Rick Hanson Ph.D.What a wonderful interview with a great author who will enlighten you about the neuroscience associated with the brain.  Rick Hanson’s new book entitled, “Buddha’s Brain-The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom“,  is a fascinating in-depth look at how science is now revealing how the flow of thoughts actually sculpts the brain.  By combining breakthroughs in neuroscience with insights from thousands of years of contemplative practice, you too, can use your mind to shape your brain for greater happiness, love and wisdom.

In my interview with Rick, we explore the brain physiology and how the brain evolved to keep humans safe from external threats; the resulting “built-in negative bias” that creates suffering in modern individuals.  As quoted by psychologist Donald Hebb–“when neurons fire together, they wire together”.  Rick argues that the brain’s functioning can be affected by simple practices and meditations to foster well-being.  Rick states that classic Buddhist concepts such as the “three trainings” of mindfulness, virtuous action and wisdom can help one in attaining greater levels of happiness.

Buddha’s Brain-The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love and Wisdom” shows you how to:

  • Stress Proof your brain.
  • Practical and proven methods for feeling less irritable, sad and defensive.
  • Simple daily exercises to reprogram the brain to handle stress better.
  • How cultivating love and compassion for self and others combats anxiety.
  • Brain savvy ways to build resilience and inner strength
  • The Five “C’s” (Consciousness, Calm, Contentment, Caring and Creativity)

If you are looking for ways to de-stress your life and to have more peace and harmony, then I highly recommend that you read  Rick Hanson’s new book.  It is written in a  simple and easy to read format that informs and educates you on exactly what to do and how to apply these life changing practices.

If you would like more information, Dr. Hanson has developed a wonderful website with lots of informative articles and tools. You can access the Wise Brain.org website by clicking here.  You may also access his personal website here.

Enjoy this wonderful interview, and most of all, try some of these practices.  You will be happy that you did.

Yehuda Berg This is a great interview with a wonderfully knowledgeable author, Yehuda Berg, who has tremendous passion for helping people understand Kabbalah and how it can help them transform their lives positively.

In my interview with Yehuda, we explore the wisdom of Kabbalah which explains how the world operates according to universal spiritual laws that, like gravity, influences our lives every day at every moment, whether or not we are aware of it’s existence.  The amazing thing is that these spiritual laws affect our lives in a far more profound way than physical laws do. We learn how to act in harmony with these laws so we can learn how to truly control what happens to us and dramatically improve our relationships, health, careers, finances and overall quality of life.

Yehuda and I discuss the power of consciousness, and his beliefs on where consciousness evolves from as to better understand our deeper purpose and connection with a higher spirit. Kabbalah can truly help one find and make a deep spiritual connection.  It provides you with the wisdom, tools and deep understanding to turn your life into whatever you want it to be.  Whether you want to make dramatic changes or just want a better understanding of yourself and the life you’re living.

Kabbalah: The Power to Change Everything is a progressive manual for daily life to awaken consciousness and create personal and global change.  Yehuda Berg examines the problematic areas of politics, religion, environment and economy and demonstrates how everything , no matter how bleak can be transformed by shifting our minds.

You are going to enjoy my interview with a fascinating person with a wonderful perspective on life, on how we can change everything by just changing our minds.

I encourage you to read Kabbalah: The Power to Change Everything if you are exploring your spiritual path and would like to learn more about the power of this ageless wisdom.  It has transformed millions of lives throughout the world, and will transform yours as well.

For more information about Yehuda Berg and Kabbalah Centre International in Los Angeles, CA please click here to access their website.

Jamie RenoI have had the pleasure of being able to sit down in person with Jamie Reno.  He is a cancer survivor, patient advocate, singer-songwriter, journalist and a wonderfully authentic man.  Jamie recently wrote “Hope Begins in The Dark-50 Lymphoma Survivors Tell Their Exclusive Life Stories”. Jamie decided to compile the stories as a result of his own battle with cancer.

One of the common themes that Jamie related to me was that each of the cancer patients interviewed for his book became their own best advocate and took affirmative action relative to their treatments. It was this action that provided them the strength to survive and make them stronger patients which increased their probability of survival.

One thing I know for certain is that those who get up and do something, and don’t wait for the doctor or others to provide them with solutions are the ones that feel more confident in dealing with their disease.  My son Sean who is a seven (7) year survivor of CML, a form of Leukemia, was also one of the people who decided to take action on his own.  He did research, changed his diet, got involved in meditation and did a 180 degree shift in his lifestyle.  It is these types of actions that assist cancer patients physically, mentally, emotionally and spirituality to not only survive but thrive during treatments.

I know you are going to love Jamie’s  story  about a brave cancer survivor turned advocate and voice for many who have not been able to get their stories told.  Each one of these cancer stories is unique and touching.

I encourage anyone on the path of personal mastery to tap into the stories told by Jamie as an inspiration and encouragement to overcome any of the challenges that you might be faced with.  Nothing is more challenging than facing your own mortality, and I know you can learn from these wonderfully compelling stories of cancer survivors.

If you would like more information about Jamie Reno, his book and music please visit his website by clicking here.

Enjoy this wonderful interview with a survivor, turned heart centered advocate for those without a voice.

Richard MossThis is a thoroughly delightful interview with a very insightful and wise man, Dr. Richard Moss. I stumbled upon Richard’s work while I was doing a search in Google. I was fascinated by the information at his site, so I contacted his assistant and we were granted an interview. The focus of this podcast is Richard’s most recent book entitled, “The Mandala of Being: Discovering the Power of Awareness“. This book focuses on the four places our mind goes to when we leave the “now”, specifically; the past, the future, judgment of ourselves and judgment of others. Richard also shows us the way home by teaching ways to stay fully present which in turn leads to a life of authenticity.

Drawing from his own profound self-realization and more that three decades of working with people of diverse backgrounds, Richard encourages and accompanies the reader on a journey toward freedom from fear and any other limiting or threatening feelings. Deep self-understanding, inner ease, spontaneous healing, more fulfilling relationships, and enhanced creativity, are all wonderful blessings that can arise from reading and reflecting on the, “The Mandala of Being: Discovering the Power of Awareness“.

I know you will enjoy this podcast with a wonderfully warm man who has the ability to show you how to attain what he refers to as “radical aliveness”. Where the mind is silent and the body is filled with presence and a new enthusiasm for living is born. He discusses simple practices that meet the challenges of maintaining the aliveness in daily life without requiring the presence of a teacher or special sacred environment to gain this aliveness.

I highly recommend this book and the workshops that Richard facilitates. If you would like to learn more about his on-line courses, books, audio programs and workshops please click here