Ron and Mary HulnickI had the distinct honor to interview two spiritual teachers of mine  who have had a significant impact on transforming my life for the positive, and countless thousands of other University of Santa Monica graduate students in the study of Spiritual Psychology.

In my interview with authors Ron and Mary Hulnick we get the opportunity to discuss their new Hay House book entitled ” Loyalty To Your Soul-The Heart of Spiritual Psychology“.   This book at it’s essence distills the teachings of the Spiritual Psychology, a two year graduate course and it does an amazing job of covering so many of the valuable lessons of the course.

There are 22 Principals of Spiritual Psychology covered in the book, and while Ron, Mary and I only have time to cover a few you will certainly want to purchase a copy of the book so that you can learn more, believe me it is well worth you investment of money and time.

A key point of the Spiritual Psychology course is something that Ron and Mary call your “Learning Orientation to Life“.   Most people in life are on the “goal line” of life.  Acquiring more things in the physical world reality, home, cars, more money etc.  While this is part of our physical world reality, it is not the most important.  We will soon get tired of just seeking the next new thing in life, and ultimately it will not fulfill our soul.  On the other hand if our orientation to life is on the learning line, we are focused on our spiritual evolution.

Ron and Mary state in Principle #5 ” Physical-world reality exists for the purpose of spiritual evolution.  If you understand this point, it changes your life perspective and will have major positive implications for your lifetime. Wins on the Goal Line stay here, while wins on the Learning Line go with you.  It’s the Learning Line that leads Home to God where progress is spiritual evolution is made.

Mary and I discuss that consciousness functions on three levels, physical, mental and emotional.  On each of these levels we have either positive or negative experiences.  As we grow in our consciousness evolution we seek to ascend to what is referred to as our Authentic Self Level.   At this level of understanding and peace is where we know Unconditional Love.

Your Authentic Self knows the curriculum you have come here to learn. It knows what ego work you’re here to complete.  It also knows that until your ego work is done, your spiritual agenda in the physical world will serve you by continually providing experiences that will tend to trigger your unresolved issues.  These experiences are actually spiritual opportunities to learn, grow and complete what must be done.  The Authentic Self cooperates with this structure, for it knows what it’s here to do and how this physical form supports it spiritual progression.
If you are at all interested in exploring your personal spiritual growth, and want a book that will provide you with so many of the answers you have probably been seeking then I highly recommend Ron and Mary’s Hulnick’s new book ” Loyalty To Your Soul”.  You can also visit the books website by clicking here, or you can learn more about the Spiritual Psychology Master’s program by clicking here to be directed to the USM website.

Please enjoy this wonderful interview with two of the most amazing spiritual teacher I have ever encountered.

Michael McCaffertyIn this podcast I  interview a very good friend, and someone that I admire, author and adventurer Michael McCafferty . His new book entitled ” The Spirit of Adventure”  is about his amazing adventure  in a Waco bi-plane around Europe, and while in this interview we speak about Michael’s adventures we also speak about life as a entrepreneur  and father.

Every since I have known Michael he as had a thing for planes and fast cars, not a bad thing to have a fascination with. I remember going to a party at his home in Borrego Springs, CA many years back and his home was a hanger (literally) and the plane was in the living room.

In our interview together we discuss not only the planning it took to coordinate the transportation of his Waco bi-plane to Europe, but the ensuing 96 day adventure throughout the incredibly breathtaking countryside of  Europe.  Michael has lots of great stories from his adventure, and most of them are articulated in the book which is a series of emails that he was sending back to friends and family who were following him on his wonderful adventure.  For three months during the summer of 1997 he “went flying, low and slow, exploring Europe’s coastline, islands, Alps, big-cities and tiny villages.   As Michael recounts in our interview this was the greatest experience of his life”.

A very large part of this adventure has to do with Michael’s son Mike.  You see Mike broke his back in a plane accident in March of 1993 and was paralyzed from the waist down.  Michael stated that his son never once complained during extended rehabilitation and hospitalization, and he persevered.  He is and always will be his father’s hero.

As we discuss in our interview Michael had to decide if he would fly again.  He lamented as you can imagine, but as he states he would have sent the wrong message to Mike that it is OK to quit when things don’t come out as planned if he did not proceed with his bi-plane adventure.  If he had not flown again,  he would have backed away from a great personal goal, so he had on choice and, and the big adventure began.
If you are interested in learning more about Michael McCafferty and “The Spirit of Adventure” I highly recommend reading his book.  100% of the profits from this book go to research to find a cure for paralysis caused by spinal cord injuries as currently being done by Rutgers University’s Keck Center for Collaborative Nuroscience-Spinal Cord Injury Project.  Please enjoy this great interview with a wonderful man with a big adventure.  If you would like to visit his website just click here, and read the many adventures of Michael Mc Cafferty.

Andrew HolecekA good friend recently recommended that I interview Andrew Holecek, and I am certainly glad that I did.  Andrew’s new book entitled “The Power and the Pain: Transforming Spiritual Hardship into Joy” is a gift to all that read it.

In his book, Andrew directs or attention to the two key points of the Buddhist spiritual journey: suffering and the obstacles and opportunities that suffering presents us with as we try to understand and transcend it.  Essentially, it is a book about the hardships of the journey that sometime takes us by surprise, and wear us down, or even discourage us from continuing. We all have been in this position, and sometimes it seems like we will never emerge from the hardship.  But somehow with persistence and belief, we do.

In my interview with Andrew we discuss the the Four Nobel Truths that are articulated so clearly in the Buddhist philosophy: 1) Life means suffering 2) The origin of suffering is attachment 3) The cessation of suffering is attainable  4) The path to the cessation of suffering.

If you understand these basic truths, then you will understand that we are all going to suffer and that much of our personal suffering is due to our attachment to the material world and our beliefs about it.  What is clearly available to us, but frequently we are blinded to the truth is that their is a path to the cessation of suffering.

The Buddha summarized them thus: ” I teach one thing and one thing only: suffering and the end of suffering.” Suffering is not only the overt hardship of things like disease and disaster but also the everyday experiences of dissatisfaction, anxiety, and unhappiness.  If we simply open our eyes and acknowledge what we see and feel, we will discover the truth of suffering in its many guises.
If you are interested in reading a wonderfully well written book on the philosophy and paths to the end of suffering, then Andrew’s new book “The Power and the Pain” is a wonderful read.  The depth of his work is transformational as well as easy to read and understand.  If you would like more information about Andrew and his work, please visit his website by clicking here.  Please enjoy this wonderful interview with a great author.

Dr. Craig MartinI had a lot of fun interviewing Dr. Craig Martin the author of “Elemental Love Styles“.  In his book people find and understand the deeper needs through the four natural elements which represent the human personality types: Fire (creative and enthusiastic) Air, (communicative and social), Water (emotional and intuitive) and Earth (practical and grounded).

Dr. Craig  guides the reader through an understanding of the elements, and how this effect your relationships.  He states that each person is a reflection of the elements found in nature.  Because the elements exist inside us as well as outside us, we don’t just go out in the elements; we live in them.  They are part of us.

Dr. Craig has a very simple 44 question questionnaire which assist the reader in determining their personal elemental style. Once you have determined your style the book does a great job of providing stories and examples of how your particular elemental style relates to the other elemental styles.  With this information you are ready to better understand, communicate and find a type that is better suited toward your personality type.

In our interview together Dr. Craig and I discuss what he refers to as “true intimacy”.  All relationships need intimacy, but what is true intimacy.  True intimacy is getting to know someone and having that person get to know you–and I mean more that knowing your name and what you do for a living. Getting to know each other means finding out how you affect each other. Intimacy is about openness with truth.   Dr Craig explains when we have this kind of intimacy, we have the likelihood of have a much deeper, loving and compassionate relationship which will last.
Dr. Craig also states that one of intimacy’s major components is dynamic inner growth or DIG.  DIG is about making better choices.  It enables your relationship to work out better.  A lasting relationship is one where you are going to have to work it out.  You can’t run, blame, or become immobilized by fear.

So if you are interested in learning more about the “Elemental Love Styles” so that you can better understand your partner, then I highly recommend reading Dr. Craig’s book.  It is one of those books where you have an aha not only about yourself, but about the people you love.  If you would like more information please visit Dr. Craig’s website by clicking here.

Gary MalkinI have had the honor of knowing Gary Malkin for a number of years.   I was originally introduced to his beautiful work through my son Sean.  Eight years ago when my son was diagnosed with Leukemia, Christmas morning under our tree was an amazing gift from Sean.

The gift was music to the spoken word, produced by Gary Malkin entitled “Graceful Passages“.  If you are not familiar with this particular CD series, I can not speak enough about the moving, touching and transformational work that Gary created. It will touch your soul like nothing else, I listened to these passages over and over again and again until they were etched in my being.

In my interview with Gary for this podcast we speak about his new Wisdom Films creation “Alchemy for the Soul and Beauty of Being“.  What Gary has created utilizing much of his work from Graceful Passages is a magnificent work of artistry and cinematography for you listening and viewing experience…and an amazing experience.

We all live in a very fast paced world, filled with constant change and lots of challenges.  I personally know that I like to take a break from what seems like a non stop lifestyle and practice my morning meditation.  It is this practice that ground me and prepares me for my day.

If you would like to experience a calming, peaceful, pleasant experience then I recommend that you play one of the passages from “Alchemy for the Soul or “The Beauty of Being“, as Gary states it is “inner-taniment” The films provide a unique opportunity to cultivate the “witness within”-that quiet inner-knowing-which can help us to experience equanimity in the midst of any storm. This state, know as “The Relaxation Response”, enhances your overall health while strengthening your capacity for compassion and inner peace.  When you’ve cultivated these qualities, you become a part of the fabric of the world’s solutions, rather than its problems.  This ‘witness within’ experience-over time-can help you, as Gandhi once said ” to become the change you wish to see in the world”.
If you want to treat yourself to a wonderfully calming, peaceful and transformational experience then get a copy of the two (2) set DVD from Wisdom Films.  If you would like more information about the product the Wisdom Films offers, please click here to be directed to their website.  Please enjoy this wonderful interview with a very compassionate artist and author…Gary Malkin.

Roger Walsh M.D.I just love conducting interviews with Roger Walsh.  This is my third interview with Roger, and certainly will not be my last.  Every time we speak I am inspired, and encouraged to look at the world in a new way.  This is gift that Roger posses, and if you listen carefully you will hear exactly what you need hear about transforming your own life.

In our interview we discuss his book entitled “Gifts from A Course in Miracles” we explore the gifts that the Course in Miracles has given its students.  As Marianne Williamson states in the forward ” Just as there are stars and then superstars, there are books and then Great Books.  Within the Great book category, there are THE BOOKS, the great spiritual source materials which contain the words that reveal the highest truths.  They are the Bible, the Koran, the Talmud, and the I Ching, and others.  For many of us, A Course in Miracles is one of these.  It opens the heart to healing and hope, enlightenment and love.”

As Roger states in “Gifts from A Course in Miracles“.  “There has never been a time in history when the need for peace was greater. Every year new wars erupt and a trillion dollars are spent on weapons, while millions of people remain hungry, helpless, and homeless.  Yet, it is not that we are any more agressive than our predecessors.  Indeed, at this very moment millions of people are devoting their lives to calming hostilities, redressing injustices, and helping the poor and deprived.

If you are searching for a way to understand the injustices of the world, and find more peace, love and compassion in your own life then “Gifts from A Course in Miracles” just might be what you are looking for.  “Enlightenment is bout a recognition, not a change at all.”  A Course in Miracles offers a path of awakening.  Like other paths, the Course suggests that our usual perceptions, awareness and sense of identity are clouded and distorted.  It therefore offers us a means of correcting these distortions so that we may see ourselves and the world more clearly.   This transformation of perception is what the Course means by a “Miracle”.
Why not have some miracles in your life…listen to my interview with Roger Walsh and you will be on your way.  If you would like more information about the Course in Miracles please click here to be directed to Roger’s website.