Don GreenDon Green the executive director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation is a man with deep wisdom and knowledge about any aspect of Napoleon Hill.  In my second interview with Don we discuss one of Napoleon Hill’s book entitled ” Keys to Success”.   This book is a wonderfully easy read, and really carries the essence of Hill message by conveying the 17 principles of personal achievement.

I know many of you are going to say that you have heard it all.  That you know more than you want to know about personal growth and mastery.  Well that might be true, but this particular book provides the reader with the foundational principles—and they really do work if you work them.   One of the things that Napoleon Hill emphasized was a “definiteness of purpose“.  We know that this principle is fundmental to our success, and I don’t just mean monitory success.   You have to love what you do, and when you have that passion almost anything is possible.  If you are willing to toss your fears to the wind, and really live your life with purpose and passion your dreams are possible.  As I have said, don’t get to attached to the way your dreams manifest, just go with the flow and enjoy the journey for your “definiteness of purpose” will carry you a long way.

Napoleon Hill writes in the “Keys to Success” that faith is one awareness of belief in and harmonizing with the universal powers.  The key principle is faith and belief in something greater than yourself.  We are all aware that their is a power greater than us that resides in the universe, call is God, Universal Power whatever you like. The key is that you believe and have faith in something greater than yourself.  You might be saying how silly, of course I believe in a Universal Power—that is great but the larger issue is never to doubt that power.  Listen to your intuition, follow your heart and co-create with this wonderful energy.
I can’t say enough about a simple book, with so much wisdom “”Keys to Success” by Napoleon Hill.  Please if you would like more information about the Napoleon Hill Foundation then click here to be directed to their website.  Enjoy this wonderful interview with Don Green the executive director of the Napoleon Hill Foundation.

Barbara Marx HubbardIf you have never heard Barbara Marx Hubbard speak, then treat yourself and take a listen to this wonderful podcast we just recorded about her new DVD entitled ” Visions of a Universal Humanity“.

Barbara and I have a very engaging dialogue about the new story for humanity. In the documentary DVD Barbara brings together some of the finest minds of our time including world renowned physicist Freeman Dyson, biologist Bruce Lipton and scolar Jean Houston and others who present cutting edge perspectives on humankind’s potential to create a positive future for Earth.

In a time when so many people are asking the question. “why on earth are we treating one another this way“, the insights from VISION’S brilliant luminaries give us a glimpse into a world where competition is replaced with cooperation and violence by compassion.  A world where artificial trees can create more oxygen than naturally occurring trees and where GOD is described as existing inside the universe rather than outside of it.

There is not doubt that our world is shifting, and that all of our institutions including our monetary, education, government are being tested. We are most likely going to see a reinvention of most of these system over the coming years, and as is articulated through the scientists and spiritual leaders interviewed in the movie the alternative viewpoint to doom and gloom Armageddon scenarios currently circulating is one an evolution of the consciousness of  individuals on the planet where co-creation and harmony pervade.  Biologists Bruce Lipton, states”we need a change in our beliefs” our old beliefs are not serving us any longer and it is time to awaken to new possibilities.

If there were every a documentary that will assist the viewer to awaken to their own personal possibilities, and have renewed hope for our humanity then you need to watch this documentary “VISIONS of a Universal Humanity“.
Barbara Marx Hubbard is sponsoring a no cost a program entitled “Three (3) Keys to Evolutionary Metamorphosis” staring October 14th and continuing for 14 weeks.  I would highly recommend that you click on this link and join in on this teleseminar to understand more how you realize your human potential and contribute to the evolution of our world in a very positive way.

I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with an amazing futurist, author and activist who is having an impact on the positive evolution of our planet–Barbara Marx Hubbard.

Jin Robertson Ph.D.I believe that the story that Jin Robertson has to tell is amazing.  She has a new book coming out in November, entitled “Major Dream-From Immigrant Housemaid to Harvard Phd“.  She is certainly someone who has overcome the odds.  She was born and raised in Korea in very poor conditions, and worked as a factory girl, waitress, and housemaid. At the age of 22 she immigrated to America to become a housemaid, with practically no English skills and $100 to her name.  At the age of 28, Jin, a battered wife and mother of an eight(8) month old daughter, joined the US. Army as a private to escape from the domestic violence.

As we discuss in our interview through pure determination, imagination, and sheer will, later she retired as a  U.S. Army major and received her MA at the age of 43, and her Phd from Harvard at the age of 57.  Jin has been motivating millions of Koreans and Americans with her amazing story of preserving, persistence, and determination.

I know that our economic times are challenging, but after listening to my interview with Jin you will most likely look at your personal challenges just a little different.  Even in the worst of times, Jin never gave up, and always had a strong will to succeed.  I am not certain if this is something that people are born with or not, but if you only take away from this interview with Jin that “you can do it” then you will have received the most important message from this podcast.

If you would like to learn more about Jin Robertson’s story, then I encourage you to visit her website by clicking here.  You can also purchase her DVD which chronicles her story from the website.  Please do yourself a favor and take the time to listen to a great story of inspiration and triumph over adversity, you will be glad that you did.

Steven SchusslerAuthor Steven Schussler is an amazing man.  He is an entrepreneur who has had tremendous success in the development of his Rainforest Cafe’s and other theme based restaurants.  His new book entitled ” It’s a Jungle in There-Inspiring Lessons, and Hard-Won Insights and Other Acts of Entrepreneurial Daring” is a great book for anyone who wants to learn lessons on personal mastery.

During our interview together we discuss what Steven refers to as the five (5) P’s of successful entrepreneurship.  Those P’s are: Personality, Product, Persistence, People and Philanthropy.   Steven emphasizes that if you are going to be an entrepreneur then you have to be willing to take risk, that is just part of being in business for yourself.  He has a wonderful formula, that in his estimation is an important element, it is PASSION + AMBITION=YIELDS SUCCESS.  Steven says that without passion for your product or service you are going to be hard pressed to become successful.  Your belief in what you are doing, and your passion are going to be the elements that assist in your personal success.

Steven is someone who listens to his inner voice or intuition.  He admits that all good entrepreneurs have the ability to listen and act on their intuition.  Many of his good decisions came from listening, then having the faith to act on his intuition.  I know that many of us hear the voice within, but do we act or are we afraid?  As Steven says you can’t be afraid, you have to go for it!

Steven also emphasizes that you need to dream big to become successful.  He mentions that when you do dream big and if you are passionate about what you are doing the outcomes are much more rewarding and fulfilling.  He quotes Norman Vincent Peal “Believe It and You Can Succeed”.  That is so true, if you believe in what you are creating and in yourself you can do almost anything.

If you want to learn from a man who not only believes in his projects, and himself then  you need to listen to this podcast with author Steven Schussler the author of “It’s A Jungle In There“.  For more information about Steven Schussler and his new book please click here to be directed to his website.

Ned KraftI recently interviewed Ned Kraft, coach, author, musician and all around renaissance man.  His material has such simplicity, but profound wisdom.

In my interview with Ned about his new CD entitled, ” You’re Missing Out…and It’s OK“, we discuss the benefits of missing out, such as less clutter and simplicity.  Getting rid of the regret and resentments and learning how to enjoy the beauty of the moment.  So many of us are spending so much of our time thinking about what might happen in the future or living in the past wishing we would have made a different decision.  As Ned says, our decisions do shape our lives, but we should not lament over our decisions after we make them.  They are over and done with, and there is nothing we can do about it.

Ned reminds us during his instructional CD that “You’re Missing Out…and It’s OK“.  As a matter of fact we are missing out on just about everything in life.  There is no way we are going to experience the events of the world.  Everyday events are happening all around us that we have no control over.   Ned refers to this syndrome as, “our battle with what is”.  I have often heard that we are “spiritual beings” having a “human experience”.  That might be true, but I know for many of us we feel like we are “human beings” having a “spiritual experience”.  Either way if you listen to Ned’s wisdom and advice about our battle with what is, it is wonderful advice.

Don’t sweat over the small stuff, it is all small stuff.  Try to stay in the moment, stay out of judgment of yourself and others, and enjoy the journey.  Ned mentions that we are all receiving clues in the moment, and we need to be aware of the clues.  Just listen and observe and you will notice the thousands of clues that are available to you daily.

We have an opportunity in this interview to explore our states of victim hood.  Let’s face it, during the course of our life we have all been victims.  It is not the fact that we have been victims, it is what we have learned from our transgressions that will help us to over come these states of victim hood.  If we can elevate our awareness of how and why we are reacting to these situations we can become masters of our emotions.

If you would like to learn more about Ned Kraft and his wonderful CDs, please click here to be directed to his website. Ned Kraft is refreshing and has a new perspective on personal mastery.

Paul ScheeleI always enjoy interviewing Paul Scheele because his wisdom and knowledge is so deep, and the message is something that we all need to be reminded of.  In Paul’s new e-book, “Drop into Genius,” he speaks about our natural internal resources of unbridled enthusiasm, curiosity, inspired creativity, intuition, healing, rapid learning, emotional freedom, inner peace that all fall victim of subtle, ongoing discouragement by society.

I know that at one point or another in our lives we have all had a great idea, but because we asked someone or wanted confirmation that it was a good idea from our friends, family or  co-workers they have a tendency to discourage us from pursuing it.   Then we find out several years later that someone else capitalized on our idea–how many of you have had this happen?

If this just might be the case for you, and you want to “Drop Into Genius” and follow through on your intuition then Paul’s book is for you.  As Paul states there is a powerful nonconscious mind within that determines the results you create in life. It is more capable, fast, efficient, and infinitely more intelligent that your limited conscious mind, it is your nonconscious through which your “genius potential is expressed.

When we do make mistakes or fail to learn, the emotional and psychological wounds can go deep.  If we fail to learn, we often learn to fail most successfully. We learn to repeat our failure to learn in spite of anyone’s attempt to help.  For many people it becomes “safer” to be a failure at something than to engage in the messy business of learning.  Paul teaches that we need to pass through stages of confusion and not knowing how to do something.  It is at this point where we make the breakthroughs and new patterns of learning are developed.

If you are ready for a tremendous breakthrough in your learning and personal development then “Drop into Genius” is a must read.  Paul is a genius himself, and the book is an easy read filled with exercises that will help you become aware of your limitations and go beyond them and reach your true potential.  If you would like more information and want to download “Drop into Genius” please click here to be linked to Paul’s website.

Please enjoy my  interview with a very centered, spiritual and knowledgeable author who can teach you a lot about your human potential.

Finding True magicI had the pleasure of recently interviewing Jack Elias the author of, “Finding True Magic“.  Our dialogue was really enlightening, and Jack provided me with a new way of seeing my reality.  Actually much of our discussion was based on providing an understanding of how we are really hypnotized, and our job is to wake up and become un-hypnotized.

This book explores the possibilities for recognizing and freeing ourselves from a destructive process of perceiving, thinking, and acting that can be viewed as a pernicious worldwide epidemic.  Unlike other diseases, which we strive to isolate and cure, this insidious fever has a characteristic that make us blind to it presence: we come to identify it’s symptoms as our very own self.   This disease is lovingly referred to as our ego.   Our author prefers to call is “egoic-minding”, because it is a process not a thing.  Egoic-minding is a fragmented, biased way of perceiving and thinking–it is that hypnotic trance that we are in most of the time.

Our author has synthesized insights and techniques of Eastern and Western philosophy and psychology, “Finding True Magic” explores various ways to disperse the feverish trance of egoic-minding, heal the trauma it causes, and wake us up to the sacred magic of our true Self.  As Jack states, “this true inner Self is the well spring of our capacity for cooperation, community building, and the celebration of life.

Jack Elias

Jack’s mind blowing, thought provoking ideas you really need to listen to, and take action on. This interview could truly transform your relationship with yourself, and more importantly everyone you love.

I can highly recommend  Jack’s book “Finding True Magic” Please  listen to this fascinating interview with a true master of Transpersonal Hypnotherapy and NLP Certification that will provide you with the insights and knowledge to truly heighten your awareness of the habit patterns we are trapped that help to form our reality, but truly are not our reality.

For more information about Jack Elias and his teachings please visit his website by clicking here.