Nick McCormickDo you want to to become a better manager of people? Then you will want to listen to my podcast with author Nick McCormick. Nick is the author of a new book entitled, “Lead Well and Prosper, 15 Successful Strategies for Becoming a Good Manager”.

In my interview with Nick we will explore the challenges that most managers have in learning how to become more effective at managing people. In this simple to read book, filled with examples, you will be able to understand more fully the skills necessary in becoming a great manager. Each chapter starts with a humorous, true to life example of an ineffective way to deal with a situation. Nick then provides the reader with the strategy to deal more positively with these situations, and a list of “dos and don’t s” that cut right to the chase.

Nick states that most managers don’t want to perform poorly, they just don’t work on the right things. This books not only shows them what those “right things” are, but it offers straightforward ready-to-execute solutions.

As any reader knows, there are thousands of books on management and becoming a better leader, but this book contains the simple strategies that can assist any manager in a matter of minutes.

If most managers were to apply the tips that Nick provides in the 87 pages of this quick read book, they would become more valuable to their employers, and most importantly be looked at by their fellow co-workers as mentors.

I do hope you enjoy my interview with Nick McCormick, and that you will glean something valuable from our interview together. If you would like to learn more about Nick’s book or his workshops and seminars please visit his website by clicking here.

Len Saputo M.D.I recently had the pleasure of attending the Book Expo of America in New York City, and while I was at the conference, I attended a book signing by Dr. Len Saputo. I was certainly intrigued by the title of his book, ” A Return to Healing“, and wanted to learn more about Dr. Saputo’s philosophy on the subject.

I know that I can honestly speak for most Americans that health care is a topic that gets a lot of attention in the news, but very little seems to happen relative to reform. I now know after reviewing Dr. Saputo’s book and learning more about his ideas for radical health care reform that he is definitely on to something.

He asserts that the twentieth century was a mixed blessing of commercially driven “disease-care medicine”, but that the twenty-first century is witnessing the ascendancy of “integral-health medicine”, which is based on serving patients. As Dr. Saputo states that our health care system is in a deep crisis. Tragically millions of Americans are without medical coverage, while costs for care are spiraling upward making it harder for people to get the help they need. Dr Saputo stresses in, “A Return to Healing“, that at the heart of the problem is a culture that accepts, and in fact generates, a reductionist model of health, along with the costly health care system that has grown up to support it.

He supports a model that is integrated and looks at the whole person, in what he refers to as “integral-health medicine“. He says that this system requires a new understanding of the role of consciousness in healing and a massive public education program that will lead all of us to take full responsibility for our health–to take the lead in medicine away from big business, and even from well-meaning physicians who are stuck in the system, and puts it into the hands of the patients themselves.

In his book you will learn how we can turn the medical industry around with a genuine return to healing, led by the desire to serve the needs of the patients as well as through the readiness of each of us to pursue peak health throughout our own lives.

I highly recommend this book and if you want to know more about taking your health into your own hands and integral-health medicine, please visit Dr. Saputo’s website by clicking here for more information on his wellness clinic, and to get tools and information on guiding you to vibrant health.

Mike RobbinsIf you truly want to meet an authentic person, then I recommend that you make an attempt to reach out to Mike Robbins.  Mike is the author of a new book entitled, “Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken: Transform Your Life with the Power of Authenticity“.

In my interview with Mike, we explore what helps to make a person more authentic through his five principles of authenticity:

  1. Know Yourself
  2. Transform Your Fears
  3. Express Yourself
  4. Be Bold
  5. Celebrate Who You Are

When you first read the principles you might think, “well this is simple”.  Well, think again, because for most people, our ego gets in the way of us becoming the most authentic we can be.  We are hiding behind our wall of protection where we feel comfortable.  It is usually here that we create the alter ego which frequently prevents others from really knowing who we are, and and for us to be able to liberate ourselves to express freely and openly.

Mike has done a masterful job of laying out his book so that the reader can easily utilize and apply the principles taught.  The first part of the book looks at WHY it can be hard for us to be authentic-the familial, cultural, and personal influences, thoughts, and fears that make it difficult for us to do and say what is true for us, or lead us to believe that who we are is not acceptable enough.  He really helps in creating more awareness about what authenticity is, and what blocks us for attaining it.

Part two of the book lays out the Five Principles of Authenticity that Mike has developed over the last ten years of working directly with individuals and in groups.

In the third part of the book, Mike provides the reader with HOW to take action.  He has created interactive exercises and practices to assist us in becoming more authentic.

There is a great quote in Mikes’ book from Mother Teresa, “Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable.  Be honest and transparent anyway”.  I think that this quote really sums up what authenticity is, the real question is what prevents you from expressing your divine authenticity and how will you show up in life once you have explored your true nature.  I encourage you to explore and understand your true nature, for it is here that you are liberated to express yourself and shine as an individual.

Mike is an awesome speaker, coach and author.  He works to help people transform their lives, and live with more passion and authenticity.  If you would like to learn more about Mike, his books and coaching programs then I would recommend that you click here.

Please enjoy this interview with Mike, and if you like what you hear during this interview please let either Mike or myself know.

Free Webinar with Sylvia LafairI was first introduced to Sylvia through my good friend and incredible transformational leader Larry Wilson.  When I first learned that Sylvia was writing her book, and the subject matter  was about family patterns that effect our success I very intrigued.   How many of us really think about how the patterns we pick up from learning how to cope with our family conflicts would ever effect our performance on the job?   I know that I really had never gave it a thought until I spoke with Sylvia in our interview together.

In Sylvia’s book, “Don’t Bring It to Work: Breaking the Family Patterns That Limit Success“, she explores how our family has a tremendous influence in how we think and act, and how this influence effects our success on the job.  Her information is based on years and years of consulting and coaching work that she has completed with individuals in businesses worldwide.  Sylvia has created a Pattern Aware program which assists the reader in determining the underlying patterns that are sabotaging their success.  The Pattern Aware quiz can be taken at her website by clicking here.

The quiz gives vital insights into the age old question: “Why do people behave like that?” You will learn how to quickly identify behavior patterns and how to transform them. You’ll be able to transcend beliefs, attitudes, values and behaviors that interfere with work relationships.

Sylvia’s book is loaded with real-life anecdotes and practical, workshop-style exercises that clearly show how anyone can get beyond old, outmoded attempts to conflict resolution and empower themselves to make profound differences both at work and their personal lives.

If you would like to understand more clearly just what might be holding you back from the success you thoroughly deserve, then I would highly recommend reading, “Don’t Bring It to Work: Breaking the Family Patterns That Limit Success“.

For more information on Sylvia’s appearances, workshops, consulting, coaching and how to purchase this book please click here.

Janet LarsenWhat a wonderful opportunity it was connecting with Janet Larsen, the director of research for the Earth Policy Institute. Janet is the co-author of the, “Earth Policy Reader“, and has written on topics ranging from natural resources availability to population growth and climate change.

In our interview together we discuss the all important topics of our current environmental focus ranging from how to reduce our carbon foot print, to the Arctic ice melt.  More importantly we not only focus what is currently happening, but what we can do to help save our planet.

In Lester Brown’s book, “Plan B 3.0″, the focus is not just on the pessimistic viewpoint of how we are self destructing, but on how we can mobilize ourselves to save our civilization.

Janet points out that there are four (4) areas of focus for mobilizing our society to save our civilization.

1. Stabilize our population growth

2. Eradicate poverty worldwide

3. Restore the earth’s damaged eco-systems.

4. Stabilize our climate and reduce our C02 emissions by 80% by 2020.

In, “Plan B 3.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization, Third Edition”, Lester Brown recommends that if you want to know what happened to earlier civilizations that also found themselves in environment trouble read, “Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed“,  by Jared Diamond or, “A Short History of Progress”, by Ronald Wright.

The scale of urgency of the challenge we face has no precedent, but what we need to do can be done.  It is doable.  Sit down to map out your own personal plan and time table for what you want to do to move the world off a path headed toward economic decline and onto one of sustainable economic progress.  Set your own goals. Identity the people in your community you can work with to achieve these goals.  Pick an issue that is meaningful to you, such as restructuring the tax system, banning inefficient light bulbs, phasing out coal-fired power plants, or working for “complete streets” that are pedestrian-and bicycle-friendly in your community.  What could be more exciting and rewarding?

The choice is ours–yours and mine.  We can stay with business as usual or preside over an economy that continues to destroy its natural support system until it destroys itself or we can learn from the Earth Policy Institute’s suggestions and help to save our civilization. My interview with Janet Larsen is revealing and will open your eyes to the challenges we face, as well as the actions we can take to make our world a better place to live.

I highly recommend, “Plan B 3.0: Mobilizing to Save Civilization, Third Edition“. You can learn more about the book and all of the activities that the Earth Policy Institute are involved in by visiting their website by clicking here.

I urge you to become active in your personal efforts to conserve resources as well as politically.  Let your voice be heard … you and I can make a difference.

David AllenI first became acquainted with David Allen over eleven years ago when I traveled to Ojai, CA to attend a workshop entitled, “Getting Things Done“, a wonderful program that he created and facilitated.   It was an all day workshop,  and David did an incredible job of not only educating his the attendees, but he was quite entertaining as well.  As a result of this workshop, David and I developed a friendship and subsequently created an audio program for the financial services industry entitled, “Taming Time and Technology.”

In  this interview with David, we explore the great ideas and methodology that he has articulated in his new book entitled, “Making It All Work: Winning at the Game of Work and Business of Life.”  As David states, “Making it All Work” provides the reader with a road map, with both bearings to help you figure out where you are in life and directions on how to get where you want to be going.

The keys to achieving that are control and perspective-taking charge of everyday commitments and confidently knowing where to situate them on the horizons of your goals and aspirations.  These two ingredients for making it all work are the fundamentals of self-management,  and if you can learn how to equalize these two ingredients you will be more focused and productive in your life.

In David’s first book entitled, “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity”, the focus was on the process of capturing, clarifying, organizing, reflecting, engaging/action.  These are to-dos that assist one in becoming more productive while reducing the distractions.

The ultimate benefit of getting things done, is to experience the fulfillment and freedom that come with being positively engaged in our lives. ” Making It All Work: Winning at the Game of Work and Business of Life”, reveals how acquiring coherence and direction leads directly to that state, and to the wisdom to understand that it is the way that you are in the game that determines whether you win, and not the final score.  David ability to articulate these concepts to the reader are simple, and he provides tools that are powerful in assisting in your personal awareness and transformation.

I highly recommend this book, and would recommend that you check out David’s website by clicking here for more information on his products, workshops and tools to assist you in Making it All Work.

Jon GordonThe Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy, is a great inspiring read. Simple concepts, but something that we all need to reinforce over and over again.

Jon Gordon, uses this business fable to tell the story about an average guy by the name of George.  George happens upon a set of circumstances that requires him to have to take the bus to work.  Obviously, George is quite angry for he looses his independence and the loss of his car, and has to take the bus to work.

George however is one lucky man for he meets the bus driver, Joy, and gets to learn many lessons about life from her.  Jon Gordon takes takes the reader on a wonderful journey weaving in a great story to assist the reader in understanding some of the lessons we need to learn to manage our life for greater joy, happiness and success.

In my interview with Jon we get to explore the The Energy Bus: 10 Rules to Fuel Your Life, Work, and Team with Positive Energy.

Those rules are instrumental in leading a life with enthusiasm, and they are:

1. You’re the driver of your bus.

2. Desire, vision and focus move your bus in the right direction.

3. Fuel your ride with positive energy.

4. Invite people on your bus and share your vision for the road ahead.

5. Don’t waste your energy on those who don’t get on your bus.

6. Post a sign that says no energy vampires allowed on your bus.

7. Enthusiasm attracts more passengers and energizes them during the ride.

8. Love your passengers.

9. Drive with purpose.

10. Have fun and enjoy the ride.

I highly recommend this wonderful book.  The rules are for everyone, and if applied can really change your outlook on life.

If you would like to learn more about Jon Gordon, his workshops, books and seminars please click here.

Dan PallottaIt was quite unusual how I connected with Dan Pallotta.  Originally I was invited to a presentation in Los Angeles, CA that was hosted by the Milkin Institute where Dan was to be a presenter.  Unfortunately, I was unable to attend Dan’s presentation.

Two weeks later my assistant, Jennifer Godbout, was doing some research in the library, and she noticed a book, “Uncharitable: How Restraints on Nonprofits Undermine Their Potential,” and thought that it would be a good book for me to read and review.  She brought Dan’s book back to the office,  I told her the story about my invitation to go to Los Angeles to hear Dan speak for she was unaware that I had been invited to this event.

What a serendipitous set of circumstances that then lead me to contact Dan, and the interview you are about to listen too.

In our interview together we discuss the ideology that charities have been organized by for 100’s of years.  Unfortunately, this ideology is preventing charities from being able to reach their full potential because of all of the restraints and restrictions this ideology has created in the cultures of these charitable organizations.

We discuss the five major restraints that impede charity: compensation, advertising, vision, learning and capital.

Compensation: We allow the for-profit sector to pay people millions, but don’t want anyone paid a high salary in charity. This sends most of our top talent directly into the for-profit sector and gives our youth mutually exclusive choices between making a difference and making money.
Advertising: We let Apple and Coca-Cola inundate us with advertising, but don’t want important causes “wasting” donations on paid advertising. As a result, the voices of our great causes are largely muted while consumer products get lopsided access to our attention, 24 hours a day.
Vision: We let for-profit companies invest in the long-term, but want our charitable donations spent immediately in this fiscal year to help the needy. That means charities can’t set aside funds to develop long-term solutions.
Learning: We aren’t upset when Paramount makes a $200 million movie that fails, but if a charity experiments with a bold new fundraising event that disappoints we want heads to roll. So our charities are petrified of trying any bold new endeavors and are unable to develop the powerful learning curves the for-profit sector can.
Capital: We let for-profit companies raise massive capital in the stock market by offering investment returns, but we forbid the payment of a financial return in charity. Thus the for-profit sector monopolizes the capital markets while charities are left to beg for donations.


Dan is extremely well versed in the charitable world.  His organization Pallotta Teamworks created the AIDS Rides, The AIDS Vaccine Rides, the African Aids Trek, the original Breast Cancer 3-Day walks, and the original, Out of the Darkness suicide prevention overnight event.

These events grossed $556 million in donor contributions and netted $305 million for charity after all expenses and raised these funds more quickly for these causes that any known private event operation in history.

Uncharitable: How Restraints on Nonprofits Undermine Their Potential, is for anyone who would like to better understand about the history of charity, and the inherent challenges they are faced with in becoming even more effective in helping their respective causes. If the restraints were lifted the glass ceiling would be removed and charities could operate on an equal playing ground to the for profit sector.

If you would like to learn more about Dan Pallotta and his organization please click here.  If you want to know more about his book please click here.

Enjoy my interview with Dan Pallotta, a man on a mission to wake up the charitable sector and accelerate the opportunities to do good in the world.