“Your past can not be changed, but you can change tomorrow by your actions today.”  This great quote is part of a new book by author and co-founder of the Hudson Institute called “Life Forward-Charting the Journey Ahead.”

At the true heart of “Life Forward“, it is masterful as assisting the reader in understanding how to deal with change.  We all know that change is the biggest constant in our lives, but considering the rapid pace of change in our high tech, alway on society, it would be great to learn how to navigate change more effectively.

Most developing cultures in the first half of the twentieth century looked at the world through lenses prepared to see evolving stability, progress, and in the U.S., the good old American dream.  The lenses that we now see through are change, change, change, change.

The forces of change seem to have no containment, limits or predictable sources of control.  Those of us still wearing the old lenses have increasing difficulty seeing the astounding advantages of the new paradigm–the global marketplace, worldwide civilization, multicultural peoples, new careers, technological advances, transnational political structures and more.

In my interview with Pam we discuss the old rules and the new rules, these new rules are a foundation to assisting the reader in learning how to cope and assess how to deal with change. I know you are going to really enjoy my interview with author Pam McLean.   If you want to learn more about the book, and the wonderful courses and programs that the Hudson Institute offers please click here.


In my interview with author Michael Alden, he states that most self-help program don’t have the anticipated impact on people’s lives that they expect.  The reason is that in his estimation people reach too high, then don’t achieve their goals and become disappointed.

Simply stated Michael says to just do 5% More in every area of your life and you will achieve your goals.  This technique is not new, but Michael is absolutely one-hundred percent correct– if we just complete the incremental short term goals our larger goals and vision will manifest.  Do they always manifest that we envision, no but we do  make progress toward our goals and dreams–you bet.

In my interview with this dynamic author that has reached the pinnacle of success, we discuss his challenging youth being brought up in the housing projects, having a mother as a drug addict, and loosing other members of his family to drugs.  Mike has seen it all, and as a result decided to take an alternative path, he became a lawyer then started a very successful marketing company called Blue Vase which sells millions of dollars of health related products through infomercials.

If you are on a quest to improve your batting average relative your goals in life then I would highly recommend that you read and study the techniques that Mike talks about in his new book 5% More.  If you want to learn more about Mike and his book 5% More, please click here to be directed to the book website.

You can also connect with Mike through his Facebook page, or watch a great video on YouTube.

I hope you enjoy my interview with author Michael Alden about reaching and achieving your goals.


What a brilliant book.  Evan Carmichael has created not only a great book for any entrepreneur, but the book layout and ease of use and read is fantastic!!!!

In Evan’s new book “Your One Word” you are guided to helping  find that “one word” that infuses you with passion, fire and desire to go big.  Evan one word is “Believe”.  Your one word will become your personal motto, and will help you capture your purpose and passion.

Evan asks a series of questions that help you find your “One Word”.  He also gives great examples and stories.  Now once you have found your “one word”, he does not leave you there.  He provides practical advice on using your “one word” to grow and develop your business.

In his section of the book on the “Planning Checklist’, Evan helps you get started by taking action on your campaign.  There are nine steps: 1) The Right Mindset 2) The Powerful Credo 3) Your Founding Story 4) Your Tribe of Followers 5) Rituals and Gestures 6) The Purposeful Name 7) knowing your Enemy 8) Memorable Logos, Fonts and Symbols 9) An Impactful Sound.

Remember that when you start your campaign for your business you are not just running a quick marketing project, you are in this for the long haul.  You are here making a statement, and you are going to change the world.

I hope you enjoy my insightful and inspirational interview with Evan Carmichael the author of “Your One Word“.  If you want to learn more about Evan you can find him at his website by clicking here, or through Facebook by clicking here—also Twitter #believe.


I recently had the pleasure of interviewing David Hoffeld the author of a newly released book entitled “The Science of Selling“.  If you are someone who is in sales or marketing, then I would highly recommend you reading David’s new book.

David spent ten years studying what effects the buying patterns of consumers.  During this time David learned about the behavioral science behind “why” someone purchases goods or services from you versus from someone else.  He refers to this as the Six Whys, which starts with “Why Change?”, second is “Why Now?, third “Why Your Industry Solution?”, fourth “Why You and Your Company?”, fifth “Why Your Product or Service? sixth “Why Spend the Money“.

These are obviously great questions and throughout the book David answer the questions that will make you a better salesperson.  You will literally learn how to sell the way the brain constructs a buying decision, how to ethically sell to your potential customers emotions , how to ask questions the way our brains intuitively disclose information, how to boost your ability to influence other.

If you want more information about David Hoffeld you can check him out at his website by clicking here, or you can watch a great video at YouTube by clicking here.

I hope you enjoy this great interview with a thought leader in the area of sales and selling.


I had the pleasure of being able to interview author Richard Barrett about his book entitled ” The Values Driven Organization“.  According to Richard values driven organizations are the most successful organizations on the planet.  So what are values-“they are the ideals and customs of a society toward which the people have an effective regard”.

So why should you care about making your company driven by its values.   The reason is that values driven organizations have employee engagement levels that are significantly higher, and this equates to an earning of 3.9 times the earning per share compared with organization where employees have low engagement. Gallup recently conducted a survey about employee engagement and found that 29% of US employees were actively engaged, 55% were not engaged and 16% were actively disengaged.  The cost to organization of this level of disengagement is about $17, 500 per employee.

So if you want do you have to do to improve the engagement of your employees : 1) make your baseline rewards sufficient and fair. 2) have a congenial working atmosphere 3) give your employees autonomy and freedom 4) give them opportunities to pursue mastery, learn and excel in their field of expertise. 5) allow them to work with purpose.

If you are interested in learning more about creating the best conditions in your organization to improve the performance and profitability of your company please listen to my interview with Richard Barrett one of the foremost experts on organizational and cultural transformation.

To learn more about Richard Barrett his company Values Centre please click here to be directed to his website.


I originally interviewed Catherine Nomura about 5 years ago about ” The Laws of Lifetime Growth” first edition. This new edition is revised and updated to meet with the changing times. If you know anything about Dan Sullivan the co-author of this book and the founder of “The Strategic Coach“, then you know that he is a true thought leader as is Catherine Nomura.

In my interview with Catherine we discuss the laws of lifetime growth which are designed to get the reader to shift their mindset. If you change your thinking, you can go from not growing to growing which they define in the book as making your future bigger than you past. The book consists of a series of laws, and here are just a few to wet your whistle:

Law #1- Always Make your future bigger than you past. We all need a vision, and if we are going to make our future bigger than our past, then having a strong vision is a must. Law # 6- Always make your enjoyment greater than you effort. Success doesn’t have to be hard-earned to be real! When you toil away at things that give you no pleasure, you deny a major source of energy, creativity and motivation. Law #10-Always make your questions bigger than your answers. Some people begin to think they have the answers with age, but all growth lies in the territory of the unknown. Embrace what you don’t know and challenge yourself to engage your curiosity.

If you are attempting to unlock your abilities, then “The Laws of Lifetime Growth’ is a must read. I encourage you to listen to our podcast together I am sure you will find that many of the laws we discuss will apply to you.

To learn more about Catherine Nomura please click here to be directed to her Linkedin profile, or click here to be taken to the Strategic Coach website. I hope you enjoy our interview.


I don’t think that there is an entrepreneur on the face of the planet that doesn’t understand the challenges of starting-up a new company. Most startups are faced with a myriad of issues, not to mention one of the biggest issues of finding capital to drive the new venture forward.

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Hap Klopp the founder of North Face, about his new book entitled “Almost-12 Electric Months Chasing A Silicon Valley Dream“. Our interview is a must listen too for those who are in business, and especially if you might be seeking funding for your new venture. His book tells the story about the issues that a company by the name of “Ardica” in the Silicon Valley had in finding funds, and the dynamics of the personalities working in the business. Hap, was the marketing director and was on the board of directors of Ardica. It is a wonderfully told story about a group of very bright engineers attempting to revolutionize the energy business, and in the process finding obstacles at almost every intersection partially due to the disfunction of the organization and the other as a result of a cash burn rate that was exceeding income.

I hope you will take the time to listen to this great interview with Hap Klopp about his new book “Almost-12 Electric Months Chasing A Silicon Valley Dream.” If you want more information about Hap please click here to be linked to a great article from the Stanford Business School.  You can also learn more about Ardica by clicking here to visit their website.


Collaboration is something that is the buzzword in today’s business world.  Everyone is looking to collaborate and develop stronger strategic alliances that will result being greater innovation, profits and synergy.  Most executives would like to find out the magic ingredients on how collaboration and strategic alliances are developed, nurtured and successfully implemented.

Author Martin Echavarria has studied how collaboration and strategic alliances are successfully developed and result in a positive synergy for all parties involved.  In our interview together about his new book entitled ” Enabling Collaboration-Achieving Success Through Strategic Alliances and Partnership” he explains how any business can gain traction and better develop these all important relationships.

Martin states that certain key skills employed across the alliance development process are important regardless of alliance type.  These skills consist of emotional intelligence, relationship intelligence, perspective taking, systems thinking, cognitive intelligence and somatic intelligence.

To learn more about successful collaboration and alliance development please listen to my interview with Martin.  If you want to check out Martin’s website you can click here.

I hope you enjoy this great interview with Martin Echavarria the author of “Enabling Collaboration

There is not a person working in business or starting a business that is not looking to find ways and techniques to become more productive.  Most of us have heard David Allen and his process called Getting Things Done, and believe me this system if implemented and followed works wonderfully.

I recently was introduced to Ben Elijah the author of “The Productivity Habits“.  Ben has been studying how we as human beings interact with information.  In other words how we manage information as it comes across our transit.

In his new book  “The Productivity Habits” you will learn ways to capture, process and use the right tools to organize and archive the information so is can be retrieved when you want it, where you want it and how you want it.   As Ben writes ” Productivity is not about how much stuff you’re able to produce, how smart you’re able to work or your ability to juggle lots of spinning plates.  Nor is it your ability to succeed at a job that you hate.  Rather, it’s a matter of mastery and perspective.  Mastery over yourself and your resources, and the perspective to decide what’s truly important to what deserves your attention.”   

If you are feeling overwhelmed with your work and processing project after project, then you will want to read Ben’s new book “The Productivity Habits“.  It is a simple read, as a matter of fact you can probably read it in one setting.  The book is part of Lid Publishing series called Concise Advice for business people that are time bound.

Please check out Ben’s website and blog by clicking here, or visit his Twitter posts by clicking here.  I hope you enjoy our interview together, and here is to you being more productive yet with more happiness in your life!!!!!