Gary ZukavI recently had the distinct honor of interviewing Gary Zukav about his new book entitled, “Spiritual Partnership-The Journey to Authentic Power“.   I know that many of my listeners remember Gary Zukav for his previous works entitled, “The Dancing Wu Li Masters” and “The Seat of the Soul”.   This new book dives even deeper into helping us all understand what is like to live beyond our five senses and become what Gary refers to as a multi-sensory being.

In our forty-five minute interview we cover a lot of ground, so I encourage you to listen carefully.  “Spiritual Partnerships” will assist in bringing awareness to what it is like to live in a world of equality, commitment, courage, compassion and conscious communications as is outlined in the Spiritual Partnership Guidelines.  Human Consciousness has and is shifting, we can experience more than our five senses.  We will be able to sense ourselves as personalities and souls at the same time, and know things we couldn’t before–meaning, information, reasons for past events and more.

We all have a choice, we can either choose to ignore the evolutionary process taking place and live as we have in the past. Or we can embrace the incredible opportunity to live our lives in alignment with our souls, and discover what Gary states is our Authentic Power.

When we embrace our authentic power we will create spiritual partnerships,  based upon equals for the purpose of spiritual growth.  These new partnerships will be different from all previous forms of relationship and serve a different purpose. Spiritual Partnerships are vehicles that multisensory individuals use to create authentic power and support one another.  In these new types of relationships we commit to aligning our personalities with our souls with the benefit being a life that our heart longs to live,  more fulfilled, grateful, patient, fully present, meaningful, creative and living.

This wonderful new book is certainly going to bring awareness to the shifts in consciousness in our world.  The greater our awareness and willingness to embrace our own shift, and become a more conscious loving, caring, compassionate human being, the closer we will be to transforming our world into a place of cooperation vs competition.

We can live in harmony, peace and abundance with living beings—what a wonderful place this world will be when we awaken to our own authentic power and use this energy to create lasting and meaningful spiritual partnerships.  I encourage all of my listeners to read and fully understand what is happening in the evolution of our species.  It is truly a beautiful thing, and you are part of it!

If you would like more information about Gary’s new book, ” Spiritual Partnerships-The Journey to Authentic Power” please click here to be directed to his website.  There you will find videos, and down loadable information about the Spiritual Partnership Guidelines.   Pleaseclick here to be directed to information on his upcoming workshop at Mt. Hood, Ore.

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