I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Tom Sterner the author of a new book entitled ” Fully Engaged-Using the Practicing Mind in Daily Life“.  As Tom states in the introduction to the book “Everything in life worth achieving requires practice.  In fact, life itself is nothing more than one long practice session, and endless effort of refining our motions”

Tom realizes and teaches to his coaching clients that to be fully engaged in any activity means to be present in the moment and in what you are doing right now.  This task is easier spoken about than achieved.  As stated this takes practice and becoming aware of one’s thoughts and actions.  Now while thousands of books have been written about this subject, Tom cuts to the chase and to the core of what he believes is required of us to attain an elevated level of awareness and consciousness.

In Fully Engaged, Tom explores specific techniques, such as through awareness training and setting goals with accurate data, and demonstrates how using these techniques will not only help you reach your objectives, but will keep you engaged in each moment of your life.

If you want to learn more about Tom Sterner you can click here to be directed to his website, or you can click here to visit his Facebook page.

I hope you enjoy my interview with Tom Sterner.


In my recent interview with Justin Gesso we discuss his new book entitled “Leave the Grind Behind“.  How many of you wish you could get out of the daily grind, the 8-5 routine?

That is exactly where Justin was a few year ago, and he found the secrets to find a way out of the grind, and making a better life for himself and his family.

In our interview together we discuss the grinder mindset and what is required to achieve your new success.  So what’s the positive definition of “grind?” “Grinder,” of course. Don’t confuse “the grind” I’m telling you to ditch with “the Grinder” I want you to become. Being a Grinder means you grind hard for your personal purpose and goals, not for someone else’s.

To leave the grind behind, make no mistake, you need to grind. You need to grind hard. You’re just doing it for yourself, and let me tell you—you’ll love it. As a Grinder, you spend your one, short life building your legacy and your unique imprint on this world.”

If you are interested in “Leaving the Grind Behind” then you will want to read Justin new book.  You will also want to take advantage of some of the very informative and articles, blogs and articles at his website.  He also has what he refers to at the “grinder quiz” which will inform you about if you are a “cog” or a “grinder”

I encourage you to visit Justin’s book website by clicking here, or visit him on Facebook by clicking here.


I have conducted several interviews with Don Green the executive director of the Napoleon Hill foundation.  Recently I had the pleasure of speaking with Don about “Napoleon Hill’s Daily Journal for Everyday Men“.  Just so the women are aware this journal comes in a version for women as well.

I know that journaling can be challenging to sustain.  We frequently get off to a good start but lack the motivation to continue the process.  The Napoleon Hill Journal is perfect for keeping the journaler engaged.  The journal is like a goal planner to keep you on track.  What I love about it is that it starts off with the most important element of our personal growth, and that is our definiteness of purpose, and follows a very logical sequence process throughout the year with 12 separate topics for each month of the year.

This journal has an accompanying inspiration book entitled “Napoleon Hill’s Daily Inspiration for Everyday Man” This book takes you through the 17 success principles and is a wonderful compliment to the journal.  I highly recommend obtaining both the journal and the inspirational guide.

If you want to learn more about Don Green and the Napoleon Hill foundation please click here to be directed to the foundation’s website.  There you can explore the many offerings by the foundation including online classes, books, audio recording and books.

I hope you enjoy this great interview with Don Green the executive director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation.


My good friend David Winkelman has been working on his new book “Embracing Change from the Inside Out” for last year.  It is a pleasure for me to finally be announcing the book’s release.

In my interview with David we speak about about what he refers to as the “Game Changers” as it relates to “Embracing Change“.

Those game changers start with clarity.  This is the lens that you see the world from, your perspective.  You can either be positive or negative, but when is comes to change the more positive you are the easier it will be to embrace change.

The second of the game changers is connection. This is all about your relationships.  How you are supported by the people around to to embrace change can make a significant difference in your ability to change.

The next game changer are the conditions.  As David states this is a broad category.  This can mean the structure or system that is helping to support the change process, without a structure and system your efforts to change become very challenging at best.

The fourth game changer is motivation.  How motivated are you to change, and what truly motivates and drives you to make change?  Sometimes what we think motivates us to change is really not the motivator.  Identifying your motivators are important for if you can fulfill your internal psychological reason for change you have a better opportunity to succeed.  David speak with us about pattern recognition which is the process whereby we can more easily identify the reasons behind our motivations.

The last game changer is action.  What are the meaningful and effective actions that we can take to make the desired change in our lives.

Everyone reading and listening to this podcast has been faced with some type of change.  We uproot and move, we marry, we divorce, we start up and grow businesses and the list just goes on and on.  The key to all of the change we face is to understand the steps that we move through in the change process and learn how to embrace the process.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with my good friend and author David Winkelman.  If you want more information about David please click here to be directed to his website.


I first met Richard Barrett about 15 years ago at a workshop that he was conducting in San Francisco.  I was intrigued to attend the workshop, for the topic was about “Liberating the Corporate Soul“.  Richard and I have maintained our friendship since our first meeting, and I have followed his evolution and the numerous books he has written over the years since our meeting.

In our interview for this podcast we are focusing on his newly released book entitled ” A New Psychology of Human Wellbeing–An Exploration of the Influences of Ego-Soul Dynamics on Mental and Physical Health.”  Richard did a tremendous amount of research to write this book, but the content is well presented and is very useful in understanding the dynamics of our soul and ego.

Richard references the four dimensions of our souls energetic awareness.  They are body, mind, science and psychology. “Your soul is a field of conscious awareness that identifies with your energy field.  Is is who you are.  You don’t have a soul, you are a soul.  Your soul and the soul of every other human being is an individuated aspect of the universal energy field from which everything in our physical world arises, states Richard”.   Richard was inspired to write this book as a result of reading “Toward a Psychology of Being” by Abraham Maslow.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with author Richard Barrett who is filled with depth, insight and a wonderful grasp about how our ego and soul compete for our desire to become the aware, conscious and alive individuals we are entitled to become.

If you want to learn more about Richard Barrett you can click here to be directed to his website, or click here to be directed to his Facebook page.


What a great new book my good friend Jim Cathcart has written.  I am speaking about the “Self-Motivation” Handbook.

I recently had the opportunity to speak with Jim and discuss some of the highlights of “The Self-Motivation Handbook“, and some of the most revealing themes revolve around 268 one minute lessons in self motivation.

We discussed several of the one minute lessons for this podcast,  here are just a few of the lessons:

#56 “What Makes You Feel Better than Anything?” — As Jim describes it in this lesson it is helping another person, giving of ourselves to others in need.  This is one of the biggest contributions we can make as well as the great feeling we personally get from serving.

#70 Lighten-Up — Stop stressing over the things that only matter to you emotionally.  When life is unfair get over it quickly.  This is a great bit of advice, it does not serve us to spend time being upset and wallowing in the negative energy.  The advice to get over it quickly, and move on it a wonderful way to remove the stress from your life.

#72 The Eight T of Motivation — Here are eight words that begin with T that you can use to motivate yourself and others: 1. Target: Make sure you are clear as to what you are doing and why. 2. Tools: Without the information or equipment to do your job well, you will proceed slowly. 3. Training: Have you accessed the learning that can make you even better at what you do? 4. Time: Has there been enough time for the training to sink in through trial and error? 5. Tracking: As you proceed, be sure that you track your progress and show everyone where they stand. 6. Truth: Get the big picture, and see how everything fits into the overall plan. 7. Touch: Allow for the human factors. Make sure that everyone gets the encouragement and support they need. 8. Trust: Assure that each person is trusted just a bit more than they currently deserve. Allow room for growth, but not so much trust that you put everyone at risk.

What actions will you take on this idea?

I hope you enjoy this interview with Jim Cathcart the author of “The Self-Motivation Handbook“.  If you want more information you can go to Jim’s website by clicking here, or his Facebook Page by clicking here.  He also offers video modules through the Thrive 15 website at www.thrive15.com.


I always enjoy my interview with author Matthew Fox.  His writing is thoughtful and insightful.  I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Matthew for his new book entitled ” A Way To God-Thomas Merton’s Creation Spirituality Journey“.

In our interview together we discuss the life and teaching of Thomas Merton.  This book creates a methodology for understanding the vast and deep contributions that Merton made to the history of spirituality by demonstrating his teaching by way of the Four Paths of Creation.

Those four paths are: Via Positiva–the path to delight, joy awe and wonder. Via Negativa–the path of Silence and emptying the mind; grief and suffering and nothingness and the apophatic divinity.  Via Creativa– is the experience of God through creativity, and Via Transformativa–is the experience of God via justice-making and compassion, the way of the prophet.

I hope you will join Matthew Fox and myself for an exploration into the writing and teaching of Thomas Merton.  Enjoy this great interview with one of the best read authors on the life and times of Thomas Merton as we discuss his new book “A Way to God“.

If you want more information about Matthew Fox please click here to be directed to his website, or click here to be directed to his Facebook page.


I originally interviewed Catherine Nomura about 5 years ago about ” The Laws of Lifetime Growth” first edition. This new edition is revised and updated to meet with the changing times. If you know anything about Dan Sullivan the co-author of this book and the founder of “The Strategic Coach“, then you know that he is a true thought leader as is Catherine Nomura.

In my interview with Catherine we discuss the laws of lifetime growth which are designed to get the reader to shift their mindset. If you change your thinking, you can go from not growing to growing which they define in the book as making your future bigger than you past. The book consists of a series of laws, and here are just a few to wet your whistle:

Law #1- Always Make your future bigger than you past. We all need a vision, and if we are going to make our future bigger than our past, then having a strong vision is a must. Law # 6- Always make your enjoyment greater than you effort. Success doesn’t have to be hard-earned to be real! When you toil away at things that give you no pleasure, you deny a major source of energy, creativity and motivation. Law #10-Always make your questions bigger than your answers. Some people begin to think they have the answers with age, but all growth lies in the territory of the unknown. Embrace what you don’t know and challenge yourself to engage your curiosity.

If you are attempting to unlock your abilities, then “The Laws of Lifetime Growth’ is a must read. I encourage you to listen to our podcast together I am sure you will find that many of the laws we discuss will apply to you.

To learn more about Catherine Nomura please click here to be directed to her Linkedin profile, or click here to be taken to the Strategic Coach website. I hope you enjoy our interview.


There is probably not a person tuning into the podcast that has not been exposed to “Ugg Boots” or might even own a pair or two.

Brian Smith the author of a new book entitled ” The Birth of a Brand” lives in a neighboring city and is the original founder of “Ugg Boots”, and has quite a story about how this organization became what it is today.

In my interview with Brian about “The Birth of a Brand”  we explore the early days of Ugg development, the ups and downs and struggles.  I don’t think I have met a person with as much tenacity, perseverance and persistence all of which were required in double doses to launch “Ugg Boots”.

The Birth of a Brand  is for any entrepreneur that wants to better understand the trials and tribulation of owning your own business and launching a new product into the market.  To state that “Ugg Boots” had a rocky start is an understatement, but despite the adversity Brian was faced with he succeeded and made “Ugg” a household name in the United States.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview about the early days of “Ugg” and learn from the master of innovation, Brian Smith.  If you want more information about Brian Smith please go to his website by clicking here.