Dzogchen Ponlop RinpocheThis is my second interview with Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, and it is alway an insightful experience.  Rinpoche has a new book that has been released by Shambhala Publications entitled “Rebel Buddha-On The Road to Freedom”

In our interview together we have an opportunity to explore the concepts of true freedom and liberation.  Rebel Buddha is an exploration of what it means to be free and how we can become free.  As Rinpoche explains “There’s something of a rebellious streak in all of us. Usually it’s dormant, but sometime it’s provoked into expression. If nurtured and guided with wisdom and compassion it can be a positive force that frees us from fear and ignorance.

Rinpoche states in the book, according to Buddha our freedom is never in question. We’re born free.  The true nature of the mind is enlightened wisdom and compassion.  Our mind is always brilliantly wake and aware. Nevertheless, we’re often plagued by painful thoughts and the emotional unrest that goes with them.  We live in state of confusion and fear from which we see no escape.

In our interview, we discuss the concept of emptiness which is a very important Buddhist concept.  Rinpoche states that the concept is very misunderstood, and that it really means being more open, aware and expansive and to see beyond our current states of belief.  Emptiness get us to see the true reality of our existence , which helps us to find our spiritual path.

He mentions that the ego is actually rebelling against itself because it is not happy in its current state, and that we should attempt to move to egolessness or emptiness to gain our happiness, bliss and freedom from it grasp.   It is in this state that we experience the awakened mind.

We are all seeking freedom from our own suffering and pain.  If you are looking for answers from this suffering and to find  freedom, then I would recommend that you listen to and definitely read “Rebel Buddha“.  This is a wonderful book that will stur and awaken your spiritual force, and help guide you to the answers you are probably seek which are right before your belief.
Please visit Rinpoche’s website by clicking here for more teachings about Buddhism. Enjoy this wonderful interview with an insightful man with tremendous compassion and wisdom!!!!!

William BengstonI know that there are many people who are strong believers in hands on healing, so for those of you who just might be a lot or a little skeptical then this interview with Bill Bengston is a must listen.

Bill Bengston has been doing laboratory experiments on mice for years, and has on countless occasions reproduced healing of cancer in mice utilizing the hand on healing process.   Most importantly the hands on healing technique is not an innate gift you are born with, it can be learned and reproduced over and over again by almost anyone.

Sounds almost impossible, but it is true and Bill Bengston in his new book entitled “The Energy Cure” outlines the process as well as discusses the laboratory experiments where mice have been healed from malignant tumors and and once healed then re-injected with cancer the mice did not have a reoccurrence of the disease.

Bill has discovered through his own research that products dispensed by pharmaceutical companies as tried, tested, and true often owe their advertised benefits to the interpretation of experimental finding rather than to irrefutable facts. He states “that perhaps this is the reason for so many drugs recalls due to toxic or unpleasant side effects.  This suggest to Bill that populations into which a drug is introduced are often part of an extended human experiment.

Hand-on healing has the advantage of being completely safe.  Its principles underlie Eastern healing practices such as acupuncture and yoga, which are backed by four thousand year of tradition.  They are also supported by quantum physics, which describes the material world in terms of energy fields.

If you want to learn more about the hands-on healing techniques I recommend that you visit Bill’s website by clicking here.  The website is complete with resources, and research papers to back up Bill’s hands on healing techniques.  Enjoy this great interview with a author, and researcher who has traveled the path of healing maybe just more convention than you might think.

Bodhipaksa I had the distinct pleasure of recently interviewing Bodhipaksa who recently published a new book through Sounds True publishing entitled “Living as a River“.  In our interview together we discuss the constant change we are living in as well as our impermanence as human beings on this planet.

Something that Bodhipaksa points out is that sometimes the things we think will make us miserable actually make us happier.  He points out a study done at Kent State University where they studied a group of people who imagined the death of their partner, and they reported feeling more positive about their relationship and less troubled and annoyed by the quirks or odd behaviors that may have troubled them prior to this exercise.

The point Bodhipaksa is making by referencing this study is that we are all going to die at some point and our life here on this earth is impermanent and the sooner we realize this the sooner our perspective about how we live our life will shift for the better.

He speaks at length in his book “Living as a River” about letting go of our self-definitions to become more liberated and free.   In the Six-Element practice that Bodhipaksa teaches he challenges our assumptions about the body and the mind, the two things we take to be the locus of our core self.  We observe how everything that we identify with as being ourselves is in fact what comes from outside ourselves.  We note that everything we identify with as being ourselves will eventually no longer be part of ourselves. Because everything that constitutes us is in fact a process, rather that a thing or object, we realize that there is in fact nothing to grasp onto, any more than we could hold onto water flowing through our fingers-thus “Living  as a River
Bodhipaksa’s book is very well written, and for anyone who is interested in learning how to let go of what we perceive as self, and be liberated to live a life with more joy, bliss, love and happiness.  Then you will want to read this book.  Bodhipaksa has a website that is full of resources.  I would recommend that you click here to gain access to this wonderfully rich resource.

Enjoy this interview with a great author and Buddhist teacher. If you would like to know more about Bodhipaksa, then go here.

Barbara Marx HubbardIf you have never heard Barbara Marx Hubbard speak, then treat yourself and take a listen to this wonderful podcast we just recorded about her new DVD entitled ” Visions of a Universal Humanity“.

Barbara and I have a very engaging dialogue about the new story for humanity. In the documentary DVD Barbara brings together some of the finest minds of our time including world renowned physicist Freeman Dyson, biologist Bruce Lipton and scolar Jean Houston and others who present cutting edge perspectives on humankind’s potential to create a positive future for Earth.

In a time when so many people are asking the question. “why on earth are we treating one another this way“, the insights from VISION’S brilliant luminaries give us a glimpse into a world where competition is replaced with cooperation and violence by compassion.  A world where artificial trees can create more oxygen than naturally occurring trees and where GOD is described as existing inside the universe rather than outside of it.

There is not doubt that our world is shifting, and that all of our institutions including our monetary, education, government are being tested. We are most likely going to see a reinvention of most of these system over the coming years, and as is articulated through the scientists and spiritual leaders interviewed in the movie the alternative viewpoint to doom and gloom Armageddon scenarios currently circulating is one an evolution of the consciousness of  individuals on the planet where co-creation and harmony pervade.  Biologists Bruce Lipton, states”we need a change in our beliefs” our old beliefs are not serving us any longer and it is time to awaken to new possibilities.

If there were every a documentary that will assist the viewer to awaken to their own personal possibilities, and have renewed hope for our humanity then you need to watch this documentary “VISIONS of a Universal Humanity“.
Barbara Marx Hubbard is sponsoring a no cost a program entitled “Three (3) Keys to Evolutionary Metamorphosis” staring October 14th and continuing for 14 weeks.  I would highly recommend that you click on this link and join in on this teleseminar to understand more how you realize your human potential and contribute to the evolution of our world in a very positive way.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with an amazing futurist, author and activist who is having an impact on the positive evolution of our planet–Barbara Marx Hubbard.

Jin Robertson Ph.D.I believe that the story that Jin Robertson has to tell is amazing.  She has a new book coming out in November, entitled “Major Dream-From Immigrant Housemaid to Harvard Phd“.  She is certainly someone who has overcome the odds.  She was born and raised in Korea in very poor conditions, and worked as a factory girl, waitress, and housemaid. At the age of 22 she immigrated to America to become a housemaid, with practically no English skills and $100 to her name.  At the age of 28, Jin, a battered wife and mother of an eight(8) month old daughter, joined the US. Army as a private to escape from the domestic violence.

As we discuss in our interview through pure determination, imagination, and sheer will, later she retired as a  U.S. Army major and received her MA at the age of 43, and her Phd from Harvard at the age of 57.  Jin has been motivating millions of Koreans and Americans with her amazing story of preserving, persistence, and determination.

I know that our economic times are challenging, but after listening to my interview with Jin you will most likely look at your personal challenges just a little different.  Even in the worst of times, Jin never gave up, and always had a strong will to succeed.  I am not certain if this is something that people are born with or not, but if you only take away from this interview with Jin that “you can do it” then you will have received the most important message from this podcast.

If you would like to learn more about Jin Robertson’s story, then I encourage you to visit her website by clicking here.  You can also purchase her DVD which chronicles her story from the website.  Please do yourself a favor and take the time to listen to a great story of inspiration and triumph over adversity, you will be glad that you did.

Steven SchusslerAuthor Steven Schussler is an amazing man.  He is an entrepreneur who has had tremendous success in the development of his Rainforest Cafe’s and other theme based restaurants.  His new book entitled ” It’s a Jungle in There-Inspiring Lessons, and Hard-Won Insights and Other Acts of Entrepreneurial Daring” is a great book for anyone who wants to learn lessons on personal mastery.

During our interview together we discuss what Steven refers to as the five (5) P’s of successful entrepreneurship.  Those P’s are: Personality, Product, Persistence, People and Philanthropy.   Steven emphasizes that if you are going to be an entrepreneur then you have to be willing to take risk, that is just part of being in business for yourself.  He has a wonderful formula, that in his estimation is an important element, it is PASSION + AMBITION=YIELDS SUCCESS.  Steven says that without passion for your product or service you are going to be hard pressed to become successful.  Your belief in what you are doing, and your passion are going to be the elements that assist in your personal success.

Steven is someone who listens to his inner voice or intuition.  He admits that all good entrepreneurs have the ability to listen and act on their intuition.  Many of his good decisions came from listening, then having the faith to act on his intuition.  I know that many of us hear the voice within, but do we act or are we afraid?  As Steven says you can’t be afraid, you have to go for it!

Steven also emphasizes that you need to dream big to become successful.  He mentions that when you do dream big and if you are passionate about what you are doing the outcomes are much more rewarding and fulfilling.  He quotes Norman Vincent Peal “Believe It and You Can Succeed”.  That is so true, if you believe in what you are creating and in yourself you can do almost anything.

If you want to learn from a man who not only believes in his projects, and himself then  you need to listen to this podcast with author Steven Schussler the author of “It’s A Jungle In There“.  For more information about Steven Schussler and his new book please click here to be directed to his website.

Roger Walsh M.D.

I am always impressed by Dr. Roger Walsh and his vast knowledge and wisdom.  This is my second interview with Roger and I know you are going to thoroughly enjoy this podcast about his book entitled, “Paths Beyond Ego-The Transpersonal Vision

Roger compiled fifty essays from some of the top thinkers in the areas of transpersonal psychology,  spirituality, and cosmology.  Some of the authors that have contributed to “Paths Beyond Ego” are:  Ken Wilber, Daniel Goldman, Jack Kornfield, Ram Dass, Huston Smith, The Dalai Lama and many others.  Roger and I discuss the tools and practices that can be practiced in assisting us in reaching more of our human potential. Many of the practices are associated with developing our own deep personal spiritual journey.

As is stated in the introduction of “Paths Beyond Ego” we are astoundingly ingenious creatures.  We have gone to the moon, split the atom, unraveled the genetic code, and probed the birth of the universe.  Indeed, modern civilization stands as a monument to boundless creativity of the human intellect.  Yet, while evidence of our intellectual and technological genius is all around us, there is growing concern that in other ways we have seriously underestimated ourselves. In part because of the blinding brilliance of our technological triumphs, we have distracted and dissociated ourselves from our inner world, sought outside for answers that can only be found within, denied the subjective and the sacred, overlooked latent capacities of mind, imperiled our planet and lived in a collective trance–a contracted, distorted state of mind that goes unrecognized because we share it and take it to be “normality”

I highly encourage you to listen to my podcast with Dr. Roger Walsh as we explore how to elevate our own consciousness through the spiritual practices that are available to anyone on a path of spiritual inquiry.

I love the quote from the book by Patanjali, who compiled the classic text of yoga: “The mind does not shine by its own light. It too is an object, illumined by the Self–But the Self is boundless. It is the pure Consciousness that illumines the contents of the mind…Egoism, the limiting sense of “I ” results from the individual intellect’s attributing the power of consciousness to self.”
If you would like more information about Dr. Roger Walsh and his many books, I welcome you to visit his website by clicking here.