Inside Personal Growth with Greg Voisen · Podcast 1170: Always Squeezing Lemons: Taking Responsibility to Define Your Own Success In this insightful podcast episode of

I recently had the pleasure of making a connection with the founders of “The Best Self Journal Co,” Allen Brouwer and Cathryn Lavery.  I was inspired to reach out to them because of all the amazing things I was hearing from friends that were using their journal as well as the customer feedback about the product that was prevalent on the internet.

In my podcast interview with Allen and Cathryn, we discuss the inspiration for the development and design of the Best Self Journal. It steamed from the fact that both Allen and Cathryn were not able to find a journal that had all the features that they knew were critical to one’s success. The two were working long hours, seemingly spinning their wheels and not feeling like they were making any progress toward their purpose in life.  They read 100’s of books on personal growth and self-help and compiled the ideas and concepts that they learned into the journal.

This journal is unlike any that you have seen. It features a 13 week roadmap to decide on your goals and break them down into something that is more proximal and easier to get your head around.  It also features a morning and evening gratitude section as well as a place to record your wins for the day and the biggest lessons you have learned daily.  You can record and track the habits you are attempting to develop as well as reflect on your day.    They have even included a section they refer to as freedom pages where you can jot ideas and record notes.

Many people today only use a digital phone to record their meetings, and or take notes.  But there is  something very “cathartic” in putting pen to paper.  The research states that the use of paper and pen vs. all digital recording of our notes and ideas allows our brains make a deeper connection when we write it down versus put it in a digital list-thus we are more apt to attain that goal we are working toward.

I hope you will take the time to listen to this informative interview with Allen Brouwer and Cathryn Lavery the founders and designers of The Best Self Journal.

If you want to learn more about the company please check out their website by clicking here or visit them on Facebook.

I have conducted several interviews with Don Green the executive director of the Napoleon Hill foundation.  Recently I had the pleasure of speaking with Don about “Napoleon Hill’s Daily Journal for Everyday Men“.  Just so the women are aware this journal comes in a version for women as well.

I know that journaling can be challenging to sustain.  We frequently get off to a good start but lack the motivation to continue the process.  The Napoleon Hill Journal is perfect for keeping the journaler engaged.  The journal is like a goal planner to keep you on track.  What I love about it is that it starts off with the most important element of our personal growth, and that is our definiteness of purpose, and follows a very logical sequence process throughout the year with 12 separate topics for each month of the year.

This journal has an accompanying inspiration book entitled “Napoleon Hill’s Daily Inspiration for Everyday Man” This book takes you through the 17 success principles and is a wonderful compliment to the journal.  I highly recommend obtaining both the journal and the inspirational guide.

If you want to learn more about Don Green and the Napoleon Hill foundation please click here to be directed to the foundation’s website.  There you can explore the many offerings by the foundation including online classes, books, audio recording and books.

I hope you enjoy this great interview with Don Green the executive director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation.


I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Ruth Folit the founder of Chronicle Software and the developers of the cloud based journaling software called ” Life Journal”.

Journaling is an amazing way to heal the soul, and to connect with your inner voice. It allows the voice inside to be expressed and heard, which if it were not for journaling our souls voice might not never be heard.

If you are a someone who journals and have always used the traditional paper journal, you just might want to experience “Life Journal”. It is an easy to use software with amazing features to prompt you when you get stuck, and also allows you to keep a timeline. I love the quote section, I personally find this as an additional prompt and gentle reminder when when my words are not flowing.

In my interview with Ruth we discuss the benefits and issues associated with both paper-based journaling and or keeping your journal in the cloud. Ruth shares with us how to eliminate our inner critic, which frequently prevents us from doing our journaling and also the how journaling statistically has proven to help people who were unemployed get employed more rapidly.

I hope you enjoy our interview—If you want more information about Life Journal, just click here or you can go the he Life Journal Facebook page by clicking on the link.

Many of us have watched the  ”The Secret”,  or read the book and it has it raving fans, and maybe even an equal number or critics.

Manifesting is a topic which I believe Robert MacPhee the author of “Manifesting for Non Gurus” had done a wonderful job of providing the reader with insights, guidance and tip for manifesting.  His wisdom on the topic comes from years of facilitating workshops as a master trainer for Jack Canfield.

In my interview with Robert we discuss his simple (5) step approach 1) Know Who You Are 2) What Are You Intending to Attract 3) How Will You Feel 4) Letting Go of Attachments 5) Inspired Action.   Very simply our results come from our actions, and “Manifesting for Non Gurus provides the reader with a simple step by step approach to manifesting.

Robert also has created a “Daily Journal” which he believes is imperative in the change process.  On a daily basis is allows the reader to look at and record “Who Am I”, “What Am I Intending to Attract.” “How Will I Feel”, and “Letting Go of Attachments”.

I hope you enjoy my interview with author Robert MacPhee a master at teaching people how to manifest.  You can also go to Roberts website by clicking here or watch the video below to see Robert teaching one of his courses at Google.