I recently had the honor of interviewing my good friend Steven Kotler and an amazing resource on learning how to “hack flow”. Steven has just released a new book, hot off the press called ” The Rise of Superman”.

I bet many of you are wondering what “hacking flow” is all about. Steven has spent much of his adult career learning and personally experimenting with this concept, and decoding the science of ultimate human performance. So out with the personal growth stuff, because what Steven reveals in our interview is so powerful that it will transform your life physically, mentally and emotionally.

“Flow naturally catapults you to a level you’re not naturally in,” explained Harvard Medical School psychiatrist Ned Hallowell in an interview for the book. “Flow naturally transforms a weakling into a muscleman, a sketcher into and artists, and a dancer into a ballerina, a plodder into a sprinter, and ordinary person into someone extraordinary. Everything you do, you do better in flow…Flow is the doorway to the ‘more’ most of us seek.”

I encourage you to listen to the mind blowing podcast with an amazing researcher and author Steven Kotler.

If you would like to learn more about Steven’s research and work you can click here to be directed to his blog, or click here to go the the Flow Genome website, or here to be directed to the book landing page.

Brad Gruno is the real deal. Here is a man on a mission to help people become aware of the foods they are putting in their bodies. Brad is the founder of Brad’s Raw Foods, and the author of an amazing new book entitled ” Brad’s Raw Made Easy”.

This book is not only an amazing story about Brad and how he founded his company, but about his personal story about being out of shape, overweight and not healthy when he found a “raw food diet”. A raw food diet might not be for everyone, but after reading his book I am certain that we will have a lot more converts.

In my interview with Brad we explore the benefits associated with a raw food diet, while discussing some of the incredibly delicious recipes that are a large part of the book. The more you begin to understand that the processed foods that make up a large part of the American diet are what are making this country sick, tired and almost dead—you just might want to reconsider a raw food diet or something close.

I hope you enjoy this lively and engaging interview with and author and health food advocate who’s products are raw, healthy while being delicious at the same time.

Please click here to be directed the the Brad’s Raw Chips website, or click here to be directed to the Facebook page.

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Ruth Folit the founder of Chronicle Software and the developers of the cloud based journaling software called ” Life Journal”.

Journaling is an amazing way to heal the soul, and to connect with your inner voice. It allows the voice inside to be expressed and heard, which if it were not for journaling our souls voice might not never be heard.

If you are a someone who journals and have always used the traditional paper journal, you just might want to experience “Life Journal”. It is an easy to use software with amazing features to prompt you when you get stuck, and also allows you to keep a timeline. I love the quote section, I personally find this as an additional prompt and gentle reminder when when my words are not flowing.

In my interview with Ruth we discuss the benefits and issues associated with both paper-based journaling and or keeping your journal in the cloud. Ruth shares with us how to eliminate our inner critic, which frequently prevents us from doing our journaling and also the how journaling statistically has proven to help people who were unemployed get employed more rapidly.

I hope you enjoy our interview—If you want more information about Life Journal, just click here or you can go the he Life Journal Facebook page by clicking on the link.

If you are interested in reading a book that will provide new perspective on the subject of leadership, then I highly recommend reading ” Grounded-How Leaders Stay Rooted In An Uncertain World” by author Bob Rosen.

In my interview with Bob we discuss the challenges that leaders are faced with in our ever changing landscape and volatile world. As leaders are confronted with disruptive change and worldwide economic turbulence they need to learn how to adapt and change their thinking and behaviors to transform their worldview and perspective.

Grounded presents to the reader a new approach that speaks to our better self and help leaders become more self-aware. Bob presents the “Healthy Leader” model designed to expose leaders to six personal dimensions that fuel and refuel our world leaders, physical, emotional, intellectual, social, vocational and spiritual health.

Everyone is a leader in their own capacity, therefore the techniques and tools provided in Bob’s book are tools to enlighten and enrich the leadership experience. I not only recommend reading “Grounded” but that you visit the book website and the Facebook page for “Grounded.

Enjoy this wonderful interview with Bob Rosen author of “Grounded”.

I had a wonderful interview with author Tobin Hart the author of a new book entitled ” The Four Virtues-Presence, Heart, Wisdom and Creation.”

As Tobin states ” The world is, quite frankly a mess. People are stressed, depressed, lost and scared.” While this is a great observation of what is happening in our world, most of us are looking for tools and want to learn a new ways to live our lives so that we can cope and thrive in these very unusual times.

In Tobin’s book ” The Four Virtues.”, the reader is exposed to simple yet practical practices to create awareness about what steps they can adopt to better cope during turbulent and changing times. Each chapter provides brief yet insightful quizzes to engage our minds and hearts into questioning how we are living our lives, and what practices could be adopted to shift our behaviors. These new behaviors are certain to help remove the stress, depression and aloneness to create a sense and new aliveness in our lives.

I would encourage everyone to listen too, read and practice some or all of the recommended practices if they are interested in transforming their lives and consciousness.

If you want to know more about Tobin Hart just click here to be directed to his website. Enjoy our podcast together.

I recently interviewed both Brian and Pamela Crissey the authors of a new book entitled ” Common Sense in Uncommon Times.”

In my interview with Brian and Pamela we discuss the importance of really being prepared for survival in our changing world. We have all noticed the changes in climate, and the devastation it has had on cities both here at home and around the world. Just think about what has happened in the last few years, droughts, tsunamis, forest fires, flooding, tornados and the list seems to keep mounting as climate and the earths temperatures continue to rise.

The larger question is how prepared are you for the changes that could occur at or near your home? “Common Sense in Uncommon Times” is a wonderful guide for anyone wanting to understand how they can be better prepared. The book is loaded with website resources, lists and information on topics which are imperative for ones survival during a catastrophic event.

I hope you enjoy my interview with Brian and Pamela Crissey.

If you want to learn more about the book and available resources please check out their website by clicking here.

Gwilda Wiyaka is the author of a new book entitled “Still Here, Now What.” I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Gwilda for Inside Personal Growth.

In our interview together we discuss not only her interesting background as a shamanic teacher, but how she see our world changing and our new role in the evolution of our species.

Gwilda speaks with me at length about the shift from the fourth world energies to the fifth. This is our movement as a society from a world of polarization and exploitation causing restriction in the available frequency or light to a world denoted as the fifth world which is one of unity, synergy and an evolution in consciousness and personal power.

Gwilda’s new book is extremely diverse covering topics from astrology to chakras all focused on our personal empowerment. I hope you enjoy our interview, and that you find the dialogue stimulating and transformational.

If you would like to connect with Gwilda you can check out her website by clicking here or she can be reached through Facebook, just click here.

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Anodea Judith the author of a new book entitled ” The Global Heart Awakens-Humanity’s Rite of Passage from the Love of Power to the Power of Love”.

In our interview together we discuss the amazing spiritual transformation that our species is experiencing.  As Anodea states ” Our future survival is not just a matter of “saving the earth”, even though that’s essential.  More deeply, it depends on understanding how our natural world affects consciousness and health.”

We discuss issues related to the shift from the masculine dominance in our world to the importance of embracing the feminine—which in my estimation will be one of the factors for helping up to embrace the “power of love, instead of the love of power.”

I encourage to listen to this great interview with and author that really has a tremendous amount of her heart and soul invested into helping people understand and embrace the changes we are going through.  If you are interested in exploring Anodea’s work please visit her website by clicking here.  You can also visit her on Facebook by clicking here.

I have tremendous personal passion for our environment and the current challenges we are facing as the human species to maintain our existence on this beautiful planet called “Mother Earth”.

In my recent interview with author Lee Van Ham about this groundbreaking book titled ” Blinded by Progress” we speak about the many challenges we are faced with, but probably most importantly our need to break out of the shackles of our own thinking and illusions which  hold us back from making the changes that must to occur for the human species to survive.

As many of you might be aware, American’s utilize the equivalent resources of about three earths. Not only is this this statistic alarming, but at our current rate of consumption it is certainly not sustainable.

As Lee states “We need to move from a Multi-Earth view to a “One Earth” view. One where all human beings can have a chance to live a life with the natural resources, food and shelter to maintain a reasonable standard of living.

Embracing the One-Earth view will require a spiritual shift within all human beings, one where we start to see our world at “we” and not just “me”. We can no longer separate ourselves, and label others a poor, an undeserving. We need to throw out our judgements, and embrace a world united as one focused on the needs of all humanity.

In my interview with Lee we discuss what is  needed to awaken our species both from a position as consumers to one as stewards of this planet’s resources.  I know you will resonate with Lee’s message and his passion for the topic.

I encourage you to learn more about visiting Lee’s website by clicking here. I hope you enjoy this podcast as much as I enjoyed doing it with author Lee Van Ham.