more about Gary please click here for his website.

I was recently was told about a Chrome extension called Momentum Dash from my good friend Lee Regan.  I don’t usually review software, but this particular software caught my attention–so much so that I reached out to the founder  Levi Bucsis and requested that we do a podcast.

If you’re like me you have lots to do and very little time to complete your work in.  Your days are filled with various projects and you are juggling between tasks.  Does this sound like any of you?

At this point, I hope I have your attention because Momentum Dash works incredibly well at increasing your focus and the outcome is improved productivity.  Levi Bucsis and his amazing software development team have created an awesome Chrome extension piece of software that it makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs–you have to get this extension software now!!!    

So what are the features, beautiful pictures of nature to look at and ponder which will take you to a meditative state of being–not doing.  This particular feature forces me to slow down and ponder, reflect and thus makes my next though that much more poignant.  It has an API to the to-do list I subscribe to which is Todoist.  I can turn it on and off at will, and add to the list when I have another to-do–the key is being able to hide it and only look at the prompts when I am ready.

Momentum Dash Podcast clock Momentum Dash Podcast percent Momentum Gift Page

The software prompts you for your daily focus for the day, and there is a countdown timer and clock if you choose to use it. It also has awesome quotes that change daily, and these quotes seem to really make a connection for me.  All the features can be turned on or off dependent on your particular workflow.

This is must try software, you can download the free version of the extension by clicking here, or you can subscribe for $29.95 and get all the features and options.

I hope you enjoy my wonderful interview with a very creative software engineer and student of psychology, Levi Bucsis.