Guy FinleyThis is my second interview with author and philosopher Guy Finley. I am truly fascinated by how Guy articulates his beliefs and thoughts on spirituality and personal mastery.

I recently was notified by his organization about a series he created entitled “The Education of the Soul” I immediately went to order the CD’s to find out that they had sold out within a week. The series can only be obtained as a MP3 download now, but they are wonderful listening and very affordable.

In this interview with Guy Finley we speak of our connection with the cosmos and the perfect order of everything and our role in the order of the cosmos. We dialogue about our unique purpose here on this planet, and we are provided with glimpses into the “why” we are here.

As Guy states, a special kind of wisdom has been passed down through the centuries, generation to generation, for one exalted end — the education of the soul. Thus willing seekers have always been given the means to fulfill the true and higher purpose of their lives.

Education of the Soul is a comprehensive program that distills the fundamental concepts that form the core of the invisible spiritual curriculum. This unparalleled collection of wisdom can be understood at many levels, making it suitable for beginners and long-time students. With each listening, the student encounters a deeper layer of meaning.

In these specially selected talks, Guy integrates key principles from eastern and western traditions, bringing them to life by shining new Light on their hidden meaning. He explores topics such as Love, Will, Relationships, the Present Moment, Rebirth, and much more.

My interview with Guy is full of insight and inquiry into our spiritual purpose for being. Every time I am given the opportunity to dialogue with Guy, my mind is opened up and I become more aware of the expansiveness of the wonderful Universe. I highly recommend “The Education of the Soul” audio collection. This valuable audio program is bound to help transform your life.
If you are interested in learning more about Guy Finely and his books, CD and personal appearances I recommend visiting his website by clicking here.


Steven EI was introduced to Steven E through a good friend David Corbin who was involved in the production of the popular series, “Pass it On“.  I was quite impressed with the approach to personal growth and development that Steven E has taken through publishing books on a team basis.

Steven E is the creator of one of the fastest-growing book series in the world, with over 20 books in print. It is called, Wake Up…Live the Life You Love. His last 14 books have been best sellers. Steven E is dedicated to teaching people to find their purpose in life. At a young age, he had a dream in the middle of the night that screamed, “Write a book!” and he did.

Years later, his series is changing millions of lives. Steven E is one of the leading experts in the movie Pass It On. Do you have a favorite inspirational author or speaker? It is likely that Steven E has worked with them.

He often says, “Get your life on purpose and the money will follow.” He speaks to thousands of people throughout the world on how to become a best selling author, how to find your purpose in life and how to develop a passion for what you want to do. He has spent his adult life as an entrepreneur building financially successful businesses. He is an inspirational speaker helping people awaken to their potential on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.

His book quest began when he had a ‘Wake Up Moment’ in the middle of the night at age 22 and was instructed to write a book. He followed that intuition and wrote his first book. Quickly, he learned that writing, publishing and distributing a book is a massive task so he published his second book with 55 good friends. Through this experience he learned the power and the fun of teamwork.

During the publishing of his third book, he was joined by his business partner, Lee Beard. With the expertise of Lee’s international multimedia production, marketing and advertising company, they formed a world wide support program for authors, writers, speakers, and industry experts. Every book that they have published since starting their best seller promotion program in 2004 has been on the best seller list.

The Wake Up Live team would like to let you in on some of the secrets of how you can achieve fame and fortune as a published author. For a free audio, please go to:

Now, with the support of a talented and dedicated staff, Steven E and Lee have attracted a best-selling co-author team from around the world to bring inspiration and motivation to millions of readers. In the process, the Wake Up team has developed an amazing Team Publishers program to bring an effective alternative to individuals that want to publish a book. They have developed the # 1 Team Publishers program in the world which is a new method that teaches publishing, publicity and marketing to authors, speakers, consultants, writers, and industry experts.

You can learn more about how you join the Wake Up Live team and spread your message of hope and inspiration to countries around the world. Please go to my other site!

If you are interested in becoming a published author, or have interest in the team approach of authoring I would encourage you to call or visit Steven E. website at

James Gordon M.D.I was introduced to Dr. James Gordon through my good friend Dr. Joan Borysenko.  Both Jim and Joan are highly respected physicians who have devoted their lives to helping individuals help heal through integrating the practices of conventional medicine, and alternative practices.  These alternative practices can be anything from meditation to Chinese movement exercises.  Over the years it has proven that the combination of integrating the western and eastern practices is quite effective in treating everything from depression to heart disease and cancer.

When Dr. Gordon is not in Washington D.C attending to patients and overseeing the Mind Body Institute, he is traveling training others in the art and delivery of integrative medicine practice.  Twice per year he put on a Mind Body Medicine Professional Training program that attracts physicians, clinicians and social workers from all over the world.

In my interview we discuss his new book entitled “Unstuck-Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey Out of Depression.”  Dr. Gordon states that “Depression is not a disease.”  He challenges the perceived wisdom on how depression is viewed and treated. He goes on to explain that depression can be treated without the use of antidepressants and outlines the practical steps we can take to exert control over our own lives.

It is obvious that antidepressants are the first choice of treatment for depression in the country and hugely profitable business. Each year, American doctors write 189 million prescriptions for people suffering from depression, as well as others who are inhibited, shy, anxious or unhappy.

Dr. Gordon argues that there is surprisingly little evidence that they are more effective than a variety of other approaches.  In our interview we explore Dr. Gordon’s seven-stage journey out of depression.

In Unstuck, Dr. Gordon has taken forty years of experience treating patients suffering from depression and distilled it down to an easy to follow guide to understanding the causes of depression and the ways to address theses causes, as well as helpful suggestions for relieving depression’s symptoms.  In the seven-stage program, Dr. Gordon explains the useful, mood-healing benefits of: food and nutritional supplements; movement, exercise, and dance; psychotherapy, meditation and guided imagery; spiritual practice and prayer.  Each chapter concludes with a carefully designed Prescription for Self-Care.

I know you will enjoy my interview with Dr. Gordon.  If you are experience a little depression as a result of our world economic crisis or just daily living, then this interview and Dr. Gordon’s book are a must read.

If you would like to learn more about the Mind Body Institute and Dr. James Gordon, just click here.  You can also obtain his book by clicking on the book cover in this post.  Happy listening, and enjoy the podcast.

Gayle ZindaI had the pleasure of making a connection with Gayle Zinda through one of our supporting charity affiliates called Lung Cancer Alliance.  Gayle has a fascinating story of triumph over adversity for she is a survivor of lung cancer herself, and she beat the odds.

Gayle’s journey in the cancer community started long before she received her diagnosis of lung cancer. You see Gayle was an OBGYN nurse, and through a chance encounter met a woman who came into her office providing her with information about prosthetic devices for women who had undergone mastectomies.  This encounter lead to the woman giving her information about a lady by the name of Rita in Cincinnati, Ohio who owned a shop called “The Lemonade Stand-A Place to Come and Be Refreshed” which catered to women who were undergoing cancer treatments and need to get wigs, prosthetic devices, and just come to a safe place for renewal.

When Gayle met Rita, she knew something was wrong. This beautiful woman who was not to old, was walking with a cane and did not look to be in good health.  As a matter of fact when Gayle entered the door Rita said” I’ve been waiting for you. God said that if I held on long enough that my replacement would show up, and here you are.”  Well Gayle kind of thought that Rita was a little crazy.  But this encounter ended up changing Gayle’s life forever.

Gayle is now a two year survivor of the deadliest cancer! She began to travel and talk about her experiences, realizing that she had a lot to offer those whose lives have been touched by cancer. In November 2007 Gayle was asked by the Lung Cancer Alliance out of Washington D.C. to redesign her RV and do a 10 city tour on their behalf. Gayle travelled the country with her son Adam telling her story as a means of inspiring cancer patients everywhere. Gayle and Adam traveled over 5,000 miles in 30 days to bring awareness to Lung Cancer.

Today Gayle travels the country with her oldest son Adam in a 31′ Pink RV called the “Motorvator”, raising cancer awareness and “refreshing” groups around the country.

In 2008 Gayle received the Professional Business Woman of the Year Award in Madison, WI.

When she is not traveling Gayle, lives on a sparkling lake in Wisconsin with her husband, Dr. Michael Zinda, who is a Radiation Oncologist and the Medical Director of a cancer center. Dr. Zinda provides yet another perspective to add to Gayle’s arsenal on cancer.

I invite you to listen to my interview with Gayle and learn of the spiritual journey she has taken, and the adversity she has overcome.  She is funny, witty and truly a joyful person who has an inspiring story.

I hope you enjoy my interview with Gayle, and if you want to find out more about her appearances or purchase her book please click here. Gayle Zinda Home Page

Stuart Goodship I first met Stuart Goodship during a three day workshop in Florida that Larry Wilson was hosting.   Stuart had come over from London England to attend the event for he had been trained by Larry Wilson to deliver his Great Game of Life training series.

I was immediately drawn to this gentleman because of his warmth, friendly smile and just an amazing outgoing personality.  That evening we broke bread together, and that was the start of a very long friendship.

Last summer I took a trip to Europe for a wedding for one of my oldest and dearest friends, and I decided to spend some quality time with Stuart in his hometown near London on my way to the wedding in Goteborg Sweden.

What I learned quickly was that Stuart has an amazing background in training, but that this was not his original vocation. He had started out as an engineer, then went on to work in IT sales. He then spent three years in the development of leaders and sales people with such companies as Advanced Training, Integrated Training and Career Track.

From these early experiences with traditional change techniques, Stuart had already realized that nearly all conventional training and personal development fails. This is because the root of all of our problems associated with lack of achievement and fulfillment is skillfully avoided, ignored or denied, which is the wrong functioning of thought.

Stuart spent years reading and studying the wonderful author David Bohm.  Some of Bohm’s works helped Stuart to formulate the principals he now teaches in “Discovering your Quintessential Self – Eradicating Your Thought Viruses.”

I had a wonderful time interviewing this thoroughly fascinating man and learning about the trappings of our personal thought viruses.  During this interview you will learn about the barriers that are preventing you from discovering your quintessential self as Stuart states.

If you want to achieve personal mastery and improve your performance please play close attention to what Stuart has to say, he has really done his research.

Thought Viruses are units of information (like computer viruses). The information they contain is destructive because we assume the thoughts represent accurately what’s going on in the outside world. They prevent you from engaging in thinking, causing you to act inappropriately.

I encourage you to download Stuart’s e-book from his website and learn more about discovering your quintessential self and eradicating thought viruses.

You can learn more about Stuart Goodship by clicking here, and if you are interested in purchasing his e-book just click here. I hope you enjoy this enriching and enlightening interview with Stuart.