John RobbinsI have been an admirer of John Robbins for many years.  I first heard him speak in San Francisco in 2003 just after my oldest son Sean was diagnosed with Leukemia.  We took a trip to San Fransisco to attend a Green Conference where John was speaking about his book “The Food Revolution“.  It was this speech that made such an impact on both my son and myself that we altered our diets significantly in an effort to improve our health and be more environmentally sensitive.  I am proud to report that John’s message indelibly impacted our family contributing to our families improved health today.

John’s new book entitled ” The New Good Life” is probably one of the best books that I have ever read on living a life on less without the sacrifice.  The New Good Life is the path from conspicuous consumption to conscious consumption.  He advocates taking an active role in becoming  more aware of your purchases, and differentiate between your needs and wants.  Those of us who live in the United States for the most part have had plenty, and the previous consumptive patterns have helped to lead the current ecological and economic challenges we are faced with today.

As a result of our consumptive patterns I believe that we  need to look more closely at the choices we make when we purchase something,  and shift toward conscious consumption.  As John articulates in “The New Good Life” his life shifted significantly when he woke up one day last December to realize that 95% of his entire fortune disappeared as a result of his assets being mismanaged on Wall Street.

This book is as much about John’s personal journey, and how to learn to live on less while appreciating life.  It is a passionate manifesto on finding meaning beyond money, while delivering a sound blueprint for living well on less.  John teaches you how to create your own definition of success based on your deepest beliefs and life experiences, alleviate depression and stay fit with inexpensive alternative for high cost medicine, develop a diet that promotes better health and saves money, and how to protect yourself from future economic catastrophes.

The New Good Life” is a must read for anyone suffering through this economic downturn.  It is wonderfully written and extremely enlightening.

I highly recommend that you visit John’s website by clicking here and check out all of the cool resources as well as his videos.  Enjoy this great interview with a man on a mission to help people, help themselves while helping save planet earth!!!!

Thomas MooreI recently had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with Thomas Moore at the Hay House “I Can Do It” Conference here in San Diego.  As a result of my meeting with Thomas we scheduled this interview, and it was truly an honor to be able to do this podcast with him.

In Thomas Moore’s new book entitled, “Care of the Soul in Medicine“, he speaks about how our current health-care system is not structured around compassionate medicine where doctor and nurses are addressing the spirit and soul of healing.  Doctors and other medical professionals are trained to treat the body part or organ, and not the whole person.  Despite the scientific advancements of modern medicine, the hospital can be a cold, sterile environment–and for that reason alone, people are not finding overall health and well being in many of our health centers.

In our interview together, Thomas also addresses a very interesting factor associated with the blessing of illness.  Now this might initially seem counter intuitive, but really  its not.  According to Thomas, most people that go through a life threatening illness have the opportunity to have an awakening and reassess how they are living their lives.  They can change their current life course, and alter their lives forever  for the better. So  from this prospective, a life threatening illness can be considered a tremendous blessing.

Moore emphasizes that the future of medicine is not just in technical advancements to improve the healing process.  It is appreciating the state of the soul and spirit in illness and redefining the way in which the patient is cared for.  Much of  Moore’s personal quest  in life has been in helping define the what the soul is and the importance of addressing the soul in the healing process.  Many practices address the body, mind and spirit but seldom do you hear health care practitioners  addressing the issues of the soul.

I encourage you to listen to this wonderful interview with a heartfelt, kind and compassionate man who has truly identified and defined the role that the soul has in our healing process.  Thomas Moore has a wonderful website you can access by clicking here and if you want to watch a recent interview on the Today Show about “The Care of the Soul In Medicine” please click here.  Enjoy this great interview.

This new inspirational  pocketbook entitled “Feel Good Thoughts” is a great way to reflect on beautiful Gladys Jimenez messages, and bring some sanity into your world.  Author Gladys Jimenez has compiled  really wonderful thoughts in this little pocketbook that you can position on your desk to remind you of what to be grateful for in your life.  I did a podcast with Gladys, and she certainly has lots to be grateful for considering her personal near death experience.

I can’t recall the number of times I have interviewed authors, and the impact  a near death experience has had on their life.  It truly is an awakening to a new world with a 180 degree turn in their perspective about what is important.

It is so easy to take for granted  family, friends and loved ones while forgetting that our experience on this physical plane is  impermanent.  Lets face it none of us is going to get out of here alive.

Feel Good Thoughts” is not loaded with lots of useless words,  and its not your typical self-help/ personal growth book.  It is however, a small book with very few words providing the reader with an opportunity to take just a few minutes each day to reflect on quotes, thoughts and inspirational messages that will up lift their spirit and bring life back into your soul.

I encourage you to listen to this wonderful podcast with a beautiful soul who has traveled the path through a near death experience and emerged on the other side liberated and awakened and committed to helping others understand the importance of love.

Please visit Gladys Jimenez’s website by clicking here to learn more about her publishing company or to contact her.

Dzogchen Ponlop RinpocheIt truly was an honor to be able to interview Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche.  His book entitled “Mind Beyond Death” is wonderfully written about the Buddhist culture and the levels of transition we make in preparation to death.  The Rinpoche speaks in this interview about the concept of the “bardo” which is the intermediary state and has become the catchphrase in Buddhist circles.  As the Rinpoche says this book is as much about life as it is about death.

There is a level of existence that is experienced between death and birth, and according to the Buddhist there are three levels: the existence of death, the existence of birth, and the existence  of what lies in between the two.  The Rinpoche encourages the readers to reverse their attachment to the appearances of this life and extract the most meaningful essence from their precious human existence.

I love the examples that the Rinpoche uses in the book, he explains that the moment we step outside our house and close the door, we begin to leave our life behind. We say goodbye to family and friends and to the familiar rooms and routines that we inhabit. We might feel regret mixed with excitement as we climb into the taxi and that will take us to the airport. As our vision of home recedes, we are both sadly parted and joyfully released from all that defines us. The further we go from home the more focused we become on our next destination.  We think less of home and more about where we are going. We begin to look at a new map; we start to think about where we will land, about the new people, new customs and new environment–the new set of experiences to come.
Until we reach our destination, we are in transit–in between two points.  One world has dissolved, like last nights dream, and the next has not yet arisen.  In this space, there is a sense of total freedom: we are free from the business of being our ordinary selves; we are not tied to the day-to-day world and its demands in quite the same way. There is a sense of freshness and appreciation of the present moment.

This interview with Rinpoche is an enlightening dialogue about life, death and the in between.  We discuss our fears, and how to learn to live in the moment without fear of our transition through death.

I know you are going to enjoy my interview with Rinpoche about his book entitled “Mind Beyond Death”  If you would like to learn more about his teaching you can visit the his website by clicking here or you can visit the website of the Nalanda West Center for American Buddhism where he teaches.


Sandra Anne TaylorI had the recent honor of being able to interview Hay House Publishing author Sandra Anne Taylor about her most recent book entitled ,” Truth, Triumph and Transformation“.    In our interview together we explore the myths or what Sandra Anne states are the lies about the laws of attraction.

Truth, Triumph and Transformation separates the reliable facts from the confusing fiction that has built up around the Laws of Attraction. It offers a clear and balanced understanding of why things really happen, it empowers people to make changes without self-recrimination, fear and guilt. It also reveals a much more balanced approach to personal responsibility, examining the principles of consciousness creation in practical, action-oriented ways.

In our interview together we actually explore the lies that Sandra Anne has done such a wonderful job of revealing in the book. Sandra Anne explains truths such as consciousness-created reality are fundamental parts of the human experience. And although these concepts are complex they can empower us and provide many formulas to help us approach life in a healthy and self actualized way. When we bring our awareness to our everyday experiences, we can not only achieve greater happiness, we can deal with all the joys and difficulties along our path.

I encourage you to listen to this very revealing interview about the lies associated with the “Laws of Attraction”.  Sandra Anne Taylor in my estimation has hit the nail on the head as it relates to our misconceptions about these fundamental laws.  She clears up the mysteries and provides what seems like logical explanations to the misunderstandings.  If you would like to learn more about Sandra Anne Taylor she has a wonderful website with lots of resources and information about her many books.

Please click here to access her website, you can also listen to Sandra Anne Taylor on Hay House Radio she has a regular show. You can link to Hay House Radio by clicking here.

Cameron C. TaylorThis is my second interview with Cameron Taylor and this time we are featuring his book entitled, “Does Your Bag Have Holes?.”  It might seem obvious as to the nature of the book, but don’t let the cover deceive you.

While the book is as much about money and how we manage it, the underlying message is about moral and ethical principles that allow one to  acquire and sustain abundance and prosperity in their life.  We are all well aware of the most recent examples of greed that have been the downfall of not only many individual personal wealth, but the demise of large corporations in the US and abroad.

Cameron does a great job of outlining the principles to live by as well as provide a prosperity model that is as sound a model as any that I have ever seen.  As Cameron says ” Many of us have been given bad directions to the destination of prosperity. If you desire to achieve prosperity, an accurate map of how to do so is essential.”

“Does Your Bag Have Holes?, addresses the 24 myths that prevent prosperity. These myths are organized in relation to Cameron’s “Prosperity Model”.  Cameron also discusses the 6 Choices Model in which he outlines for the reader the negative choices as well as the alternative positive choices that will lead to a life of prosperity.

In the whirlpool of finance today it is always good to have a sound reference point to redirect and help us make better choices.  Cameron book “Does Your Bag Have Holes” does just that.  It is like the manual of right thinking as it relates to both our ethics and moral compass as well as sound advice on just how to manage our finances.
If you are interested in learning more I would recommend that you visit Cameron’s website which is loaded with great information about workshops and other publications.

Please click here to be directed to his website.  Enjoy this great interview with a wonderfully heart centered man, Cameron Taylor.


Chunyi LinI had the honor of interviewing Chunyi Lin one of the foremost masters on the practice of Qigong.  I know many of you have seen people in the park or possibly on the health channel performing the practice of Qigong and all of the associated methodically movements, and you just might be wondering what it is all about?

According to Chunyi Lin and his book and audio program entitled, “Spring Forest Fundamentals-Unlocking Your Healing Energy: A Simple Guide to Experiencing Optimal Health and Wellness,”  Qigong is the study of energy and since everything is a form of energy, Qigong it is the study of the whole universe, including physics, chemistry, psychology, biology, astrology, electricity and medicine.

In China, the ancient art of Qigong has been practiced for many different purposes for thousands of years and the benefits are as many as there are aspects of life.  The Spring Forest Qigong focus is the use of Qigong for healing.

In my interview with Chunyi Lin the Master Qigong teacher, we discuss the importance of getting the movement of energy flowing and releasing the points of blockage.  Chunyi Lin states that there are six main causes of energy blockages: 1) Unbalanced Emotion, 2) Nutrition 3) Weather and Seasons 4) Environment 5) Wrong medications 6) Injury. The active exercises to help release the blockages are like moving meditations. They strengthen our physical energy and help to open all of the energy channels in the body.  They help bring our Yin and Yang energy back into balance, get rid of energy blockages and develop our spiritual energy so that we can heal physically, mentally and spiritually at the same time.

I encourage you to listen to this wonderful podcast with a master in the art and practice of Qigong.  The Spring Forest techniques will certainly heal you, and bring more peace into your life.

If you want to learn more about the Spring Forest Qigong programs I would recommend that you visit the Spring Forest website by clicking here.  Enjoy this wonderful interview with author and master Qigong teacher Chunyi Lin.

Al WalkerI was introduced to Al Walker the author of, “The Sheep Thief,” through Tracey Jones the daughter of Charlie “Tremendous” Jones who published Al’s book and is now running the publishing company since her fathers death.

If you are into parables then you are in luck, because Al’s book is a parable with a wonderful story and message.  It is about two young men in Italy who were caught stealing sheep.  They were immediately taken to trial before the town judge, found guilty and in front of their fellow villagers, were given their sentence.  It was a cruel, harsh and painful sentence that would mark them for life. I will not ruin the story for you but the message is in what the men do with their lives after they are sentenced as thief’s.   Much of Al’s book deals with the lessons learned in life, and how we use adversity in life to make us stronger or for many it is a sentence in which we give up.

Al articulates 10 steps that I believe are so important in life, and really determine our character as individuals. The 10 steps are:

  • You become what you value-I constantly seek to clarify my values.  I know what values are important to me.  I know what I stand for, what I believe in and what I will not compromise.
  • You become what you say-I know and believe that the words I repeatedly use have an impact on who I am.  I will use only words that are helpful, positive encouraging and tasteful.
  • Build on Strengths– I will pursue greater knowledge of my strengths for the rest of my life.  I will maximize strengths and minimize weaknesses in myself and everyone that I meet.
  • Attempt the Difficult-I will continue to challenge myself to try new things in order to grow.  I will relish living in the arena, not in the grandstand.  I will fail forward.
  • Work Conscientiously and Productively-I am committed to the belief that working diligently pays off.  I will do as Aristotle suggested when he said, “Lose yourself in productive work in a way of excellence.”
  • Laugh Often-I will find something to laugh about every day of my life.  I will share this gift generously and often. I will start each day with a smile in my heart, knowing that the rest of my body will follow.
  • Self Discipline-I am on the right track and am putting forth the time, energy and effort to learn and develop what I need to in order to become the person I am capable of becoming and accomplish life’s most important objectives.
  • Be A Self Starter-I will honor my possibilities by truly being a self-starter.  I will not wait on anyone else to “start” me. I START myself.  My positive self-talk will help me be a self-starter.
  • Obey The Laws of Man-I abide by and live, work and play within the laws of the land.  I realize the traffic, civil and all other laws exist for a reason.  I realize the laws and rules establish boundaries for an orderly way of life.
  • Obey The Laws of Nature-I will not let my need for excitement overrule my good judgment.  I will be careful and take the necessary precautions in any activity, whether it is bungee jumping, sky diving, para-sailing etc.

Al’s book is a very easy read, and is loaded with practical advice.  Much of the lessons taught by Al Walker he has experienced himself and you will be able to listen to part of his personal story in our interview together.  You can visit his website by clicking here.