Dilip Abayasekara Ph.DI thoroughly enjoyed my interview with Dilip Abayasekara.  His new book entitled, “The Path of the Genie“, is a wonderful  book about the lessons learned by Aladdin.  In my interview with Dilip we explore these lessons and how they can apply to our lives to bring us more happiness, meaning and purpose. Based on the truths derived from the story of Aladdin, “The Path of the Genie“, extracts powerful examples for living from pivotal points in Aladdin’s story.  Highlights such as rubbing the lamp, getting the Genie’s help, winning the love of the princess, and the sacrificing his own desires in order to grant freedom to the Genie are almost magically changed into lessons for life: getting rid of negative forces and discovering the transforming powers of humanity, self discovery, and self-offering.

As Dilip articulates so well through this book, you are not an accident of nature.  There is a purpose and meaning behind your life.   The hard part is finding that purpose and meaning.  The path to finding your purpose and living out your destiny is what “The Path of the Genie” is all about.  So, just what is your heart’s desire?  How can you achieve this desire, and why is it so important to you?

If you are asking yourself these kind of questions and would like to explore the answers that dwell within you, then I highly recommend reading this entertaining and enjoyable book that provides you with the lesson and guidance to find your purpose in life.  My interview with Dilip is wonderful and will be a real stepping stone for those seeking to answer these life long questions about their purpose in life.

If you would like to learn more about Dilip Abayasekara, his workshops and book, please click here to be directed to his website.

David M. CorbinMy good friend David Corbin has just released his new book entitled, “Illuminate: Harnessing the Positive Power of Negative Thinking”.  Isn’t that a great title for a book?  Not only is it a great title, the concepts presented here are wonderful.

How many of you when you have been challenged or confronted with a negative situation take the time to learn from it?  Many times we divert our energy and move in the opposite direction of the challenge hoping that it will go away.

In David’s new book he dispels the myths about constantly remaining positive to find solution.  This is very contradictory to the traditional Positive Mental Attitude approach.  David believes that if you illuminate the negative and question authority, become proactive and think outside the box that it will help you find solutions to your challenges. He states that we need to develop critical thinking skills and be unafraid to face the truth.

David’s book is filled with examples and experiences of countless individuals who have discovered that negative thinking can bring about unparalleled positive results in anyone’s work and life.  So if you want to make breakthroughs in your life look at what is not working and learn from your mistakes.  I love the analogy in this book about Thomas Edison.  If you remember Edison took 300 tries to develop the light bulb.  He was reminded about how many times he failed.  And his answer was, “I now know over 300 ways not to make a light bulb.”  What a great analogy for life, just keep trying even if you are failing at something and at some point you are going to have a breakthrough.

I am sure glad that Edison illuminated the negative, because if he had not we would all probably still be in the dark.If you want to know more about my good friend and author David Corbin you can visit his website by clicking here.  He is really a wonderful man with a big heart and lots to teach us about harnessing the positive power of negative thinking.

Don GreenI recently attended the Book Expo America in New York and had the pleasure of meeting the executive director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation, Don Green.  Don is currently in charge of any new publication that the foundation publishes as well as overseeing all of the historical works of Napoleon Hill.

The association recently published a new book entitled “Napoleon Hill’s Golden Rules-The Lost Writings.”  In my interview with Don we explore the timeless writings of Napoleon Hill and the wondrous wisdom exemplified in the message.   What is so wonderful about this new book is that the message is so simple, yet so profound.  Even after all these years Napoleon Hill’s writing are a valuable part of the fabric of our positive thinking and human potential movement.  The stories depicted in this new book are a great way for people to remember these simple principles of living an enriched and rewarding life.  I like to say they are probably not anything you don’t already know, but we need frequent reminders of these principles to keep us on track.
I highly recommend this new book, and my interview with Don was a real pleasure.  I hope you enjoy listening and I encourage you to visit the Napoleon Hill’s Foundation website for more information on books, CD’s and other valuable supportive material published by the foundation.

Please click here to be linked to their website.